RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (Full Version)

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KEzAx -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 17:57:20)

Honestly, i recon its in game because not enough people is pre ordering

Calogero -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:04:47)

What about the people that didn't want to pre order but did because that was the only said way to get the golden ticket
Where is the " Think before you act " Part in here?

blade98 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:12:04)

@the final hour
It is selfish.
Why do you say that? It was pretty clear when Lycus said ,and I quote:

Varium players pay for the running of the game, and we are incredibly grateful for that, but at the same time Non-Varium players also keep the game running, since without them, you guys would have no one to have an advantage over, nor would there be enough people to play the game. Now the main issue was that a lot of Free players were playing up to the point where Variums had most advantage, then simply just quitting the game. This is obviously not what we want. The only way to retain maximum players, which in the long run, means a much better game for you, is to close up the Varium/Non-Varium gap.

Mother1 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:22:40)

@ blade98

There is a difference between a power advantage and a varium perk. I am all for removing the gap which is what is going to happen in omega (which will cause a decrease in varium sales since people brought it for power) If there aren't some perks to getting varium why buy it?

First it was said that you could only get a shot at this prize if you preordered the ticket (AKA a perk for varium players to keep them interested in buying varium) Now they are making it available in game for possibly credits?

While I can understand that the staff is trying to accommadate to those who can't get the preorder, making it for non variums who don't pay a cent to the game or even player who have varium but didn't purchased the perorder would only serve as not only bad business since was advertised as only being in the preorder but also serve to tick off the paying players as well.

So answer me how is it good for business if they at first say "the only way you can get this is if you get it in paying for it by getting a promo, only for them to say later after people brought the promo for this exclusive item that they are selling in game for credits or even Varium?

Hun Kingq -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:32:17)

First they tell us once Omega begins the Golden ticket will not be available then now it is because they have less then 100 accounts that brought the package and telling players that from the past that have not played since Alpha or Beta not supporting the game since then to come back play in the tournament then they leave again while the rest stays and still support the game while they don't.

I brought a pre-ordered promo pack for each account not because of the tournament but because they offered a two for one deal with both Yetis like I suggested.

I say so what if there is less than 100 players in the competition just like the Stun Gun sets only the few of us forked out money to support the game in exchange of a good deal so now it is offered in game, stop flip flopping and stick to your word. Like the Florida lottery they tell you,"you have 180 days to cash in the winning ticket" on the 181st day if you try to cash in the ticket they will not cash it and tell you, "next time don't wait so long."

blade98 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:34:30)

I never said it was "good for business".But remember that the pre-oder also includes two weapons and two yeti's,plus a free golden ticket(and I'm pretty sure they said they will separete the packages),and I don't think that anybody pre-ordered just for the ticket,to be honest. They never said it is going to be available to credits(maybe it will) ,but they did say that it will be limited ,and since there will be only 100 winners ,not more than 100 will be available.If there will be more than 100 then it is not "good for business".
Edit : Wait, when did they say there are less than 100 contestants? I thought they said

We are doing this to accomodate those who either cannot afford / don't want a preorder but want to participate or were not informed about the event in advance for whatever reason.

So yeah not everybody can afford the pre-order ,and it seems pretty fair ..they should've not include the golden ticket in the everybody complains(for a good reason of course).

ashtonsdad -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:42:14)


Why did they suddenly changed mind? and even worse:
Why did they took our special reward? :\
Now it is for everyone, and defeats it purpose...

What do you ticket owners think?
Im a bit pissed off, they first promise us something and then just take it away.
And i dont have a chance now, since more people will participate.

Well, when I was 5 I wanted to be a fireman and a tennis player, and an ant catcher. ( true )
When I was 13 I wanted to be a Lawyer.
When I was 16 I wanted to be a Soldier in the United States Army.
And now that i am a bit older I want to do volunteer work for a year as my own, "purging of my sins", if you will.

The fact is, is that things change and sometime you have to roll with it. This is a minor thing in your life that you will have to adjust to and accept. They are trying to be as fair as they can to as many as they can. There is absolutely no way to make everyone happy in life, even sometimes, ourselves. The thing to do is be happy you have the ticket, all the free gear and yeti's, and think how happy some new player or even an old one that has supported this game in the past when it was just new will be to at least have had a chance to be a part of this. This contest is nothing to some, and everything (game wise) to others. it represents a new era in a game we have loved for many years, it also is the first event of it's kind, and you can bet anytime there is an award exclusive to the winner of a contest there are hardcore players that want it as bad as a fat kid wants the last donut. I am not worried about anyone that gets a ticket after Omega releases as I am almost certain the most fanatical and hardcore players have already got their anyhow.

