Moglord Shield Z (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Moglord Shield Z (1/10/2013 19:57:14)

Moglord Shield Z

Also see: Moglord Shield

Level: [Level]
Power Level: [PLevel], Mastercraft
Price: [Buy]
Sellback: [1st48H] Z-Tokens the first 48 Hours; [Afr48H] Z-Tokens after 48 Hours
Location: Giftbox Shield [GBVer] - Z 2012 (Giftbox version that matches Level)
Element: Neutral

Melee: [Melee]
Ranged: [Ranged]
Magic: [Magic]

Fire: [Fire]%
Water: [Water]%
Wind: 0%
Ice: 0%
Earth: 0%
Energy: 0%
Light: 0%
Darkness: 0%

  • If you're above 40% HP: There's a 9.86% chance of halving incoming damage*.

  • If you're under 40% HP: When you block, you will heal HP equal to *(AttacksBlocked/AttacksAttempted)% of [HBase]-[HMax].

    *The power of the Moglord cuts your foe's damage in half!

    This is the shield used by Moglords! It normally defends against Fire and Water, but it can also cut all damage you receive by half... or possibly heal you if you're low on HP!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces.


    January 6, 2013: The shield was released and became rare.
    June 15, 2017: price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Level	22	62	90	115	140
    Price	850	3050	7400	9500	12250
    S <48h	765	2745	6660	8550	11025
      >48h	425	1525	3700	4750	6125

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Moglord Shield Z (1/10/2013 19:59:57)

    Version	X	XV	XX	XXV	XXX	
    Level	22	62	90	115	140	
    PLvl	54	78	103	128	153	
    Melee	7	10	11	12	13	
    Ranged	6	9	10	11	13	
    Magic	7	10	11	12	13	
    Fire	-15	-17	-19	-20	-21	
    Water	-15	-17	-19	-20	-21	
    HBase	12	21	32	43	53	
    HMax	36	63	95	129	159	
    Price	520	1400	2390	3610	5190
    S <48h	468	1260	2151	3249	4671
      >48h	130	350	597	902	1297

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Moglord Shield Z (1/10/2013 20:00:06)


    HBase and HMax were calculated by as below:

    numPlayerBase = (5.25 + 0.5625*PLvl + 0.00375*PLvl *PLvl ) / 2;
    numPlayerRand = (5.25 + 0.5625*PLvl + 0.00375*PLvl*PLvl);
    intExpectedSTR* = 2.1462*PLvl + 10.399
    intExpectedLUK* = 0.7123*PLvl - 19.111 (if PLvl < 90) or 5*PLvl - 400
    numPlayerStat = (200 + 13.2*PLvl )/200 * (intExpectedSTR/8 + intExpectedLUK/20);
    numPlayerAvgDamage = numPlayerBase +numPlayerRand/2 + numPlayerStat/2;

    *Min 10; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5
    *Min 0; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5.

    StartingBase = numPlayerAvgDamage*LEAN
    StartingRand = numPlayerAvgDamage*(1-LEAN)*2
    Stat = 0%

    LEAN = 0.5

    FinalBase = StartingBase*0.05/0.15*0.85
    FinalRand = StartingRand * 0.05/0.15*0.85

    HBase (Number in Appendix) = FinalBase
    HMax (Number in Appendix)= FinalBase+FinalRand

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