Teufel Hunden -> RE: Elite ED Factions (1/20/2013 4:47:15)
I was once the Co-Leader/Co-Founder of HAX before leaving on my own accord due to several different reasons (wont say them, dont ask hahaa) and i helped recruit the top players in that faction that help the faction run as well as it does today, then when those players moved on (some decided to follow me and be in my faction) the ones who were left knew how to recruit from Latin and myself teaching them. Now onto the subject matter... "Elite" factions are just another way of saying a group that has been together for a while without disbanning (which many of them do after long periods of time). The start-up factions are only difficult to make because you need people who are willing to stick through the thick and thin of the good and hard times of your fac as well as be supportive and work to help further the progress of the fac. These "Elite" factions used to be start-up factions that ended up staying alive and becoming great. I once had a what i would think would be a "semi-elite" faction back in gamma. It was the original Da Bomb Squad, we had 32 2v2 wins and great players. (disbanned due to deeply personal issues) I decided, if i am working hard and getting all of these wins, why not do it with a great group of friends and players and for a fac i know wont disappear. In successfully running a faction i have noticed there are key ideas that need to be made clear. KEY IDEAS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Find loyal individuals (usually friends so you know they wont leave) and build up your officer spots 2. Go scouting for good players that would work well with your specified battle mode (1v1, 2v2, Jugg) 3. Pick one battle mode and stick to that mode. That is the easiest way to become a good faction. 4. Utilize your Head Quarters and your Head Quarters Note Bot. Use it to talk about goals and aspirations for fac, dailies, flags, etc. 5. When Scouting Make sure to be kind and show them why your fac is the right choice over anyone else's 6. Bribes do not pay off in the end. It only messes up your factions reputation and makes your members look desperate 7. When leading a fac, make them feel like they are important because in the end, they truly are. Treat them like a family, just as latin and I did for HAX and like she continues to and i run my Fac (Da bomb Squad) as a family of individuals as well. 8. Never, ever, ever put your faction members down. Always show them and tell them they did a good job even if they feel they didn't 9. Make sure you do not get tricked or duped by other factions going back on their word and either taking dailies from you or stealing players from your faction 10. When you shoot for a flag make sure you can take it, as well as keep it for an extended period of time. 11. Lastly, shoot for dailies and get your name out there and sooner or later your faction will become one of those "Elite" factions you hear about and see with amazing players and winning dailies and keeping flags. If you ever need any help with anything in-game, aspects of the game, item help, build help, anything... I will try my best to accommodate you and your requests. I am here if you need anything, i also have been through lots of personal crap and situations, so if you need someone to talk to, I'm all ears :). Hope this helps you all in your future endeavors as faction members or leaders, ~Da bomb Expert