build copying (Full Version)

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KEzAx -> build copying (12/22/2012 11:53:54)

im afraid in omega there will be lots of people copying builds since all the weapons stats are similar

Mother1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 11:56:47)

Many players have made threads about this subject, however two reasons why it is happening.

The first is people complained about fighting blind and second the staff would rather people players who can't find a build have one by looking at others instead of coming up with one on their own.

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 12:19:26)

i suggested taking out the ability of being able to see other's build ingame. in battle and out of battle.

but people complained saying they would be fighting blind.

its either that, or remove losses/battle count and then things like this wouldn't matter.

Metallico -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 17:43:46)

Well when you see the skill tree of someone else you can prepare yourself with something like intimidate in the mercenary case or if they have physical you can prepare yourself with an artillery strike, now it is pretty easy if your enemy has a strenght, support or focus just by seeing their weapons, support mercenary will be using something like mjolnir or frostbane but in omega it will be imposible if any weapon will be customizable as you want it be so i donīt support this

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 17:53:26)

how about not being able to see player's build outside of battle AFTER lvl X?

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:15:32)

How about only see there Build for like 15 seconds at the start of the match.
Then you have enough time to figure your strategy out and see what theres is?

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:19:21)

that wont stop builds from being copied.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:29:21)

Well, you try to right down someones build for 15 sec then, try it right now if youre online.
Then show me what you have ritten down.

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:30:23)

*Holds shift and clicks print screen*

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:32:30)

Touche my friend, touche.
I thought you were going to make a pic of it but print screen is also good.
But its better them youre suggestion, thats for sure.

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:35:21)

i dont see how its better.

being able to see player's builds outside of battle after ur an experience player makes no sense.

if being able to see a build, but only for a limited time in battle, also makes no sense.

because things change when things like curse, and debuff/buffs take place.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:39:18)

With my suggestion you can only see someones build 15 secs, so not outside battle.
So it is still better then yours because with yours you have the entire battle.

With mine only 15 secs.
And it forces the players to play smart more then looking at there builds whenever they want.

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:54:37)

except that would probably very hard to code.

as i could look at a build for only 3 seconds.

can i go back and check it the next turn for another 3 seconds?
or does it stop the first time?

urs has loopholes. if its only 15 seconds, i could simply only look at it for 3 seconds. what happens to the other 12 seconds?

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:58:52)

It would work like a normal turn.
15 secs. If you are finished earlier you click something and then you wait for your opponent.

You cannot go back to check again.

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 18:59:40)

just proved my point of why ur suggestion isn't so good.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 19:02:16)

Hows that gold?

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 19:06:11)

u just said they can only see it for 15 seconds.
but if they actually use 3 seconds instead, then its over, cant check it again.

what u meant to say was, only being able to see the build once.
if u actually decided to stay looking at the enemy build for 15 seconds, then this would waste ur first turn.

thus proving ur idea flawed unless u can go back to it another time.

KEzAx -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 20:55:22)

how about you can only see their right side of their build
*strength, defense,resistance* while fighting them in a duel
but when their not battleing you can see their build?
i recon that will be a good ideo since non variums and variums players can have the exact same build and a weeks laters everyone will change to that class and have that OP buuild that kills everyone just like what happened to str BM when it came out..

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 21:15:08)


how about you can only see their right side of their build
*strength, defense,resistance* while fighting them in a duel
but when their not battleing you can see their build?


yeah hiding any part of the build will be shot down as an idea for stopping build copying.

however out of battle makes no sense if u ask me. atleast after a certain point.

perhaps u should not be able to see anyone's build outside of battle, after lvl 30 for example. or 33.

these high lvls require thousand of battles, so saying newbies dont have much expirience and need to find builds should not be an issue after they fought thousands of battles.

arthropleura -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 21:18:13)

Hell, theres nothing wrong with the current system. Unless youre a one and only build maker who makaes all his builds out of thin air...

P.s str res and def are not even the same type of stats
P.P.s, they are on the left side

Combatoid -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 22:11:56)

I personally let other people copy my build. It should be how you use the build more than how it's set up in my opinion. People with determination to copy a build will count how much points taken away when using skills to see what level the skill is. There really isn't any reasonable and realistic way to stop this.

goldslayer1 -> RE: build copying (12/22/2012 22:27:11)


I personally let other people copy my build. It should be how you use the build more than how it's set up in my opinion.

thats true, except ED nerfs these builds that require skill.

i used to have a good TLM build in early to mid delta (when technician and smoke were on tlm). it would get 98% for me almost all the time.
i noticed many players started copying it. but they weren't getting the same results as me.
most of the copiers were getting 80%-85% with it.

thats because it didn't have any pre determined strategy like most copy builds (str bh/ch, etc) u had to make ur strategy as u went along and improvise depending on enemy build.

then ED goes and nerfs it by removing technician and smoke.

Darkwing -> RE: build copying (12/23/2012 10:06:42)

not sure if the build-copy thing in omega will be worse then now

Combatoid -> RE: build copying (12/23/2012 10:30:48)

The builds in Omega will be more unique and customized to the player's personal liking. If someone's personal build gets copied it will definitely be much more annoying than in Delta when it was much less customizable.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: build copying (12/23/2012 10:54:31)


i suggested taking out the ability of being able to see other's build ingame. in battle and out of battle.

but people complained saying they would be fighting blind.

its either that, or remove losses/battle count and then things like this wouldn't matter.

True, maybe variums could have a luxery, to pay some amount of varium so no one can't see the build.

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