Dragoon23 -> Soothsayer's Taladosian Robes (10/8/2012 1:27:58)
Soothsayer's Taladosian Robes «Mastercraft Energy Armor. Fully Offensive. Has Energy Skill. Full Set Bonus is Damage Boost.» Also see: - Other items of the Soothsayer's Set:
- Other versions of this Armor:
Location: Taladosian Set! (The Power of Psionics!) Element: Energy Type | Z
Level 45 | 11
PowLvl 45 MC | 45 MC
MPLvl 45 | 36
Price 1353 | 715
Sell 676 |S <48h 643
|S >48h 357 COMBAT DEFENCEMelee 33 | 33
Ranged 33 | 33
Magic 36 | 36 ELEMENTAL MODIFIERFire 88 | 88
Water 95 | 95
Wind 95 | 95
Ice 88 | 88
Earth 95 | 95
Energy 78 | 78
Light 88 | 88
Dark 88 | 88 ATTACK #1 Hits: 1 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon»BR% 205.8 | 205.8
Stat% 347.2 | 347.2
+BTH 5 | 5 Rate: 50% ATTACK #2 Hits: 2 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon»BR% 176.4 | 176.4
Stat% 297.6 | 297.6
+BTH 5 | 5 Rate: 40% ATTACK #3 Hits: 3 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon»BR% 166.6 | 166.6
Stat% 281.1 | 281.1
+BTH 5 | 5 Rate 10% SKILL Psionic Blast Hits: 3 Type: If STR+DEX >= INT*3/2 or if STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4, then it's Ranged; else, it's Magic. Element: Energy Damage 17-50 | 17-50
Stat% 175 | 175
+BTH 11 | 11
SP-Mag 125 | 103
SP-Ran 100 | 82 Note: It is treated as a normal player attack. Stat bonus to damage is INT/4 (if Magic) or STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) plus LUK/2 if Lucky Strike occurs. Doesn't apply any effects from your weapon (ie. Nemesis Mace's Bleeding) or accuracy things (ie -5 BTH for *85/80 damage), Non Weapon Effects like IronThorn or Scope would affect it. FULL SET BONUS (Armor+Shield+Weapon) Normal player attacks and weapon specials deal 110% damage. Psionic Blast does 105% damage. * A powerful built-in Energy attack! DESCRIPTION These ceremonial robes imbue you with the powerful psionic abilities of a Taladosian, granting you powerful attacks, great Energy resistance, and increased defence to Magic attacks! [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Armours/TaladosianRobes.jpg[/img] Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Genoclysm. Basic stats thanks to Xrai, mastamaker, Neil 1000000, The Game, majesticstar3800, Thief_Zero, and Skull Kid. Corrections thanks to kittycat and Avalonmerlin. Pop up thanks to sol1tud3. Analysis Normal Attacks start out with:BR% 294 | 294
Stat% 496 | 496
BTH 5 | 5 Attack #1: Does 70% damage. Attack #2: Does 120% damage. With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage. Attack #3: Does 170% damage. With 3 equally powerful hits, each hit does 33% damage. Skill starts out with:Damage 38-114 | 38-114
Stat% 397 | 397
BTH 11 | 11
EleComp 1.32446 | 1.32446 Due to being energy, it gets Elemental Compensation (Elecomp). With 3 equally powerful attacks, each hit does 33% damage. Range SP cost is 80% of Magic SP cost. Updates October 5, 2012: Released March 9, 2013: Skill type updated. Old type was: Type: If INT/4 >= STR/5 + DEX/20, it does Magic damage. Otherwise, it does Ranged damage. December 10, 2013: Price update. Old prices of gold version was:Price 902
Sell 676