Dragonman -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/30/2012 16:29:49)
TDLNND Day 1: Welcome to TDLNND, Pallor has sent her army of unknown size to attack SiOO, Vayle is helping to guard, however, we mahave trouble defeating these winged fiends. Just a little joke, no trouble at all! In other news, the Deadwood Destroyers, a species of undead tree not seen for years, has suddenly returned. With wings supposedly being a aguard to an oncoming reign of Darkness (Pallor seems a little late) these destroyers seem to be suited to survive. Finally, I'd like to note that Flying Mogkees are still our old friends so DON'T HURT THEM! Vote for Dragonman as the next mayor, because he is, like a bowtie, cool! These things and people are cool too: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, and Second Silver TH. And Bowties, and Fezzes are cool too. If you want to be like a bowtie or a fez, vote for Dragonman! Day 3: Welcome to TDLNND, we are rapidly approaching 1 million womged beasts wiped away into oblivion. Our catapults will be freed up very soon. In other news, the Flying Mogkees are becoming more and more millitant, and there have been 30 reports of villagers being attacked by mogkees today, copared to the 7 yesterday and an average of 1 each day between when they were first seen and now, this is a rapid increase. Next off, the villagers are, seriously this isn't propaganda, blaming former Mayor Rayf for these attacks, he iws quoted saying "What Flying Moglins, they're worthless, and serve no threat for MY city. GIVE ME BACK THE TREASUREY" In other news, Rayf is crazy, sent to an asylum, more at 10 (not really). Vote for Dragonman, because he is not the BAD crazy, unlike CERTAIN mayors. These people like GOOD crazy:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon since they voted for Dragonman. Yes, Xan is good crazy. That's all for toight, happy warring! Day 3 Extra: EXTRA EXTRA: Dragonman's news breaks threadlocks, somehow. Dragonman announces views on labor unions as a permittable annoyance (which is MY view IRL, but let's not change the subject to REAL politics.) Day 4: Welcome to TDLNND, today, with the access to the catapults, we have jumped all the way up 38%. In other news, the color war, which inevitably starts everytime a war happens, has cooled down, for inexplicaabe reasons. Next off, the Mogkees attack more and more villagers every percnt, villagers in cities and villages near SiOO have all hidden, Faconreach villagers, more hardy then others, have not taken to hiding, seeing as the angry mob from thankstaking hasn't even fully dispersed. Meanwhile, the normal Frosval celebrations have ended, without giving many townspeople any chance to celebrate this year. "This was even sadder than Togsmas" reports one saddened villager, "at least we got to celebrate a little then". In other news, Rayf has been let out of the insane asylum, he was apparently "possesed by the ghost of Cysero's father". Finally, Mayor Waen ha tried to make having wings illegal, this is a stupid dicision, and if you wish to tell mayor waen he is wrong call 1-800-WAEN-IS-DUMB Dragonman is against the CLipping Wings Act, and if you are, you should vote for Dragonman, like these people: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon. Goodnight and goodwarring! quote:
ORIGINAL: Smog Welcome to dayly spoon report with your host smog. In our latest developing story a sneevil box stealing rings sleeper cell has finaly been discovered by the gaurdians of falconreach. In other news smog the amazing awesome guy has a new spoon... so shiny... so so shinny. but anyway we have curently defeated 1554696 waves of evil winged undead things speacking of undead everyones favorit moglin necromancer zorbak has been discovered to have been stealing cookies and baked goods from the falconreach bakery to atempt to turn himself into a titan again more on this latter know lets take a look at the weather. quote:
ORIGINAL: Popinloopy Welcome back to TLDNND, everybody! To people just now tuning in, Starsaber has a strand of Seppy's Madness, brought on by some cursed tea, and the war meter is climbing faster than Cysero would if he jsut drank coffee and was on a ladder. Now, on to current events. We see some slightly charred winged eyeballs occaisonally falling to the ground, thanks to our own Magmortorlx, and it looks like some rotted togs and going to be fertelizing some trees near Doomwood, and a giant Deadwood just got chopped in half, burning as it fell. I leave you all with an encouraging Battle On! quote:
