RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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jon680 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/26/2012 21:05:24)

Weren't there updates on the drumchuk series?

They (along with higher versions of Horn of Pwnzy) were added recently, not when the Harvest Festival was first released last week. - Dragoon23

Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/27/2012 15:01:40)

Oops, sorry, I thought I posted these already >.<


Horn of Pwny

Previously, the wepaons were randomly Melee or Magic... so I just turned them all to Melee, and gave them the ability to switch to Magic by clicking on them. While in Magic form, they do 75% Base/Rand damage.

(This doesn't take a penalty or need MCing or anything, since one form will ~always be superior.)

All the gold versions are rare; only the Z versions are still around.

No BTH modifiers on anything.
Level	5	15	35	55	70	85	77	45	103	126	139
Type	-	G	-	-	-	-	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	5	23	35	55	70	85	87	63	113	136	149
Base	3	5	6	7	8	9	9	8	11	12	13
Rand	8	14	17	22	25	27	28	22	31	35	37
BtH	1	3	4	7	9	11	11	8	14	17	19
Proc	26	26	26	26	26	26	26	26	26	26	26
SBR	1.92	3.46	4.6	6.6	8.1	9.58	9.75	7.41	11.73	12.91	13.27
SLS	1.33	2.52	3.31	4.63	5.62	6.61	6.74	5.16	8.46	9.98	10.83
SBtH	3	10	15	23	30	36	37	27	47	52	53
Price	32	43	162	1115	5235	24945	5700	1650	8400	10650	12100
Sell	16	21	81	557	2617	12472	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z


Again, these were randomly Melee or Ranged, so I made them all Melee; click to switch to Ranged. There's no damage penalty or anything since it's MC. (For characters with STR & DEX, both forms are usable.)

Normal player attacks with the wepaon gain +3 BTH and deal 85/88 damage. The weapon's own Special takes +5 BTH and deals 85/90 damage.
Elem	Dark	Light	Fire	Energy	Water	Dark	Light	Fire
Level	8	22	48	64	78	101	124	147
Type	-	-	G	-	-	-	-	G
PLvl	8	22	53	64	78	101	124	150
Base	4	7	10	11	12	14	16	18
Rand	8	9	15	17	19	22	24	27
BtH	1	3	7	8	10	13	16	19

Proc	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
SBR	3.08	4.86	9.3	10.85	12.68	15.74	18.06	18.83
SLS	1.53	2.45	4.5	5.22	6.15	7.67	9.18	10.9
SBtH	4	9	23	27	33	42	50	53

MCPrice	38	67	606	3092	13231	145602	1605158	17698617
MCSell	19	33	303	1546	6615	72801	802579	8849308

Done thanks! - Dragoon23

The Game -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/28/2012 5:17:23)


The image of Frozen Flagpole is broken. Here's a new one.

Got this thanks! - Dragoon23

mythicswords -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 6:08:43)

The guardian tag on the Z-blades scythe Replicas on, the list per element and level are missing.

Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 15:20:07)


Hunting Horn

100% proc Magic Earth weapon.

Deals Melee damage, but you use INT/8 *0.75 for damage (+LUK/2 on a Lucky Strike), and INT/16 + CHA/16 +LUK/20 for BTH.

Deals *1.02 damage, due to the lack of a real Special.

Mastercraft, because of the weird stat bonuses.

Level	11	40	62	87	112	125	140
Type	Z	G	Z	Z	G	Z	Z
PLvl	45	45	75	97	115	135	150
Base	6	6	8	9	10	11	12
Rand	12	12	16	18	20	22	23
BtH	6	6	9	12	14	17	19

BowBR	235	235	325	391	445	505	550
BowStat	397	397	595	740	859	991	1090
BowBTH	5	5	9	12	14	16	18

MCPrice	715	279	3355	7865	458841	11550	13475
MCSell	Z	139	Z	Z	229420	Z	Z

DiscMC$	501	196	2349	5506	321189	8085	9433
DiscMC$	Z	98	Z	Z	160594	Z	Z

Ice Longbow

Two hits, Ranged Ice. It deals *85/79 damage and takes -6 BTH. This is a bow attack, so it's treated as a normal player attack and everything.

