RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (Full Version)

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Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 8:35:32)

The AI isn't hard you just gotta think more than just charge and attack.

I can easily kill the Earth AI with Sonya at level 1 so it's not really difficult.

_scars_ -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 8:38:22)

but still it takes longer to level

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 8:45:47)


I can easily kill the Earth AI with Sonya at level 1 so it's not really difficult.

Tell that to the E.Adept who uses 15 shields EVERY TURN I DESTROY THE PREVIOUS ONES!

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 8:46:47)

It depends on your luck or in this case the RNG.

I agree on the exp increase, but in this case you have to give the devs some credit on giving us a challenge. ;3

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 8:52:00)

The point is, with the pretty big increase in AI strength, there should be a increase in XP/Gold earned.

Matgon -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 8:53:41)

@Vagaran123: I agree completely, atleast a substantial gold increase I barely ever get 200+ gold fighting at level 18.

Herody -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 9:18:31)

i agreed that it really takes too long to lvl because my plan is to level 20 my Lighting Wolf by 1 or 2 days but i think it will last for more days because of this.But in the end im satisfied with this post (especially the labyrinth event)

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 9:25:22)

The PvE was already hard, and Now NPC too ???

I know challenges r fun, but even that needs to be limited ...

Shadow killer ex -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 9:27:47)

Improved Computer....should have improved EXP/Gold

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 9:46:07)


I know challenges r fun, but even that needs to be limited ...

YES! Agreed!

Chalenges are funny but this is ridiculous. I would rather play other AE games than even bother getting up in lv with the AI getting increased in strength THIS much.

Dragon Elite X -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 10:22:49)

Has anyone found the chest? I keep going to the spots and I'm only getting earth nomads. Are the chests even worth this frustration and hard work?

Matgon -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 10:29:57)

@Dragon Elite x: Only if you are lucky enough to find them regularly, they give around 535 gold and standard PvE XP.

Hellsbane -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 11:43:14)


Still cant find what to do in the "boss" room, and have failed to see any clear answers on this thread -.-

_scars_ -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 11:45:21)

just explore and you will find the minotaur

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 11:45:43)

Look on the wiki and there are 3 maps for the possible boss room. Head to them, you'll know when you hit it because usually you hit this kind of invisible wall and you'll encounter it.

It's not difficult, but some players might have forgotten to use strategy against their foes new brains.

Parsec -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 12:04:15)

does the AI seem that hard?

Ive been using a veteran against the earth guys in the dungeon. I simply charge energy to 19, then dump all my cards at them.

I dont see the difficulty.

Hellsbane -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 12:18:10)

@Parsec Most dont get a chance to level energy that high against the Nomads/Wizards.

My Wizard is ok taking down the Knights and Assassins. Just not the others.

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 13:08:40)

Theses AIs are harder with different characters. I couldn't even beat an EARTH NOMAD with Xmas Fiend!

LVXYZ -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 13:39:12)

The new AI seriously isn't all that hard. Fight every match with effort now, that's all. Fight like you would in PvP. If the opponent pulls off a 3 or a 5 hit combo, then know that he'll probably have to charge next turn! Also, I think the new leveling difficulty makes it so the leveled Legend cards are truly Legendary and the Master/Vets are true to their name now. Seriously, think about it. Also, is the chest a SHOP or an actual ENCOUNTER with a monster like the Stone Knight/Assassin and the Earth Golem? If so, I got all 3 of those cards already. But I heard there was gold too, so what's up with it?

caseybp -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 15:48:08)

I think PvE battles are more engaging than before, so i cant complain about the AI boost. The labyrinth was sorta challenging, but it wasn't super hard. I liked it. Plus the Minotaur i fought wasn't in the big room that the corridor going into it slowly widens. But in another room that was similar. But the second time i ran through the dungeon, it was in that very place. i'm not sure about that places constancy. Overall i thought it was fun.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 16:07:01)

on terms of diffuculty the new AI isn't hard you just need a change of strategy they have pattern in every match i done so far i suggest fighting them with lower lvl then 5 isn't good idea unless u can do something special with that lvl 5.The new Ai basicly make the new enemy smart enoguth to use more then 1 skill and also to use and gather their charges.Those who are lossing to them is cause they think they don't have to be carefull and take it as if the enemy are suppose to be quick to kill.For me i sitll use the same process as i always do to fight any enemy charge my souls use all the skills that allow me hit and basicly focus on my protection with using them.
with fire character(fire witch master) i tried to gather as many attack cards as i can to kill them.With Ice( barberian master) i tried to set up a good defense before i even bother to attack and don't use my orb unless i know i can kill them(i do this in pvp and when we had the old AI) that is cause we all know how time consuming it is to kill someone using ice (ice player really tend ot ahve alot of umblockables and 2 and 1 damage).with Lightning(ligthning wolf master) I focus on getting the currect damage cards i need not just spam attacks.with the light effect character(paladin master) i focus on my attack frequency make sure i spread out my energy so i can kill my enemy.with shadow(revontheus,blood fiend master) i focus little on my attacks and even if they are sacrifices(i do this both in pvp and other places) and make sure i conserved my energy so i can spam dots u do more damage by using poisen wich is12 damage (6 energy) then using life drain wich is5 damage (8 energy). so in short don't try to survived them unless ur character has survival skills that are worth using not just like shield i mean 1 5 shield really doens't count like protection .
Note: their are other ways to use the element i currecntly already used my pikemen general and my alpha pirate-i have no fancy earth so i cannot give u strategy for using earth althought those who are bad pvp can look at the new AI system and learn some tricks to fighting in pvp after all if u guys are having this hard time with them what if people used their same idea of fighitng as their pvp style (lol)
2note: the fight take me the same amount of time as they did before and i always survive with 70% of my hp like the old AI. but what i seen is to u guys are misunderstnading almost dying for time(maybe ur are maybe ur not)almost dying can happend with the new AI if ur not carefull,unlike the old AI u could care les what u did u would win.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 16:08:51)

To support Labyth here's a level 1 Water Fairy owning an enhanced AI Earth Apprentice:

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 16:16:50)

Just So u can see their is no difference in the lvl eaither is just basicly what ur character can do and what u can do with them and how u use them Revon is lvl 15vs lvl 15 sword(AI) nomad we all know this characters will spam their skills at you and really is jsut how well u can use ur character. he barely damaged me i have maxed life of 43 fore the record he only got 4 hits on me. and i am pretty sure no matter what lvl you are only if u evolved your cards change.alTHOUGHT I BELIEVE THE NEW (AI) is giving the enemy more energy to start with cause in the beggining of the amtch with earth wizard they do mountain strike on me and also follow me up with another 5 damage attack taht should be 9 energy and we only start out with 5 energy.

Note: i still would love more exp and more cash eaither way no matter with the new AI or with the old one i still would want mroe cash and more exp.

Secret1337 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/12/2013 18:15:06)

One of the best realeses soo far.
Now, to the gameplay creating!

Hideyoshi -> RE: =OS= Design Notes January 11, 2013: Oversoul's First Dungeon is LIVE! (1/13/2013 8:27:02)

the game just got more interesting! YAY TO HARDER MONSTERS~![:D][:D]

edit: If i'm at the boss room and press "Explore", do i get the boss? or random till i get him nvm.. he waits for you ._.;;

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