Prophet's Rod of Talados (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Prophet's Rod of Talados (10/7/2012 5:54:59)

Prophet's Rod of Talados

«Mastercraft Magic Energy weapon. Can Control Enemy.»

Also see:
Level: 105
Power Level: 105, Mastercraft
Price: 221,020 Gold
Sellback: 110,510 Gold
Location: Taladosian Set! (The Power of Psionics!)

Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 10 - 28
BTH: 13

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 606.50% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 396.50% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +44 each
Rate: 20%

  • When the special occurs, there is a 13.785*[HitsConnected]% chance of attempting to Control the monster. Level of the Control is 105 and the monster has a 100% of damaging itself on its turn. The duration of the control is either 1* or 2** rounds, depending on the monster's Energy resistance:
    • If the monster's Energy resistance is above 100%:
      • Chance of being controlled for 2 rounds: [Monster's Energy Resistance - 100]%
      • Chance of being controlled for 1 round: [200 - Monster's Energy resistance]%

    • If the monster's Energy resistance is below 100%, the chance of attempting to Control is multiplied by the monster's Energy resistance. For example, at 60% resistance the chance of attempting to control is 8.271*[HitsConnected]%. The duration of the control is always 1 round.
    **The save*** is as follows:
      Level: 105 vs MonsterLevel
      Major: 200 vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    **Energy-type monsters are immune to this effect.

    *The psionic blast leaves your foe under your control for a short time!
    **The psionic blast has put your foe under your control for two rounds!
    ***Your foe resists your psionic control.
    Beings aligned with Energy are immune to this form of Control.

    This powerful staff is capable of unleashing a blast of psionic energy which can compel your foe to strike themselves instead of you!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Genoclysm. Basic stats thanks to CH4OT1C! and big E. Special Messages thanks to Xrai. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Koree, and Xrai.

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