Energy steal BM? (Full Version)

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Mysterion. -> Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 5:53:28)

Well, i was a blood mage before, and i could never steal energy from someone.

And that bothered me a lot. Sow why dont they have a energy steal option?

Because i think that that is one of the best kinds of smart playing, and everybody else has it?

Sow where in skill tree?
I would take bludgeon or fireball instead.
because they already have plasma cannon and the one that will not be removed for energy steal.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 5:56:46)

No way! This just makes BM even more Op!
They are already OP with deadly aim and bloodlust!
Stealing energy helps them use reflex boost or energy shield or helps them heal...
It would cause chaos! They would be nerfed instantly.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 5:57:51)

BM is already OP with deadly aim stacked with bloodlust and intimidate and yet you want to give them another skill that would make them more op? ridiculous

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:02:11)

Assimilation would not be OP if bludgeon would be removed.

Have you ever seen a STR BM with no bludgeon?

That would break there OP, because bludgeon is probably one of there best skills except for DA and BL.

And i dont find BM even OP. I faced one BM with 5 focus build 8 times in 2 days as a TLM nd guess what?
I won all 8 battles, cant call that luck.
The blood mage had a 94% win ratio and i beated him all battles sow BM is not OP in my opinion

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:04:34)

bludgeon can be avoided or disabled with emp but DA is always there to deal more damage

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:13:40)

Thats true but still DA is still Deflectable. And still, i find that they arent OP at all.
The only OPed class is BH.

And assimilation can get max 5 energy to yourself so OP?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:16:00)

i have tried a BM build that can pwn countless BHs. replace DA with a weaker energy drain skill is better. you steal 1 energy for each strike you do

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:23:49)

Assimilation is already the weakest Energy stealing skill, and it fits into the Tech/Blood mage category so whats the problem?

And of course, BM can always pwn BH. But the other way around too.
I tried BH STR build, and it was just a matter of who started first in battle

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:26:47)

It may be the weakest but it does do some damage...

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:28:40)

its either you dont know how to use the true potential of bm or u just a bad build maker, with my build no matter if they start first i always win

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:32:37)

Yeah it does, but to make it strong, you already need 5 skill points to steal 5 energy

Sow that means 1 att is already gone (bludgeon) and instead one normal strike with slightly energy steal?

That would already break the OP for BM STR builds

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:36:24)

I disagree.

If this happened then, BM (Assmilliation) will use it and then have a 2nd turn to bludgeon which will do alot of DMG

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:40:58)

Well trizz, when i was a BM i just spammed the whole STR build.
26-32 att, with 140 health and lvl 4 DA and maxed BL is deadly, i know that.

But im sure i can beat all STR builds. Only the STR TM i find hard to beat

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:42:16)

^^ Blaze, did you read my sugg?

I want assimilliation INSTEAD of Bludgeon.
That means Bludgeon is not usable ;)

LegitKillz -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:54:14)

Supported. Other guys think switching out bludegeon for assimilation will be OP? Guys..... use your brain.

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 6:59:47)

Finally someone sees it.

Bludgeon is probably the Best ATT skill of the whole BM. It gives more extra dmg then DA or Fireball.
This would break the whole BM STR build.

And it would fit in the whole Balance section because all Classes have the Energy steal option.
There is not a problem on that side

Scyze -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 7:02:35)

This will be very much OP.

Tanks builds will ruin the game. You shouldn't even think about this. Most of you guys think on having a better thing for your build/class.

As TRizZzCENTRINO posted,



Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 7:11:34)

They can steal max 10 Energy, and if they are Tank they wont deal much dmg.
And it provides only 5 energy.

They lose there strongest att skill for this?
How in the world can this be OP?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 7:31:22)

first this would benefit 5 focus BMs because they hardly use bludgeon and they rather conserve energy for later use and in 8 rounds they can gain up to 20 energy and trust me the battle usually lasts longer...and with 15-20 energy they can heal, reflex boost, energy shield and the worst is intimidate.

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 7:38:55)

It can give the Tank builds more profit. i have too agree.
But it would break the whole STR builds.

All nerfs gives a certain build more profit and other ones not.
But if you can break one whole OPed build, it is always worth it.

The blood mage build is already overused on Str builds.
This would make it a bit like TLM.
Because TLM have Frenzy and Reroute,
BM will have blood lust and Assimilliation.

Ranloth -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 8:07:33)

Str abuse, Blood Lusy, EP drain, ability to destroy builds, in block able Fireball and DA? No. BHs are fine with EMP since they lack damage boosting passive. It was taken out before already, too OP.

Doesn't matter if replaces Bludgeon, now it's not fixed to Physical and you can loop it thanks to Str abuse and BL and destroy builds everywhere. We know what we're talking about. Str abuse, BL and DA and adding EP drain is too OP. Perhaps you want Reroute too?

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 8:16:54)

I dont know how you came up with that?

Because when Bludgeon is removed for Assimilliation the STR abuse is no more, it will be gone or be at least weakened.
And how in hell can you compare Assimilliation with reroute, i mean come on.
It gives you max 5/6 energy in 3 turns.
And since a battle does not last longer then 9 turns they can get max 12 energy back?

Thats not enough to do a skill that is more then lvl 3?

I mean, this would destroy BM STR builds, and slightly improve Tanks.
But if you want to go Tank, everybody knows you need to go TLM

ND Mallet -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 8:22:41)

Just throwing this out here but I managed an amazing strength build with Assimilation as a TM and I didn't even get the benefits of Bloodlust to back me up. 12 energy drained is a lot when most builds lose a skill after 2 energy is stolen.

Mysterion. -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 8:30:21)

Yeah, but all other classes can steal energy, so it would just be more balanced against other classes.
And sure, you can still steal energy but this idea is more to nerf the whole BM STR OP builds.

And the opponent can always use a E booster or also have a energy recover skill.

Mother1 -> RE: Energy steal BM? (11/13/2012 10:15:19)

Not supported. Health gain and energy gain at the same time? No other class can do that yet you want BM to be able to do that? Str BM and Focus BM would have a field day with this one since they will have the power to do heavy damage, gain back health and now gain back energy to loop skills? No I would rather them keep bludgeon thank you.

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