RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:21:53)

That's what they do if they come at the end of a battle and you wait a little bit for the experience pop-up to come up twice, but they don't give you any benefit.

BiasedBass -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:25:29)

Was there a pop up window saying lvl 19? Do desyncs have to do anything with that?

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:26:05)

Well if you desynched every battle and you were lvl 19 it would make sense that you would be lvl 14.

The Mango -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:28:57)

Every time I lvled up I would see a picture of my char and a thing that says what lvl I just reached. Is that what you are talking about biased

I would only see desyncs like twice each lvl

Sorry for my language, im just reeaally mad! I might seem like a cry baby but im tearing up!

Victoria3114 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:38:37)

Desyncs don't matter with level. I've experimented, you cannot level up with fake exp. The exp bar will appear full, but you have to complete the actual quota of exp in order to level up. You'll probably go through many battles with a full exp bar, but it is not really full. As always, relogging will clear the fake exp away, but if the "Level up" notice occurs, you actual did get enough "real" exp to level up.
Therefore, for Mango to have lost his levels, is an actual bug. You should report it in the bug forums.

Is it okay for normal forumites to use colors? Cause I like this blue :3

Asuka -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:46:31)

Yes its okay c:

But TARDIS blue is best blue!

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:47:11)

Yes Desyncs just won't let level up. It'll be stuck, and you'll have to log out.

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/6/2013 23:49:19)

Well my FH is going to be 19 in a few battles so since I think its a bug I guess ill just have to stay up all night to evolve him[&o]. Well I guess ill post the tree later tonight so everyone can see and so Asuka can post on wiki.

Thats cool it matches your avatar and that one guy (I think its TheAthenaFlame) always post in pink so I think its okay but im not sure.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 0:11:47)

Lol ... M going nuts waiting for two games releases, ED and OS o_O

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 0:30:50)

@SOuL Prisnor

Yeah same here. The wait for Omega and Darkon Drago. If Young 2013 ends up being earth or energy "I might get him up first before Darkon Drago since I already have a bunch of shadow characters.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 0:36:08)

Does elements matters soo much ??

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 0:51:49)

They matter to me in some cases because characters generally have the same cards just different amounts. I have Rev,BD,VR, and Poison Drake for shadow characters so im not really too thrilled to get another one but Darkon Drago is an exception because of his art and he is player suggested. I probably wont bother getting the shadow character from the voting thing unless I am bored at the time.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 0:54:37)

Oh, drage was player suggested .... That's cool , m trying from long time to get it, but its too hard, the encounter rate must be very low i guess :/

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 0:58:54)

Got my berserker! (Two hours ago, never had a chance to tell you guys...) So I now have every master- minues Void Knight.

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:03:46)

@SOuL Prisnor

Who is Drage?


Congratz on getting every master. How many characters do you got?

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:04:43)

@Kise I have 105 right now, 106 once I recapture nomad.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:17:05)

That dragon looking like character, found in bottomless pit ..

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:20:31)

I don't think that was added yet, or they would have mentioned it on the home page.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:25:44)

Back to leveling Rev Egg! Oh joy... level 15, here we come~!

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:33:35)

@ Riniti u sure play a lot :D

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:34:30)

@SOul I know, I should stop... :P Up to 106 characters now.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:37:19)

@SOul Double post much?

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:38:40)

@SOul You okay there...?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:40:12)

Some bug

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXI - READ THE FIRST POST (1/7/2013 1:40:13)

@thejop Apparently...

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