RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 12:45:09)

Just because the skill core that came with the weapon is locked and can’t be used does not mean it will not work you just can’t place it on another weapon and it should stay like that to keep the weapons unique.

You still have one available slot to add any skill core you want to use with the existing skill core. With the equipment that has no skill cores you have 2 slots available so the founder armor you could equip any two skill cores you want, what is there to complain about that.

I rather see the weapons that came with a skill core already to be locked and not offered within the list of skill cores with an exception of the skill cores that can’t be used in battle like the exoskeleton, which they could change that if they want. Like the Stun Gun sets we were told they will be the only sidearms to be like that and if they offer a skill core for the sidearms or Aux that stuns then that will take away the uniqueness of the Stun Gun sets

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 12:51:20)

@xen didn't u read my post properly ?? 250 per item , v got 4 and the retrain price , I know its not hard to earn 1.5 k, but doing this every now and then is not easy, plus every credit u earn isn't ment to be spent on retrain, there r so many other things to be done with it ... Looks like u don't value much of less credits, but don't forget, 1+1 credits adds to many ...

Oba -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 12:56:13)

Nvm... *innocent whistle*..

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 13:10:02)

@SOuL Prisoner: only level capped/very high level players retrain gear constantly.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 14:47:38)

There should be a page that show skill cores(like achievements) for every account. All of them should be locked, but if you have the weapon that already has that skill core then skill core should get unlocked in that page to be able to use with any weapon. You can sell some skill cores in game and some of them can be only unlocked by buying that weapon.

For example, Omega skill core should be locked for every one(and not sell in game) but if you bought the Omega weapons that skill core should be unlocked so you can use it with any weapon. when you unlock a skill core, it will be unlocked for good so you cant delete rare skill cores.

So there will be no reason to lock skills on weapons.

System will look like:

Chairman's Fury [locked]
Curse [locked]
Curse Aura [locked]
Frostbite Aura [locked]

Lets say i buy Platinium armor and Delta weapons...

Chairman's Fury [unlocked]
Curse [unlocked]
Curse Aura [locked]
Frostbite Aura [locked]

So even if i delete Chairman's Fury from Platinium armor, i can still apply it to any weapon since i unlocked it.

Eventus -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:01:08)


That would be ideal—to have a "skill cores Inventory concept"—but unfortunately, that is not how the game is currently designed. Right now there is no existing log (i.e. "inventory") of what skill cores you have; there is only a skill cores shop. That means that if exclusive skill cores on your gear were unlocked and you removed them to swap it with a different skill core in the shop, then you'll lose the exclusive skill core forever, because exclusive skill cores will not be sold in the skill core shop. (Hence the "exclusive" part of their title).

It is for this very reason are the developers currently keeping the exclusive skill cores locked on specific gear, particularly promotional items that inherently come with skill cores—they don't want people to accidentally permanently get rid of an exclusive skill core by swapping a weapon with a normal skill core from the shop. But as mentioned in the DNs post, these exclusive skill cores may eventually become unlocked when the developers believe that it would be a safe move to allow people to get rid of their exclusive skill cores... something that will probably happen when a new feature is added to make that skill cores Inventory concept, or at the developers' discretion.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:07:52)

Does it mean that when purchasing a skill core you have to attach it to a weapon right away and it will remain attached forever?

TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:19:51)

@ Eventus

We expected something like "skill cores inventory" in the first place. I dont know why developers choose another way about skill cores. When omega announced we thought that we can use weapons for their look. I was excited about using Forstbite Claws - Frostbolt blaster- Delta Knight - Eggzooka. But now i see i will be forced to use other weapons because of locked specials.

Many people including myself very disappointed about this.

Sympleton -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:41:03)

I truly did just expect that cores would have an inventory slot, because it made so much sense.

Can someone name one single reasons why having a skill core inventory wouldn't be anything but wonderful?

Without it, the game will be just as limited diversity wise as it was before... People will just pick weapons because of their skill cores instead of stats. [:@]

Lycan. -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:42:02)

There should be definately be a skill core inventory, maybe equiping a skill core you own would cost 50 varium or 1k credits.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:45:16)

exactly, there will be no freedom at all. Just like now.