*SIDENOTE: I do hope it is not available for credits though, I think it should be varium only when offered in game. The contest offers some very rare prizes with the yeti and the platinum cheevo. I think entry should be reserved for varium purchase only, as it was supposed to be for pre-order's originally. I will be slightly upset to see it offered for creds.

ReinXI -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:43:02)

putting even 1in game isn't "good for business" when not two days ago the dn said it was a preorder only perk to be in the contest. Seriously going back on your own word within three days
is NOT good for your image. Hate to say it but choosing to put the tickets in game is going to hurt the devs imo especially when it comes to the trust of people who buy varium packages. Now when
people are going to buy varium some will probably stop look at the contents and then decide to wait to see if the devs release any/ all of it in game for X cost instead of actually buying varium.

ashtonsdad -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:49:19)

@ above: There is some validity to this statement of coarse, but I think most PvP gamers have a certain spirit of competition and won't mind as much as what you may think. Some people like to grab onto anything they can complain and whine about and just focus on the negative. Others like myself will look it at is a an greater challenge, and an even more satisfactory feeling of accomplishment when we take home one of those Golden Yeti's.

Calogero -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 18:50:13)

Ain't good for the credibility of a company to first say Promo package only and then add a few weeks later also avaiable ingame at a limited quantity... but that's just me

Mother1 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 19:08:25)

@ Calorgero

I know right? Anyone who brought the promo just for the ticket, or anyone who thought this tournament was going to be exclusively for them since they brought the preorder will feel ripped off in a sense.

They basically promised a perk to those who ordered the promo only to take it away from them. It isn't right In my opinion.

Calogero -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 19:12:15)

Never thought I said this but we finaly agree on some thing...

The Golden Yeti is not different from the promo yetis except it will be Golden
That's no advantage but a little something visualy different from the other bots.

They changed their minds about keeping it as a promo only so I hope they change their minds again back to promo preorder only

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 19:28:15)

I thought I had a chance for a minute there at getting around 80th place, and takin' home a yeti
Just kidding, I got screwed over ._.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 19:46:20)

Buying the promo should be the ticket. Not Credits. If I would have known this I wouldnt have bought the promo anyways whats the point.

ashtonsdad -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 19:57:12)


I wouldn't mind if they cancelled the tournament and set up a lottery instead. AQW has lottery-type contests and so far I think it was the best compromise for keeping them as fair as possible.

Wait, did I say i wouldn't mind? I'd be very happy actually.

This is not AQW, this is EPIC DUEL a game solely based on player vs player competition. AQW is a questing game, wit very little emphasis on competition. If you want a raffle go get the January raffle ticket thing in battleon for the rare give a way that are doing this month. Other wise please let's keep the 2 games separate as much as humanly possibly. I love both games, but do not want to play both at the same time.

@ Latin Lover: I would immagine it was the 8 weps, 2 bots, 10k varium, and 15k creds along with the FREE ticket you got that was " the point" of pre-ordering. ANd you have been around long enough to know that there will likely be some sort of exclusive cheevo in the end got pre-orders with the golden ticket as compared to those that bought in game, this is just solely a guess but id like to consider it an educated guess.

Mother1 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 20:11:30)

@ ashtondad

Even with all this it was advertised that the only way to get the ticket was to get the promo. Some brought the promo not for the weapons and bots, but for the ticket to compete in this event. Those who did so will be left with a taste in their mouth's.

I mean if those same people who brought the promo knew that they could get the ticket in game for possibly nothing (real money wise) do you think they would have brought the promo?

ashtonsdad -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 20:49:35)

Let's be realistic here, if you spent 50 dollars only for the CHANCE that you MIGHT win a prize if you play harder than ever before, than you might be a tad foolish. I suspect most bought the package for the 8 weps, 2 bots, 10k varium, 15k creds, AND the free ticket more son than the other way around. You are forgetting Omega is not released and probably will see other changes made before it is. It is a work in progress, so try oto understand that and realize that they are trying ot be as fair as possible for everyone, including players who have no idea what the forums are or that they even exist and may have no clue as to what is going on. Or to new players coming into Omega, or old players. (out of the loop) it all comes down to the fact that it is their game and it is subject to change, especially before it is even released. I suggest sharpening your blades and your skills and preparring for an awesome contest with many entrants! [:)]

Mother1 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 21:08:27)

@ ashtonsdad

You would be surprised at what some hardcore players would do go even have the chance to get their hands on something even if it is as you said foolish. Remember when War kills used to be in the game? Some people spend literally hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars just to be on that war kills leaderboard of all time A LB IN A GAME!. Plus there were some people who would spend a good 100 dollars or even more worth of varium just to have the change to get a cheevo for 1650 points.

