=MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (Full Version)

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toidiedud -> =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 18:20:45)

So then why not have a double MtAK? I'm the new guy too so might as well start with an odd thing!

If you've frequented the OOC for a decent amount of time you should know me, whether it's my beard or my slightly unhealthy obsession with D.Gray-Man or something else. So since I randomly became an AK(Apparently I was the only one not to see it coming >.<)this should be fun to do as my first thing to do!


The usual universal forum ones apply
Try to limit 10-20 questions a post, with only posting once a page <3
I'll be replying to questions once, so no editing in more, just to keep it efficient and clean.
Try not to ask anything too personal, cause I will not answer some.
Don't be afraid of asking stupid ones though, we'll be having fun together.

I shall be revealing your answers to various questions in This color. Don't wait too long to ask as I will keep this around for like a week or a bit longer.


DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 18:21:30)

All moglins to rule you rules!!
To be updated :D

Welcome, to the world of... Well, it's still the same world, nevermind that.

So, it's your first time. How does it feel? :P
Pretty awesome and I didn't even burn the Popcorn!
Are you exited?
On a scale of Generic Brand Jelly to Amish Jelly, Smuckers.
Weäve met eachother before, so we don't need much of a presentaion.

Do you like moglins? :P
Pheh if I didn't then what kind of a man would I be?!


Zeuster -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 18:47:16)

Ohaidere ^_^

congratz for the Position..
Thanks :D

This is what i call a odd moment..

I only have 1 question...

Which one pokemon black 2 or white 2?
I'm going for Black 2 since it has Hard Mode and more exclusives I want. MAGMAR!
Other than that bye and good luck ^_^

Kaelin -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 18:53:11)

Do I need to wear pants to this interview? I don't really like to wear them, especially the stuffy business/formal type.
Pants are for the weak!

Are you an alien, or is it just your beard that is an alien? Or is it something else altogether?
Perhaps all four or maybe just the one. It's truly a mystery to behold!

Is it alright if I stalk your AQ character? (That is: I bookmark it and supply advice any time you have a comment or question concerning your character.)
Sure :D
How big is the biggest fire you've ever lit?
Myself not very large, though I did catch a bag of popcorn on fire in the microwave once. Smelt burning. Opened bag, saw fire inside. Closed it and walked away slowly.
What percentage of lightbulbs in your apartment, house, dorm room, whatever are currently turned on?
How often do you wear clothes that are shiny?
I can't find good plate armor that fits so never D:
Do you ever listen to the radio? (Internet streaming counts)
Sometimes, not as often as I used too as kid.
Thank you, and welcome aboard. :D
Happy to be here :D

sean.2 -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 19:01:24)

Yay toidiedud! :D

I only have one question: what emoticon best represents your face at the exact moment you opened that fated PM?!?

Good luck, I know you'll do awesome at this! :)
Let's hope I do <3

sacchi -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 19:29:52)

Hey toi, congrats again.

The only thing that i'm gonna ask you is, why the avvy change? I mean, you dare substitute Lenalee with that blue alien thingy?
I felt like the new position required a slight change, don't worry she's not gone for good. Just a temporary change :D

I promise you that you won't get rickrolled.
You fiend!

Goodbye! Bring back the anime avvies! :D
They shall be!

dethhollow -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 19:59:57)

May I ask you a trick question?

If a dolphin drives a doghouse into the lake, then how many pancakes does it take to pour a bowl of cerial?
None since we didn't start the fire.

Bigfoot... man, or machine?
An android with faulty camouflage gear, so when it bugs you see him blurry.

The everything's OK alarm goes off whenever everything's completely fine.... Is it a great idea, or the greatest idea?

which is the better non-magic force: Equilists or The Rose?
Whichever makes the best Bacon.

Uhh.... If a fish can swim, then neht miws nachsi fafihhu.
I concur.

The proceeding statement was a spell that will turn you into a gween! Using your knolage of anime, how will you stop the transformation?
Catch a Girl falling out of the sky who has a pendant as the only thing from her parents as she was abandoned, then going on a quest where the villain ends up not the main villain and becomes your ally and you suddenly realize the pendant unlocks the great secret of the kingdom in which you unlock it and realize you are the hero of Destiny and then blow up the Moon/Boss.

Thank you for your time, and enjoy your newly found fourm-based powers!