Eventus -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 15:55:00)


The skill cores and the skill cores shop is still a work in progress. But if I'm correct, when you purchase a skill core from a shop, it will not go into your inventory—you must imbue an item with that skill core the moment you purchase it by selecting which item you want to imbue with that skill core. However, any skill core you purchase for a normal weapon/gear will not be locked in; you have the choice of paying another fee to swap skill cores with a different skill core from the shop at any point in time.

@Everyone else:

I should note that the skill cores shop is a novel idea for EpicDuel. It's new. There will undoubtedly be many changes made to this shop as time progresses when Omega is released, but right now the developers' main priority is to finish making all the new features and get all the bugs and glitches filtered out. A lot of other great ideas and concepts would be ideal as well in Omega, but they won't get released all at once; there simply isn't enough time to make that many new features with such a short deadline they have. For now, I would strongly advise everyone to just wait for Omega and see what it has to offer. When Omega does come out, if you see something you'd like improved or changed, then you are absolutely free to make a thread in the ED Suggestions Forum. [;)]

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 16:11:09)


you have the choice of paying another fee to swap skill cores with a different skill core from the shop at any point in time.

at one hand, we have the Overpowered 1 time only payment of enhancements

on the other hand we have the yet unknown but payment per swap of cores

I don't see this going well

HydroMonk -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 16:12:53)

Hmmm.. now I understood .. thank you Eventus .

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 16:49:59)

Isn't the code already there of when you unlock something it can be used, like hairstyles, take the coding further with skill cores, once you purchase one than you should be able to use it again at no cost.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 17:34:04)


Quoting DNs:

This part is really important: Just because a core slot is currently locked on a particular item does NOT mean that the slot will remain locked permanently. The beauty of the new system is that we can lock and unlock the core slots at our discretion. Consider a passive ability like Exoskeleton. Exoskeleton is an "event ability" that was useful against the Delta Vault during the Infernal Infiltration War. Now that the war is over, Exoskeleton doesn't serve much purpose in normal battle. In Omega, when we're ready, we will unlock the Exoskeleton core slot and allow players to replace it with a new Passive Core of their choice.

So your Exoskeleton which is on the list is considered to be gone already. There may be more perhaps, who knows.

The cores are done from scratch so existing abilities will be further rebalanced to fit in with the other cores. It would not be wise to speculate... it's better to wait for the Devs to give us the full scoop before hastily jumping to conclusions.

These locked cores (rare) are for a reason which is players selling the rare core for non-rare one and wanting it back in the future but cannot. It's great that you wouldn't do it but you don't speak for the whole of ED. I've seen Suggestions about bringing rare items back for those who have sold them, and it wasn't these "noobs" people speak of but the experienced players selling rare items due to being useless at the time. This just proves the point why rare cores should be locked for sometime so players DO get used to Omega and won't play around with cores (so not ditching rare for non-rare which may be useless for them and demanding refund or such).
Some of you don't realise that rare abilities will be generally more useful or "better". Not in terms of power but it's common sense to give a rare item - especially a promo - an ability that is unique somehow rather than "passive +10 HP boost" as your core. We won't see Chairman's Fury anytime soon to be available. Similar effects yes but perhaps working differently and not as efficient.

Having temporary lock will prevent people from "demanding" a refund for selling rare core because they felt like it. It's a pity that everyone will be affected but it's temporary. Perhaps by the time they'll unlock it, they will be able to store the cores in our inventory so we can re-apply them only on the weapon that had it (so Chairman's Fury on Platinum's Pride, Curse on Delta Weapons, etc.)

Lastly, consider this:
If you hate being restricted in Omega due to rare core being temporarily locked, for sake of other players, then why didn't you buy a plain weapon instead but decided to pay $50 for a promo with an ability? Would you dish out $50 for an item in the promo package that is the same as the one in the shop for 1K Varium? Don't think so.

Players have also forgotten about the compensation. Some people are being pessimistic and beg for a cheevo and a bike, which may be given but not as a full compensation. Cindy has already spoken about it last month; every player is tracked, they have record of all your enhancements on items in your inventory and everyone will be compensated individually depending on the amount spent. It's already all pretty much set in stone as it is. Some players keep saying that they want x% of their Varium spent to be refunded and some demand more and more. Devs don't have to compensate you in any form - read Terms and Conditions, they get handy - but choose to which is wise business move. They don't have to compensate you but will, and you want more, and more, and more.

