Balancing Match Ups for Team mode (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Balancing Match Ups for Team mode (12/4/2012 17:06:18)

so one of the main issues for 2 vs 2, is match ups.
sometimes a lvl 35 will be partnered up with a lvl 30 with no gear at all.

so i propose a solution to match up problems.
this would be Combat Rating

for those who dont know what that is, combat rating basically measures how much your items are worth.

lets say my
Armor = 21 CR
Aux = 17 CR
gun = 18 CR
Primary = 27 CR

CR total = 73

having 73 CR, my partner has to have 43+
now in 2 vs 2, the match ups instead of being decided by lvls, they could be decided by Combat Rating.
this would stop matches where one of the Team players is forced to be with a lvl 30 with no gear.

the way Combat Rating is Measured would be by how much stats it has, how much damage, and how much defense/resistance, and the lvl of the item.

this would essentially make it so that your partners are required to have a certain combat rating, which can only be attained by having items.

so even if a player is lvl 35, but has a lower CR than 43, he wont be partnered with me. (this is just an example)
however, to prevent CR issues, the lvl range should still stay in place. so that a lvl 29 with a CR higher than 43 wont be partnered with me.
Note: ill just remind u that the above stats are just examples of how it would work.
your thoughts?

Stabilis -> RE: Balancing Match Ups for Team mode (12/4/2012 18:33:20)


the way Combat Rating is Measured would be by how much stats it has, how much damage, and how much defense/resistance, and the lvl of the item.

To what degree does each part play a role? If I have... 10 enhancements on 1 item, does that boost the combat rating by 1, 2, 5, 10?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Balancing Match Ups for Team mode (12/4/2012 18:58:14)

since i dont know how enhancements will be in omega, i cant give a definite answer.

but by the stuff we have now, i would say items should have a certain CR WITHOUT the enhancements.
adding enhancements would increase it.
i have not worked out a formula for measuring CR yet. but i can if u want me to.

but already from reading ur question, i can tell u that defense/resistance stats will be more valuable than a single stats.
and not sure what to tell u about damage yet but its either gonna be the same number as the damage, or maybe an increased number.

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