Chosen 0ne -> RE: Favourite time period in epicduel? (1/2/2013 22:13:06)
@Metal I've been thinking of that reason and I seriously can't think of any. The only updates I havnt been satisfied with is when they added agility and when they changed central station. Beta seriously wasn't that great like most people think. Updates were delayed for weeks at a time. The devs have gotten much better and so has the community. We had a fabulous community before the merge with the forums. People liked going to the ED forums and nobody felt like they were gonna get bullied there. When we merged with the battleon forums, I think we were all a little bit cranky. I know the 11 or 12 year old me was. I hated the new rules that were now being enforced. I even made a thread called, A note to all AKs, inside it, it said nobody likes you. My opinion is obviously changed now. I enjoy most if now all of the AK's here now. I may have been to young to understand when I first joined how tough their job is. Back in Gamma, the community solved their problems by starting riots on the forums. It was horrible. The community was horrible. I cant even imagine what it would be like to be Titan or Nightwraith going through that. Beta was extremely stressful for me. I wasnt very good and I kept on selling weapons. I still sell lots of my weapons, it's sort of a problem. It will probably be solved as I mature more in real life and think more about my actions. Here we are now. I think the community is better now than it ever was. I am glad we are here at Battle On forums too, even if they are stricter that the other forums. I think Epic Duel is headed in a great direction. I can't wait to see where it will be 15 years from now. I will still be here. I will always be here. Wether in a mere memory of epic duel, or chilling right in front of you at Oz, you can count on me to do the best I can. To make epic duel a better place. Im becoming a better person everyday. ~Chosen