Master K -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 20:05:31)

I don't always participate in MtAK...but when I do,

So, how does it feel to become an AK?
Which pokemon generation was your favorite? Mines crossed between 3rd and 5th, more lenient to 5th.
Second is my most nostalgic but third is probably my favorite.
Listen to any Skrillex?
What part of the forums did you originally 'frequent', if any? Mine was the RP Boards.
OOC room back when it was insane.
How many AE games do you play?
Mostly AQ at this point in time.

Now, how many have you upgraded in?
AQ, DF and AQW.
Finally, when does the narwhal bacon?
Half past the capital.
Once again, congrats on your newfound power. Please don't smite me.
*Le poof off into the darkness*

netosmar -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 21:18:20)


Well, have nothing that important to ask you, so I'll have to do with random randomness!

So, how does it feel to have a Breathtaking Beard?
Warm. And slightly amazing :D
Who is your favorite fictional character ever?
Tough one. I'd have to say Cyborg 004, Albert Heinrich.
How do I become good in LoL?
Constant practice.
Anything you really want to do as an AK?
Something awesome.
Can the bacon be trusted?
Only if you know whence it came.
Do you go where you please?
Meh, can't think of anything else. Have fun being an AK!

Enzeru -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 21:46:47)

What is your zombie survival plan?
There's a local museum in town, not on maps so it shouldn't be a hot spot. Well situated and built with some old weapons inside.Also I'm in the south so no gun worries.
How were you captured?
I don't even know.
How big of a cell did they give you?
Less than half.
Any plans of escape?
Shawshank Redemption.
What do they feed you?
Cookies!Or at least thats what they tell me.
Where is the prison located?
I was blindfolded on transit.
What do you think of the warden?

Seahawk -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/8/2012 23:49:43)

Hmm.. two of these in the same day. Now I have to go and be original and think of a new batch of questions...

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? And also if he had a chainsaw, and possibly a chipper-shredder...
A schools paper supply.
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
She married Waldo and changed her last name to Wayne.
For that matter, where's Waldo?
^See above. The rest explains why they're never found.
Coke or Pepsi?
Coke for sure. Especially Vanilla Coke :D
Win, Lose, or Draw?
Celestia or Luna?
Do you feel like I'm short-changing you because I used my usual stable of obnoxious questions over in sean.2's thread and I'm making this up as I go?
More like exact change mon frere!
Are you rethinking my earlier advice to run while you still had a chance? ('Cause it's too late now!)
I'm lazy D:
Are you wondering why they let the obviously crazy person administer the forums? (Ok, I repeated that one)
Pheh if you wernt I'd be worried.

Brownie -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 4:23:49)

I take a short break from the forums, and come back to see everyone I knew is either gone or an AK now.

I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that but what they hey.

Congrats on AK-ship Toidiedude. May you not burn everything down too fast.

vulkan -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 5:18:13)

Hello! Nice to meet you.

What is your favorite food?
If a train crashed and there was no one around, would it make a sound?
Only with a clown.
If it started raining your favorite food, what would you do?
Dance the tango solo.
what is your favorite ae game?

thats all! Bye Bye!

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 10:25:16)

I have nothing else much to say besides congrats! It's great seeing a seasoned OOC guy get the position. :P

Hope you get used to the new responsibilities with relative ease, let me know if you need anything at all.

OmniM -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 10:31:44)

Hello and grats on your "promotion!" *gives out a badge to you* Anyway, questions!

What is your favorite computer game?
Oregon Trail.
What type of genre you like in these categories: anime, video game, music, and book?
In Order:Romance, Adventure,Jazz,Thriller.
Who is your favorite anime character?
Allen Walker from D.Gray-Man.
The least favorite?
Ash Ketchum past season 2.
Mass Effect Reaper versus the Grim Reaper. Who will win?
If this is to assume the Billy and Mandy version, that one.
What's the craziest idea you ever come up with?
Do you watch Friendship is Magic?
Discord best pony.
You're stuck in a room with two fictional characters you like to meet. Who are they?
Cyborg 004 and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.
Which is better: immortality or all-powerful?
If the immortality includes eternal youth then it, however if not then All-Powerful.
What is your favorite type of dog?
You are fighting Groundon, a legendary pokemon. You have no pokeballs (including the other ones) and you only have a sword. How would you fight it?
Go all Shadow of the Collosus on it, climbing onto it's back and stabbing it in a glowing weak spot.
That's all! *vanishes*

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 12:02:55)

Hello there~!

So, do you know me? I sometimes went to OOC and talk about anime.
Dunno :P
I give you three guess on my MOST favorite anime! Guess!
Cutie Honey, Cutie Honey, Cutie Honey.
I can't think of much question.