There's no real Special, so the bow attack deals *1.02 damage.
Level	5	23	41	59	77	95	113	131
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
PLvl	5	23	41	59	77	95	113	131

Base	4	6	8	9	11	12	13	15
Rand	6	12	15	19	21	24	27	28
BtH	1	3	5	7	10	12	14	16

BowBR	115	169	223	277	331	385	439	493
BowStat	133	252	371	489	608	727	846	965
BowBTH	0	2	5	7	9	11	14	16

Price	32	65	279	1679	10839	70781	463009	3029577
Sell	16	32	139	839	5419	35390	231504	1514788


Level	15	48	81	114	147
Type	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	23	53	84	117	150

Base	6	9	11	14	16
Rand	12	17	23	26	31
BtH	3	7	11	15	19

BowBR	169	259	352	451	550
BowStat	252	450	654	872	1090
BowBTH	2	6	10	14	18

Price	43	551	16441	513937	16089652
Sell	21	275	8220	256968	8044826

Zombie Bane Staff (It's too big to be a sceptre any more. *sniff* Our little weapon is all grown up ;_;)

Mastercraft - Deals *1.1 damage against undead and zombies, with no downtrigger.

The Special deals *0.75 damage:
# If you MP is below 60%, then you heal HP equal to *0.125 of a Special and you heal MP equal to *0.1875 of a Special.
# If your MP is above 60%, then you heal HP equal to *0.25 of a Special.

Err, *0.85 damage on all that healing, since they auto-hit.
Level	11	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
Type	Z	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PLvl	45	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153

Base	6	6	7	8	9	10	10	11	12
Rand	12	12	14	16	17	18	21	22	24
BtH	6	6	8	9	11	13	15	17	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	6.07	6.07	7.71	9.31	10.81	12.13	13.2	13.96	14.35
SLS	3.97	3.97	4.96	5.95	6.94	7.93	8.92	9.91	11.1
SBtH	19	19	26	32	38	44	50	51	54

MCPrice	715	451	2047	9682	46218	221020	1057377	5059008	24205167
MCSell	Z	225	1023	4841	23109	110510	528688	2529504	12102583

Done Thanks! - Dragoon23

Tha Killa -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 17:31:08)


New description for the Zombie Bane Staff!

This powerful staff is used by the Battlemages of the Paladin Order to strike down Undead and Zombies. The Battlemage Khold forged these sceptres due to his undeathly fear of zombies.

Shouldn't the 'sceptres' be changed to 'staffs' in the description?

Got it thanks! In Media Res has changed 'sceptres' to 'staves' - Dragoon23

Shadow Genesis -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 17:49:46)


About the Zombie Bane Staff Trigger:

<AFKammy> Er, it's got the Undead trigger too. I copied the trigger right from Golden Axe >.>

Courtesy of Rasudido via Kamui

Got this thanks! - Dragoon23

Paradoxical Enigma -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 17:50:31)

Image for Zombie Bane Staff:


Already have an Image. In addition, this is a PNG image. We only take Jpegs or Gifs. See AQ Encyclopedia Standards and Guidelines for more details - Dragoon23

Avalonmerlin -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 18:08:31)

You've taken PNGs plenty of times. Such as

Then they need to be converted to Jpeg/Gifs. Rules are as follows:


Save your screenshots in a file size compressing graphics format, i.e. JPEG or GIF. If possible, some editing programs have a “Save for Web” option that will compress it.

