=AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/13/2012 22:07:39)

Keep all storyline discussion here.

Stories are located here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20761164

ND Mallet -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/13/2012 22:24:13)

Not sure if I should be worried or flattered that I'm the example.

Muchiha -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/13/2012 22:36:23)

Flattered. Definitely flattered ND [:D]

TitanDragonLord -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/14/2012 8:15:31)

Done mine, have a read if you want [:)]

Zeuster -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/14/2012 9:19:38)

My story is done with chapter 1 read if you wish

Wootz -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/14/2012 10:03:31)

Made my part.

Chesset -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/14/2012 10:52:04)

Done with mine, decided that evil, I mean, EBIL, needed to win in one of the stories.
Please read and give commentary, planning on writing a story soon and need to know how i am doing.

Kinzdor -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/14/2012 23:03:17)

Posted my DF news, I`ve been so time consumed that I didn`t get to start the solo news (memo`s this war I belive) for MQ

Cataclysm -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/14/2012 23:04:08)

Don't have a bunch of time today, I forgot about a lot of stuff. I'll get to writing tomorrow though. I'm already aware of what I want to do with my story. I'd probably take on a third character in my idea but I haven't the foggiest of a characterization for my MQ character.

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/15/2012 8:29:19)

My story is Posts 19 and 21
One is AQW AND One is MQ
AQW story is about Redemption
MQ story is about Revenge
and the stories will be updated every day!

Chesset -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/15/2012 18:15:15)

Updated, Chapter 2
still looking for commentary if anyone is willing to give some.

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/15/2012 18:21:20)

Would someone please comment on my story?
It's the 1st thing in months that i have wrote since i get Writer's Block quite a lot.
But this is a idea that i'm so massively inspired for.

Chesset -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/15/2012 18:27:30)

Well, the plotline seems good, but maybe you should spend some more time writing in details and transitioning. And spelling, but the point gets across so that is not completely nessescary

nerotic pheonix -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/15/2012 21:56:41)

Anyone like mine? I took time to write it.

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/16/2012 9:12:24)

Yeah i was going to make it smoother in transitioning but well since it's October Week,i don't get much Computer Time
and i have a ending in mind from MQ and the AQW,i'm stuck between 2 possible endings

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/16/2012 19:15:41)

Even though it was short, mine's kinda felt a bit sad and dark at the same time.

nerotic pheonix -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/16/2012 20:58:02)

[:(] No one mentions mine....D: [:(]

Emoticons deleted. Usage of more than three emoticons in a single post qualifies as spam. -Faerdin

Cataclysm -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/17/2012 3:39:43)

Got my first part done. Though they begin at the same point, they diverge into two different games - AQ and DF, keenly titled "The Battleon Assault" and "The Falconreach Assault." It's going to be interesting to try to do two concurrent stories. I don't usually do this but hey, I also usually don't war for the sake of entire companies.

bear wind -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/27/2012 10:14:23)

Looking at other's stories, I see I messed up by not making Chapters or Days. Read if you want, even though I did terrible.

ecdavies -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (10/27/2012 20:11:22)

removed by author

Hellsbane -> RE: =AE= Ebilcorp Threat-10th Anniversary war Oct2012 Discussion (1/30/2013 15:52:39)

If anyone does read mine, tell me if itd be ok to go into more detail, since the level its at doesnt seem enough when I apply it to a Horc piece Im writing up on.

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