Peachii -> Starship Items (9/30/2012 5:13:19)
Please check the previous posts in this thread to make sure the information you have requested to have added or updated is not already here. Remember to link to the current entry for an entry update, or state that it is a new entry. All entries in this thread should be submitted within [quote][/quote] tags. This thread is not for asking questions. If you have a question, use the MQ Q&A forum Do not use signatures in this board, and check the MQ Encyclopedia Rules before posting. Template: Starship Items [image]<url of SC/NG/Founder/Rare tag if applicable>[/image]
[size=2][b]<Name of Item>[/b][/size]
[b]Location:[/b] [link=<url to shop>]<Name of Shop>[/link]
[b]Equip Slot:[/b] (Pilot / Navigator / Floor / Carpet / Wall)
[b]Special Effects:[/b]
[b]Description:[/b] [i]<Item Description>[/i]
[b]Image:[/b] [image]<Image Link>[/image]