Refrain from saving images in a .png format as it preserves the image quality the best, but is not so efficient in compressing file sizes within the stated size limit below, and isn't compatible in all browser windows.
- Dragoon23

Also, just because we slipped up a few times in the past doesn't change the rules. ~IMR

Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2012 21:42:29)


New Harvest Staves. Y'know, since mages haven't gotten enough love today yet.

The Special deals *0.5 damage, split amongst the three hits. Then it does a fourth hit of *0.85*0.5 healing damage.
Level	25	11	40	45	49	66	85	105	125	145
Type	-	Z	G	-	Z	-	G	-	-	G
PLvl	25	45	45	45	66	66	88	105	125	148

Base	5	6	6	6	7	7	9	10	11	12
Rand	9	12	12	12	16	16	17	18	20	23
BtH	3	6	6	6	8	8	11	13	16	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	3.96	6.07	6.07	6.07	8.36	8.36	10.62	12.13	13.49	14.3
SLS	2.65	3.97	3.97	3.97	5.36	5.36	6.81	7.93	9.25	10.77
SBtH	11	19	19	19	28	28	38	44	50	53

Price	74	650	254	410	1900	3457	24945	200927	1619748	13058727
Sell	37	Z	127	205	Z	1728	12472	100463	809874	6529363

In progress - Dragoon23

ruleandrew -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/30/2012 0:48:02)

The previous old level 92 Zombie Bane Sceptre become level 90 Zombie Bane Sceptre. In Media Res, do you know the fate of the other level versions old Zombie Bane Sceptre (in terms of level version of Zombie Bane Staff)?

11/38/65/92 are now 45/60/75/90. Respectively. ~IMR

Abaraa -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/30/2012 6:07:25)

Image for Hunting Horn(Magic Earth Weapon):
Description: This small horn has the power to summon forth a pack of magical hunting dogs! The dogs attack with Melee damage, but they use your intellect, charisma, and luck to determine how ferocious they are!

Hunting Horn entries are already up. In the future, please check if the information you are posting is redundant or not. Furthermore, please check if Numbers for the item ( like what In Media Res posts) in the info sub is quoted or not. If the information is quoted, it means an AK is working on said entries and doesn't need any further information.

This is a PNG image. We only take Jpegs or Gifs. See AQ Encyclopedia Standards and Guidelines for more details- Dragoon23

Tep Itaki -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/2/2012 1:25:12)

Since it was brought up...New image for the Luminous Wyrm Spear in JPEG form


Thanks for the image. But I decided to use my own converted image.- Dragoon23

Also, I want to point out that, in game, there is a G at the end of Luminous Wyrm Spear

EDIT: I'm forever sorry for bringing this up [:(]

Ranloth -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/2/2012 6:03:51)

I really don't get how you managed to up the size to 37kb as opposed to mine which is PNG and 26kb. So my PNG ended up still smaller and better quality than JPEG. Unless compatibility > size in this case.
Here's my converted version from the entry: - smaller size than above + PNG, and converted to JPEG.

Thanks for the image. But I decided to use my own converted image. - Dragoon23

Golden Emperor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/2/2012 20:29:42)

There is a problem with the wind magic weapons list or the weapon in question's listed attack type itself. The the exterminator is in the wrong list as it is said to do magic damage instead of melee.

[:o] *Face desk* [:'(] Thanks guys. [:(]

Gold -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/2/2012 20:36:27)

There are multiple versions of the Exterminator.

Tha Killa -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/2/2012 20:38:16)

^One deals Wind Melee damage and one deals magic energy damage. There's no mistake.

ruleandrew -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2012 4:15:13)


Custom weapon quest (the new version in 2012!)

