Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Titan Core - Jan. 16, 2013 (1/17/2013 17:34:04)
@Turkish Quoting DNs: quote:
This part is really important: Just because a core slot is currently locked on a particular item does NOT mean that the slot will remain locked permanently. The beauty of the new system is that we can lock and unlock the core slots at our discretion. Consider a passive ability like Exoskeleton. Exoskeleton is an "event ability" that was useful against the Delta Vault during the Infernal Infiltration War. Now that the war is over, Exoskeleton doesn't serve much purpose in normal battle. In Omega, when we're ready, we will unlock the Exoskeleton core slot and allow players to replace it with a new Passive Core of their choice. So your Exoskeleton which is on the list is considered to be gone already. There may be more perhaps, who knows. The cores are done from scratch so existing abilities will be further rebalanced to fit in with the other cores. It would not be wise to speculate... it's better to wait for the Devs to give us the full scoop before hastily jumping to conclusions. These locked cores (rare) are for a reason which is players selling the rare core for non-rare one and wanting it back in the future but cannot. It's great that you wouldn't do it but you don't speak for the whole of ED. I've seen Suggestions about bringing rare items back for those who have sold them, and it wasn't these "noobs" people speak of but the experienced players selling rare items due to being useless at the time. This just proves the point why rare cores should be locked for sometime so players DO get used to Omega and won't play around with cores (so not ditching rare for non-rare which may be useless for them and demanding refund or such). Some of you don't realise that rare abilities will be generally more useful or "better". Not in terms of power but it's common sense to give a rare item - especially a promo - an ability that is unique somehow rather than "passive +10 HP boost" as your core. We won't see Chairman's Fury anytime soon to be available. Similar effects yes but perhaps working differently and not as efficient. Having temporary lock will prevent people from "demanding" a refund for selling rare core because they felt like it. It's a pity that everyone will be affected but it's temporary. Perhaps by the time they'll unlock it, they will be able to store the cores in our inventory so we can re-apply them only on the weapon that had it (so Chairman's Fury on Platinum's Pride, Curse on Delta Weapons, etc.) Lastly, consider this: If you hate being restricted in Omega due to rare core being temporarily locked, for sake of other players, then why didn't you buy a plain weapon instead but decided to pay $50 for a promo with an ability? Would you dish out $50 for an item in the promo package that is the same as the one in the shop for 1K Varium? Don't think so. Players have also forgotten about the compensation. Some people are being pessimistic and beg for a cheevo and a bike, which may be given but not as a full compensation. Cindy has already spoken about it last month; every player is tracked, they have record of all your enhancements on items in your inventory and everyone will be compensated individually depending on the amount spent. It's already all pretty much set in stone as it is. Some players keep saying that they want x% of their Varium spent to be refunded and some demand more and more. Devs don't have to compensate you in any form - read Terms and Conditions, they get handy - but choose to which is wise business move. They don't have to compensate you but will, and you want more, and more, and more. In addition, it isn't fair for people to be saying that they weren't expecting this in Omega and hate it already. It's unfair to judge the game based on pure speculation and no full information on it. Rather than be patient and see the rest, you judge it by every piece of DNs because information you want is missing (or to be revealed later). Proofread. ~eVentus