*hands over muffin* It has been a while since I do this to an AK

Well, have fun with your new position~ :)

draketh99 -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 12:42:18)

Todie! Congrats!

So, question one. How's the chip in the back of your neck feel?
Will we be seeing more dragonflies in the news?
No idea D:
Is the OOC going to die to to inactivity? (Just joking :P )
We can rebuild it. We have the technology!
Can you prove the existance of ghosts, aliens or dragons? etc?
Oh goodness the feels.
Added nostalgia bombs aside, how are the shiny buttons?
Blinding :D
Do you have your AK catchphrases down?
Wasn't thinking about it XD
How do you feel about the color purple? Melissa is always watching.
Anyway, that's it for now. Best of luck and congratulations once again!

raylas -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 13:20:51)

Grats on the AK-Ship!

How does it feel to know that you're part of the horde?
One of us.One of us.One of us.

Are they feeding you?
I'm not allowed to divulge that information.

Even if they are feeding you, here's some cookies shaped like dragonflies.
Favorite movies?
Back to the Future Part One.

Win, place, or show?
As a competitive Yugioh player I'd say place. Since you NEVER want to get 1st in a big tourney. Since everyone will decide to counter you.

Can you help me find my sanity?
Let's look for ours together!

Seven robots are attacking you and you have a six shooter, what do you do?
Start bashing in skulls since it's out of ammo.

Favorite Pokemon?

And finally, the first question ever: Dr. Who?

That's all for me, enjoy the new buttons! :D

darksampson -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 18:05:32)

Finally, I actually get to be a part of one of these before it gets locked >_< thought it would never happen

Grats on the Akness Its horrifying great to see a fellow anime fan subjected raised to such slavery heights!

Anyway, seeing as I mostly know you through anime, most of my questions will be anime focused :D

Top 5 favorite anime?
D.Gray-Man, .hack//SIGN, Honey and Clover, Baccano, Cyborg 009.
Top 5 favorite anime chars?
Allen Walker, Cyborg 004, Firo, Millennium Earl, Domon.
Top 5 favorite anime villains?
Black Ghost, Millennium Earl, Dark Gundam, Shishio Makoto, Pegasus.
How did you start watching anime?
Old Toonami when it was in it's heydey.
What was the last anime you fully completed and what are your thoughts on it?
N/A I havn't go to see a full anime for months so it's not fair D:
Same as above, except for manga
N/A sane as above.
If you could insert yourself in any anime universe which one would it be?
Pokemon for sure.
If you could have any anime superpower what would it be (the 4 Marvel anime don't count... they were kinda terrible anyway)
Reality Bending.
Anime ending that left you the most frustrated? (not necessary the worst)
The End of Evangellion. I FAR prefer the original ending.
Best anime romance?
Honey and Clover.
Okay thats all for now

sacchi -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/9/2012 18:46:28)

Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?
Definitely one Horse Sized Duck. Cause Ducks aint small yo!
Xplayer was gonna ask you that, but I wanted to beat him to it ;)
Question stealer :( ~Xplayer

Sephiroth -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/10/2012 2:17:12)

Hmm yet another AK joins the army? I see! very well then...
Congrats! from i the One Winged Angel that showers despair upon all!

I don't have that many questions but...

1- Your favorite Final Fantasy? If you ever played one.
Final Fantasy Tactics:War of the Lions

2- Along with that question, Favorite Villain/Hero or even character of the Final Fantasy series?

3- Well moving along, what is perhaps your favorite video game of all time? That game you just can't replace with any, and adore.
4- What would you choose in a fight? A Gunblade or...a ''GunKatana''? A Gunblade like the one that Squall has, and a ''GunKatana'' like the ones that Omega Weiss from Dirge of Ceberus had.
I can't choose Gun and Katana? :(
5- My oh my, a very important question now...Pokemon or Digimon?

6- In regard with the upper question, favorite Pokemon/Digimon? If you say Omnimon for Digimon, i'll give you a trophy of respect...along with despair...You like Geostigma too right?

7- Has there even been a Book, Movie, Video Game, Anime or something like that, ever made a big change in your life? or perhaps a slight change? You don't need to say personal details of course, just the usual casual things, for example FFIX changed me, into believing in friendship and memories.
You may skip this question if you wish so sire.
Earthbound. Never has any other game influenced my life as a child nearly as much.