Shop location: Custom weapon
Weapon name: custom spear/ custom staff/ custom sword
Weapon type: ranged/ magic/ melee

Level version of these custom weapon (same for all three version): 6; 22; 38; 54; 70; 86; 102; 118; 134; 150
Buying price of these custom weapon (same for all three version): 33; 61; 211; 1007; 5235; 27686; 146923; 780179; 4143334; 22004697

Weapon minimum damage for custom spear and custom sword: 5; 7; 8; 9; 10; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16
Weapon maximum damage for custom spear and custom sword: 15; 19; 24; 28; 32; 34; 38; 41; 45; 48

Weapon minimum damage for custom staff: 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 10; 11; 12
Weapon maximum damage for custom staff: 11; 15; 18; 21; 23; 26; 28; 32; 34; 36

Default lean on base/random (same for all three version): 0.5

FOR EACH CUSTOM WEAPON (same for all three version): each blade will have handle, gem and hilt component.

Lean on bonus to hit (depend on what handle you hunt for): +5; +4; +3; +2; +1; 0; -1; -2; -3; -4; -5
Damage modification due to the bonus hit lean: 85/90; 85/89; 85/88; 85/87; 85/86; 85/85; 85/84; 85/83; 85/82; 85/81; 85/80

Special rate (depend on what gem you hunt for): 0%; 10%; 20%; 30%

Element (depend on what hilt you hunt for): fire; water; earth; ice; wind; energy; light; dark
Added, thanks! ~Koree

v23 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2012 5:16:53)


If you have not completed the Custom Weapon, it is invisible when equipped*, its base element is darkness, and does 0 darkness damage when you attack with it.

*This weapon is incomplete!

The weapon name changes from Custom Sword/Spear/Staff to your set name and description changes when you first equip it after making any changes to your inventory in a shop or logging in: You forged this potent weapon from a [weapon type], and a [handle], embedded with a [gem], and topped with a [hilt].
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Tep Itaki -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2012 5:26:00)

@ruleandrew: I believe the numerators on the damage modifiers stay at a constant 85, it's the denominator that changes depending on the accuracy lean

Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2012 5:48:13)


Custom Weapon

The hilt controls the element:
    fire ore: Fire
    seashell: Water
    stone: Earth
    ice: ... Snuggles >_> <_<
    solidified wind: Wind
    bronze: Energy
    golden: Light
    obsidian: Darkness
The handle controls the lean. The weapon does *85/(85+X) damage and gains +X BTH on all normal player attacks. On the weapon's own special, it gains +2*X BTH and deals *85/(85+2*X) damage.
    normal: +0
    puissant: -5
    mighty: -4
    powerful: -3
    potent: -2
    strong: -1
    well-balanced: +1
    superior: +2
    excellent: +3
    masterwork: +4
    perfect: +5
The gem controls Special:

    clear: 20%
    flashing: 0% (Weapon deals *1.09 damage on all normal player attacks and weapon specials)
    cloudy: 10%
    swirling: 30%
    shining: 20% + Burn
    glowing: 20% + Paralysis

    Burn: The Special is one hit, Magic. It does 50% damage. If it connects and deals >0 damage, then the monster makes a save:
    Level: Plvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: VStat vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    If it fails, then the mosnter becomes Burnt (level = Plvl, element = current element; 5 rounds; power = 3 *85/(85+2*BTH), *0.75 if Magic).

    Paralysis: The Special is one hit, Magic. The damage is... uh, we'll get to that in a sec ^^; If it connects and deals >0 damage, then the monster makes a save with a +10 bonus:
    Level: Plvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: VStat vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    If it fails, then it becomes Paralysed for one round.

    Since I can't dynamically modify how powerful the Paralysis is (one turn is one turn), the Special's damage changes based on your weapon BTH.

    The paralysis is worth P = 1.4*0.85*0.4*(85+2*BTH)/85 damage.
    The Special starts off as S = 1.5*85/(85+2*BTH). Err, that *0.75 for Magic.