So if you think spending 50 bunks is foolish for one item for a contest (which in reality is for a game IMO) wait I mentioned before is even more foolish.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/9/2013 21:16:55)

lets just say that the devs want us to have more of a competition, and if the devs are in the right mind, they wouldn't make the ingame limited golden tickets for credit and varium options(the devs to me are always in their right minds), if it was available ingame it shouldn't even be cheap, it should be atleast 2-3k varium and 80-100k credits(if it was available for credits).

@blade in omega variums have no power advantage, variums will only have the time advantage and access to particular new features and exclusive items, variums will not get a power boost when obtaining this golden ticket, so nothing for you to worry about during battles except that we who possess the ticket will be 1 step closer to getting the golden yeti each time we win.

Drianx -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/10/2013 0:24:18)


This is not AQW, this is EPIC DUEL a game solely based on player vs player competition. AQW is a questing game, wit very little emphasis on competition. If you want a raffle go get the January raffle ticket thing in battleon for the rare give a way that are doing this month. Other wise please let's keep the 2 games separate as much as humanly possibly. I love both games, but do not want to play both at the same time.

Although AQW is a questing game, they never set up a competition based on who does the most quests in a limited amount of time - like this golden yeti tournament is for ED.

Why not? Because only a selected few will stand a real chance, while many others won't.

That is why they have had lottery type contests instead - like the current one, or the golden cheezburger one.

Defending this competition only because you CAN play all day long for several days while others can't does not mean you have a clear view about how fair contests should be like.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/10/2013 0:37:31)


Here's what we're going to do -- we're going to offer the Omega Onslaughter/Impaler, Obliterator/Slayer, both Yetis, and an Omega Ticket that grants access to a month-long contest for the price of one 5-key package. When you buy this package you will receive a ticket that will guarantee you receive the items as soon as Omega officially goes live in January. After Omega goes live, we will split the Obliterator and Onslaughter into 2 separate packages as planned, but those who preordered will already have it all and be able to participate in the competition without delay!

At no point were we promised that ONLY those who preordered would receive the ticket. They just said we'd get the ticket "right away." So we don't have to worry about rushing on to grab one of the limited tickets, and we probably save maybe the 1500 varium the ticket will cost. Between that, AND the double set of weapons, AND both yetis, I really don't see we have anything to complain about.

Whats with the entitlement mentality?

Mother1 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/10/2013 0:57:14)

@ giras

Did you read the day before yesterdays design notes?


Some have mentioned that it's not fair to the non-Varium players to restrict this tournament, but the tournament is a special reward for the preorder offer and making it available to everyone would defeat the purpose. Keep in mind that this will not be the last competition of this type -- future contests will be open to a much wider range of players

ND Mallet -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/10/2013 1:03:34)

@mother I'd understand people's frustration better if they weren't getting two bots and weapons with unique specials on them at half the price as well as the credits and varium from the $50 package all on top of it. If it were just a promo pack for the ticket then there would be a right to constructively argue the change but the truth of the matter is that you're still getting a whole bunch from this promo package. I promise you that with current prices for weapons, bots and enhancements(assuming ten slots like every other promo) that the ordinary $50 worth of varium wouldn't buy you all of it in-game, let alone the ticket as well(assuming it's around 1k-1.5k)

Mother1 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/10/2013 1:11:22)

@ ND Mallet

I myself am not upset about this. To be honest I didn't preorder for the ticket. I preordered because I saved my points and they said I would be getting two for the price of one with this deal so I got it.

However some people got this pre order not because of what it offered but the ticket so they could compete in the tournament because it was advertised that this was the only way they could get the ticket. Those people now find out that the staff decided to make it buyable in game are now feeling like "What the heck I just spend 50 bucks to get into a tournament only for it to be available in game for cheaper or maybe even free? (real life money)

Sorry ND but while I am not upset about this myself to me it sounds like false advertising. Cause if those people who wanted the ticket alone knew this do you think they would have brought the per order? Sorry but I doubt it, Plus as I did quote the staff did say it wouldn't be in game and it was a reward for those who pre ordered (Aka Varium perk) Only to do this 2 days later?

rayniedays56 -> RE: Good and Bad news for Ticket Owners (1/10/2013 1:12:52)

I don't care about this at all! What if some people who are varium users don't buy the 10k but buy the 4k? or even the 2500?

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