8- The stage is set, let's prepare for a small showdown...
One Piece...or...Naruto? and by that following statement...Pirates? Or Ninjas? *Insert le drama drumsroll somewhere around here...*
One Piece, Pirates.
9- Almost to the end! don't give up! the race is almost over! Buuut oooh nooooo! It suddenly started raining adorable Nyan Kittens everywhere! and your so close to the finishing line! what will you do?!
10- The time has come...for the final question in which even the gods themselves can't answer or resolve for that matter...
Are you ready? Young gentle kind soul?

Here is the final question...

Maybe baby?

And now i beg your pardon ''Mi'lord'' as i must go, my people need me.
After all i have two jobs...
Being Caius Ballad and Sephiroth isn't easy...
Goodbye now!
*Wooshed away in rainbows and unicorns and ponies*

Golden Emperor -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/10/2012 14:09:26)

You hear heavy thumping, and the ground shaking... earthquake?
*A shiny golden figure appears, dazzling all who looks at him, riding a massive robot bear he refers to as Arcadius.*

Greetings, toidiedud!

1) How are you liking MtAKing so far?
It's fun.

2) Favorite set to wear around? (All of my specific questions are AQ)
Nightmare, as it was my first Uber set. Both names are outdated XD

3) If you could build an army of monsters, which ones would you choose?

4) How's Arcanum's hygiene?

5) Your new avatar gives me the creeps...mind changing it? (Only joking, it's cool)

6) Why are you a wereprye? (And don't just try I got bitten by wolfwing [8D])
It was the only option back then other than Vampire and Werewolf.

7) You should take up warring if you have some spare time, it's great friendly competition. [;)]
I do :P

8) Fav thing about being an AK?
Shiny stuff.

9) Most visually appealing NPCs?
ALL the ladies! :D

10) Do you get depressed living in Darkovia?
It's pwetty.

11) If you had to leave Aerodu, which clan would you join?
The Ice one.

12) Looking forward to the 10th anny?
Seeing as I forgot about it?Definitely.

And last but not least come and visit AQ, we have the most friendly community (IMO) in all of AE. [:D]

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/10/2012 14:47:29)


I guess I'm forced to come up with original questions after all.

1. What's your dream otaku purchase? (includes DVDs, BRs, Memorabilia, merchandise, but something physical, a full expense paid trip to Akihabara doesn't count. That's all our dreams :P)
An Actual Size Panty and Stocking Statue.
2. If you could instantly become one of the best players in the world of any game (video game or otherwise), what would it be?
League of Legends.
3. Any webcomic recs? (the EF can't seem to support a webcomic thread...)
I don't do many webcomics and the one I'd reccomend I can't say here.
4. What about you doesn't fit the generic nerd/otaku stereotype?
I have a job in the field of gaming! And a nice beard.
5. If you were given permission to jump off any manmade structure in the world (with a parachute, and assuming you'd use it properly to survive), would you and if so, what would it be?
My back porch and keep the parachute. I HATE HEIGHTS D:
6. If I gave you $1000 and told you to spend/invest it within 24 hours or it's gone (i.e. you can't keep it in cash, even in a bank), what would you do with it?
Order a large multitude of Yugioh Cards.
7. What's the best commercial you've ever seen?
8. Given the choice, would you wish to live until the end of the world (i.e. when the rest of humanity is wiped out, you'd die with them. And for the sake of argument, let's say you remain middle aged for the rest of your life)?
Only if I didn't get married.
9. Doctor?
10. Are you better at thinking inside the box, outside the box, or inside the chimney?
The sewers.
That's all. Enjoy your new chains!

TJByrum -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/10/2012 19:50:34)

Wow, congratulations todiedude. You and Travis Touchdown surprised me when I saw you were AK's.

Wildroses -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/11/2012 9:18:04)


Congratulations again, and good luck with the new responsibilities.

So, what's the weirdest manga you've ever read?
After school nightmare is one that comes to mind, since its one of the few weird ones I actually finished.
Have you ever read any manhwa?
Some but not too much.
It came to mind because I read a manhwa recently which I thought was extremely weird and unusual, even by my standards.

Did that last statement boggle your mind?
It was called The Antique Gift Shop by Eun Lee, if you are intrigued.
I've actually heard that before. *puts on list*
Although if you are going to read a manhwa based on my recommendations, it should be I Wish... by Hyun-Joo Seo. I Wish... is obscure, weird, funny and totally awesome, which appears to be my entire criteria for manga and manhwa.
Reading that gave me a mini-derp but I'll check it out.
Any manga or manhwa you want to recommend to me?
Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge.
That's it for me. I'll be seeing you around.

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