Blood Mages rage (Full Version)

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Vinde -> Blood Mages rage (11/18/2012 8:30:01)

Hiya all, i have some problem:

How 35 lvl BM with 34 support or 33 BM with 32 support can gain faster rage than 30 merc with 48 support?

Its trully unfair and impossible, but had that situation 4 times.
Did u ever got that?

Post here about that.

Stabilis -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/18/2012 8:40:41)

They were attacking whenever possible and with a fortified Strength stat, yes?

Rage increases faster by attacking than it does from a fortified Support stat and taking damage combined.

Mother1 -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/18/2012 12:13:07)

When you attack with high strength against a heavy armored target you gain rage quickly. Str BM have high strength and most other players have high or decent defenses. Add these two together and they will rage quickly.

Vinde -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/18/2012 15:40:49)

So support gives nothing its next nerf...

rayniedays56 -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/18/2012 16:39:51)


How does the Rage Meter fill up?
As an attacker, rage is gained at a rate of 110% of damage blocked (by the opponents defense/resistance) + 1% per 4 support you have over the defender, up to a maximum rate of 125%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 95%.
As a defender, rage is gained at a rate of 25% of the damage taken, +0.25% per 4 support you have over the attacker, up to a maximum rate of 29%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 21%.
Here are a few examples:
Example 1 (DEFENDER):
A player is attacked for 20 damage. The defender's Rage Meter will increase by 5 points.
Example 2 (ATTACKER):
As an attacker, you deal 40 damage and they block 20 of it with their resistance or defense. Your Rage Meter will increase by 22 points.
Example 3 (ATTACKER):
As an attacker you use Plasma Bolt for 34 base damage. The defender blocks 10 of it, bringing it down to 24 damage. Your Rage Meter will increase by 11 points.
Notice that the Rage Meter will fill more rapidly against an enemy that is heavily defended or well-buffed. Additionally, notice that the Rage Meter will only fill when a player is attacking or taking damage ... actions like Healing, using packs, or casting a buff will have no effect on the Rage Meter.

Taken from Epicduel Wiki Battle Mechanics-Rage Meter

So support does have it's advantages in rage gain, but having only a 16 support advantage over the BM will give you only a 1% support advantage rage gain. As a defender (which is likely considering mercenaries are excellent defenders, then you can see how it is justifiable.

So, a defender with 52+65 support will probably still gain rage slower than an attacker with 30 support.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/23/2012 13:59:57)

Soooooo jacked up...LOLOLOL

Perhaps rage gain should be scaled differently

Metallico -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/23/2012 15:40:45)

Also rage damage should have a limit for the bm gun, i have seen them doing 55 damage in rage... Is a ridiculous amount of damage for one turn

Mother1 -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/23/2012 15:45:01)

@ Metallico

This would be nerfing all BM not just the one's who are getting high damage. How is this fair to the rest of them?

Metallico -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/23/2012 16:59:39)


They can heal like 13 hp with a gun rage, the cap should be in 38 or 39 damage..

The bm abbility to do damage is what makes it OP

ReconnaisX -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/26/2012 1:04:23)

Not all BMs are strength.

Vegafire -> RE: Blood Mages rage (11/28/2012 23:24:51)

We gain rage quicker yes but are defences are low and im sick off this (deadly aim and bloodlust makes up for it) i would happily trade in either skill for malfunction or smoke screen, im not a str abuser, im not even a five focus build and i get my rage after about 4-5 turns 3 if the player blocks the first two attacks, mercs were given a skill allowing them to gain rage faster, if they use this with a support build they are fine. Tactical mercs were given the ability to regain massive ammounts of energy meaning they just loop heal if needed and well hunters have masarcre and shadow arts which are a deadly combination.

If you dont like the way people are playing then change your build or chance your class to a more suitable class for your playing style because in my oppinion the game is fairly balanced at the moment, Non varium and all other classes can beat me and im a maxed varium player that knows his playing style.

And limiting rage damage? pointless due to the fact that most Mercs need the high rage damage with their robots to do massive damage. I could easily do 40+ damage non crit or rage without changing my build 1 bit so limiting the rage damage would be worse for players... crit i can do about 34-35 and i have never got a rage crit that wasnt deflected.

And no this isnt with a str build, there certian orders to hit your skills in depending on your build. my build is of my own design and i have a certian sequence to hit the skills in. just play around with your build a bit and work out whats best in general for the type of battle your doing (1v1 - 2v2 -2v1)

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