Nexus... -> RE: luck luck luck... (12/19/2012 6:21:16)
@Trans more like /read the original post before commenting Nobody said get rid of luck altogether, I believe the OP is saying that the effect of Luck on the outcome of a battle is far too great. In the present, if two equally skilled players go up against eachother, with the same exact build, stats etc. the person who goes first, or the person who gets the luckiest will win. That should not be the case. Luck should supplement skill, but should never override skill which is what has occurred in many battles in the last couple of years. "The luckier the player, the more likely they will win", where it should be "the more skilled the player, the more likely they will win." Its really not that hard of a concept to get, all you have to do is think a little. /common sense Prophet