In addition, it isn't fair for people to be saying that they weren't expecting this in Omega and hate it already. It's unfair to judge the game based on pure speculation and no full information on it. Rather than be patient and see the rest, you judge it by every piece of DNs because information you want is missing (or to be revealed later).

Proofread. ~eVentus

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 17:58:09)

I am joining the Skill Cores Inventory Syndicate. Without it creativity is so gone.

Plus if you have a rare skill core, you are forced to trash it if you want to apply a different one on the same weapon.

So if you don't have a lot of weapons, you won't be able to posess and use a lot of skill cores.

What if you want to test 3 skill cores, to see which combination of 2 on the same item has the best results?

How about postponing Omega to the summer, to correct this monstrosity?

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 18:01:52)

I really was hoping for skill cores to have their own inventory.
To be honest, if a skill core inventory system is something that is being planned for the future but just isn't possible for the initial omega release, let us know now. I'm sure if you're honest about whether or not it's going to change later down the line, it will garner some trust from the players.
Perhaps offer an achievment for testing out the new system, similar to the other new systems that have been implemented (Juggernaut achievment, War Cannon achievment, Mission Achievment).
I'll still use skill cores right away regardless of an achievment, it's just a thought.

truc -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 18:30:50)

Sounds good but there should be only 1 core usable because lucky charm, massive strike, curse, and shoot double target sounds waay to overpowered. To clear what I said I mean having 4 different passives on each weapon sounds so unreasonable and overpowered.

Xendran -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 18:53:21)


To clear what I said I mean having 4 different passives on each weapon sounds so unreasonable and overpowered

You get 1 passive and 1 active on each piece of gear. Stacking those 4 weapon passives wouldnt be as effective as you think.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 21:03:30)

Can we now move on to the next set of Design notes to get further information of the changes to come?

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/18/2013 7:50:21)


Oh gee, 8 cores in total..

Thought the same. ED will be much more complex as it is now.
Enhancements will be replaced by cores so im not sure if the
power gap will be removed. Its all about cores then and im sure
that the more powerfull cores like Spreadfire will cost varium.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/18/2013 7:57:16)

^ I think its only swap with a new one, doubt if u can sell them :/

Oba -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/18/2013 12:42:16)


Oh gee, 8 cores in total..

Well looking at the Design Notes it seems like cores are brought to Bots aswell, meaning we are getting 10 cores for a complete set of items (which is a must at the lvl cap).

TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/18/2013 13:14:10)


We waited 1,5 month without update. They didnt even do any new year event unlike all other games. They promised us it will worth waiting and we will be able to use items we want.

Can i use Fury with my Delta Armor ? NO, Can i use Frostbite Aura with my Delta Armor? NO, Can i use any other passive core with my Delta Dagger? NO, Can i use my Frostbolt Blaster-Frostbite Claws? NO(we dont know when they gonna unlock it), If i bought Omega Weapons can i use their skill core with another weapon? NO etc.

The disappointing thing is they didnt make skill core inventory in 1,5 months, if they made it in the first place we wouldnt need locked skill cores.


Lastly, consider this:
If you hate being restricted in Omega due to rare core being temporarily locked, for sake of other players, then why didn't you buy a plain weapon instead but decided to pay $50 for a promo with an ability? Would you dish out $50 for an item in the promo package that is the same as the one in the shop for 1K Varium? Don't think so.

I bought promos because of their stats not because of their abilities. Im not saying rare skill cores worst than regular skill cores. My point is in omega i wanted to use Delta Knight-Frostbite Claws-Frostbolt Blaster-Eggzooka. But because of their locked abilities i will be forced to use *probably or maybe different* Platinium's Pride-Omega Weapon(if its skill core is good enough)-Dark Varium Blaster(because dont have locked icy chill)-Eggzooka.

So the only thing that changed is the way they force us to use weapons. I hope im wrong and we can use whatever weapon we want but the DNs seem otherwise. I like the way you stay optimistic but for example if they make Omega skill core OP, in every 9/10 of the battles you will see Omega primary *No fredom at all*

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