    So, in total, the Special deals (S - P)/S damage.
    BTH	-5	-4	-3	-2	-1	0	1	2	3	4	5
    Mel/Ran	0.75294	0.73959	0.72589	0.71183	0.69742	0.68267	0.66756	0.65210	0.63629	0.62012	0.60361
    Magic	0.67059	0.65279	0.63451	0.61577	0.59657	0.57689	0.55674	0.53613	0.51505	0.49350	0.47148

    Oh, and for all that VStat stuff:
    Level	6G	22G	38G	54G	70G	86G	102G	118G	134G	150G
    VStat	45	75	105	135	165	200	200	200	200	200

The last part depends on your weapon tier.

Melee/Ranged stats:
Melee	umazenium	serrated	warped	granite	razor iron	crystal	arcanium	shadowsteel	double-golden	starmetal
Ranged	barbed	lacerating	solid	razor	crystal	swift	tri-pronged	dragoon lance	golden	vicious hooked

Level	6	22	38	54	70	86	102	118	134	150
Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	15	29	43	58	73	89	105	121	137	153

Base	5	7	8	9	10	12	13	14	15	16
Rand	10	12	16	19	22	22	25	27	30	32
BtH	2	4	5	7	9	11	13	15	17	19

Proc	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
SBR	3.95	5.82	7.86	10.04	12.15	14.01	16.22	17.81	18.77	18.77

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.98	4.37	5.86	7.49	9.1	10.71	12.13	13.26	14.03	14.35

Proc	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
SBR	2.66	3.89	5.19	6.64	8.08	9.61	10.77	11.74	12.45	12.88

SLS	1.99	2.91	3.84	4.83	5.82	6.87	7.93	8.99	10.04	11.1
SBtH	7	12	18	25	31	38	44	50	52	54

Price	33	61	211	1007	5235	27686	146923	780179	4143334	22004697
Sell	16	30	105	503	2617	13843	73461	390089	2071667	11002348

Name	floating-orbed	blazing-orbed	flowing-orbed	glowing-orbed	crystal-orbed	twisted-orbed	dense-orbed	luminous-orbed	darkling-orbed	pure crystal

Level	6	22	38	54	70	86	102	118	134	150
Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	15	29	43	58	73	89	105	121	137	153

Base	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	10	11	12
Rand	7	10	12	14	15	17	18	22	23	24
BtH	2	4	5	7	9	11	13	15	17	19

Proc	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
SBR	3.96	5.85	7.86	10.06	12.11	14.07	16.2	17.88	18.77	18.77

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.98	4.37	5.86	7.49	9.1	10.71	12.13	13.26	14.03	14.35

Proc	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
SBR	2.66	3.88	5.19	6.63	8.1	9.59	10.77	11.72	12.45	12.88

SLS	1.99	2.91	3.84	4.83	5.82	6.87	7.93	8.99	10.04	11.1
SBtH	7	12	18	25	31	38	44	50	52	54

Price	33	61	211	1007	5235	27686	146923	780179	4143334	22004697
Sell	16	30	105	503	2617	13843	73461	390089	2071667	11002348
Aaaaall done. Thanks! ~Koree

Sakurai the Cursed -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/4/2012 5:30:25)

How should the images of the custom weapon parts be done? Should it be like the current entry that has them all shown via random combinations? There are 30 "blades" now, so that's a minimum of 30 images shown to the viewer en masse; it seems rather impractical.

I would kindly request for all potential contributors to not post any screenshots of their Custom Weapon. Koree has something worked out. Many thanks, though. ~ Ward_Point

DarkDevil -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/4/2012 9:56:22)


i wanna suggest making an apendix for the custom weapons instead of the 1 post thing and puting codes where it can be easier to calculate without and with using an apendix
No worries, us AKs have already worked out something for this as mentioned by Ward_Point above. ~whacky

Gold -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/4/2012 23:20:51)

What is there to calculate? It's really simple, your custom weapon always does the same damage, the gem alters specials, the handle changes accuracy, and the hilt changes element.

Dragoon23 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/6/2012 8:21:27)


Art collectionz XD


Now time for my nap -.-zzz
Added, thanks! ~Koree

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