ORIGINAL: BraveSirRobin The Daily Dragon!!! Your number 1 newspaper The undead legions of flying creatures have seemed to stolen multiple weapons.They are of magic origin and,therefore, smell of cheese.It seems they are warmonger made.More on this matter later. Types of creatures Undead skeletons(as opposed to live ones)Flying winged flying eyballs(strange they have wings already)flying slimes(possibly a lie) Injured,carried away Starsaber got the 'You..you killed her'disease. Many people seem to be apllying for the news.What you expected something longer?Well people seem to be coming because they want to...try out for...the news.Thats it. Some people say that Sepulchure is behind this.Those same people also say he was behind Sepulchures fall.They say he did a spell and gave wings to the undead.And grew them in Doomwood.Or maybe that was that guy who said he was under a spell and got sick.Either way its news. This newspaper is brought to you by TDLNND Day 4: Welcome to TDLNND. I'm Dragonman, your host. Today we've reached all the way up to 56%, if we get to 60% before the Mogkees are ready to attack, we will probably get some sort of reward. In other news, Starsaber is attempting to cure Sepulchure's madness, because it has infected him, he will likely either turn into a Shadowscythe drone, or be cured. We're rooting for your cure Starsaber!! In other news. THERE IS NO OTHER NEWS, CHARGE! The broadcast is brought to you by Dragonman's suppoters, Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon. Newscast over, CHARGE Day 5: Welcome to TDLNND, I'm DRagonman, your host. Today we started curing the moglins, and we have defeated an additional 14% today alone, leading us to 72%. In other news, Timekillers hhave been spotted fighting with the other heroes, it seems that they are finally with us, or were they always with us and just time-travelled... ARGGGH! Now a word from our sponsor: Hi I'm Dragonman, Landis Waen may be a nice guy, but his decidions have lead us closer and closer to becoming part of The Rose. Just because he's nice doesn't excuse this ineptitude. We need someone who can stand up against the rose and that's me. I'm Dragonman, and I approve this message. Finally, Zadd is celebrating today, because people are calling him less sstupid then Pallor, since he thought he'd be known as the stupiest villain ever, forever, this is a pleasent surprise. We were unable to get Pallor to comment. That's all for today! Day 6: Welcome to TDLNND, today we've made it to 84%, and we're well on our way to 100. Considering Pallor's impeding loss of army, she seems surprisingly unworried, continuosly sending rieinforcements, even though she has less then 650,000 monsters. THe moglins have begun healing some of the togs affected, but they are unable to cure the other monsters. Rumor has it that Pallor has one SPECIAL moglin abducted, you know who I mean, Zorbak. Winged Zorbak could cause a devistating amount of damage to Amethyst City, if he does exist, but, in this reporter's opinion, the only moglins Pallor has transformed are the Frost Moglins. In other news, The Hero has decided to finally reveael what happened at the Sandsea Gate all those years ago, it shohuld definately be something to look forward to, since it has been hidden for so long. Now a word from our sponsor: Hi I'm Dragonman, now I'm sure you want me to tell you a good reason not to vote for Waen, well I'm not going to. We need a mayor who won't just do what he's told, but stand up for himself and his city. I'm Dragonman, and I approve this message. Dragonman is proudly endorsed by: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, Legendium, dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon. Finally, a splinter organization from the Rose, called the Daisy, is trying to ban fine dining, as well as science. The Rosse has distanced itself from the Daisy, by claiming that fine dining does not exist, and that every restaurant, is fast food. This reporter, is truley confused by the stupidity of certain organizations. Good Night, and Good Warring! Day 7: Welcometo TDLNND, this is the last broadcast for this war, and, as I broadcast this, we have approxamently 85,000 waves left to defeat, they should be destroyed within two hours. In other news, what's that... somethings cooming... by the light, it's getting close. I don't have my staff, AAARGH... AAAAAAHHHHHH Krrssccchhhht..... We apologize for this interuption and give you a word from our sponsor. Dragonman.... krrschtt chhhhhrt We here at TDLNND apologize for that inturruption as well. Hello? Hello? This is Xan, y'know, I'm the cameraman here. Dragonman's in trouble, I repeat Dragonman is in trouble. We need reinforcements in section 15082. Repeat need reinforcements... drained.... magic.... Rose..... trap.... Krrschhht. TDLNND is brought to you by Serenity's bread. You want bread? Buy Serenity's! Day 8: Welcome back to TDLNND. Last night I was attacked by a Rose Battalion, during reports, luckily reinforcements came just in time: Cataclysm, Faerdin, Castrater, Chisagen, Elryn, Deathlord45, gamer rulez, and Miran. With their help, we were able to defeat the battalion, and even race to see who could kill the mostof Pallor's minions. But the Rose has something new, something that can knock out magic for short times. Well, that's all for this war, Happy Frostval, and I'll see you all on Lucky Day (Or earlier if there is a war earlier.)