RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 10:58:56)

There are a few forum members in the Dynami clan, they just don't send in regular plans at the moment.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 11:19:11)

Because they're trying to keep interest in the game.

It was suggested that we do some sort of pet battle/race, but no one has further elaborated on the subject.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 19:10:14)

keeping interest... it is easy wrack up wins for them cause hardly anyone sees any point in trying to bring them down and their background is the coolest, I wish geoto had the coolest mountains that the game has to offer then people would come back more often to defend.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 20:07:35)

I kind of doubt people defend based on background pictures.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 21:42:11)

Are you sure of that Diggy? You don't know nothing about anything.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 22:56:22)

OH SNAP! DID I hit the nail right on the mark?

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/13/2013 19:17:09)


Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/15/2013 21:13:00)

Really no. So anyways...are we still doing this?

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/15/2013 22:07:17)

Yup! The round is a go! (Especially since the Leprechaun War is already past 80% -_- )

Starting fluid! Uhh, I mean link!

Beat them, Paxia. Beat them with a stick!

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/16/2013 21:42:24)

Huh. Okay. I guess we could see if we can get the score over 100k.

King Helios -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/16/2013 22:33:31)

Wow…an almost 200,000 difference between the top and bottom clans.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/17/2013 22:09:12)

Yeah! I've somehow managed to get it on time for once!

*Well, actually about a minute late, but I can probably round that down or something.... Link.*

Now for the round! To quote Dynami,

Dynami will be taking B1 and A13 this weekend.

Without looking, I just know what spaces those are because they're the same spaces as every week. Geoto and Aerodu. Aerodu gained 261 points. Geoto lost 80 points, and Dynami gained *assume unnaturally high number* Yup, 1,713 points. So Dynami takes both spaces. Now I'm going to make a prediction.... Aerodu and Geoto have tried to attack Dynami but have both failed. *gets out the sound-less party poppers*

Wait a minute, what th- A 13's Geoto terrain! Well, uhh.... Dynami has taken 2 Geoto spaces. Well, at least it's not them just attacking both clans again.

To quote Geoto,

Geoto attacks B2 and B4

Same result as above

To quote Aerodu,

Just got in our order of missiles. We will make it rain on B5 and B6

Apparently they didn't work quite the way they were intended to.... Well, maybe they would've worked if Dynami took Aerodu terrain? I dunno.... By the way, this is why Quoting Aerodu's a thing and no one else gets quoted. It's always the same thing said every time!

Well, that should end this round. Until next time, I am 3 brooms in a bucket suit and- *falls apart*

Fishtank -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/18/2013 2:56:48)

The top levels of Dynami's government may or may not have been recently taken over by hostile elements. Said elements may or may not be "one Aerodu member who mistook the generator for the airship". So for now, we attack Geoto.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/18/2013 4:27:55)

Dynami dares to attacks Geoto, looks like it is time to rally the troops again, there is no way we can allow ourselves to lose.

Sarriya -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/18/2013 22:05:48)

Considering Dynami can steamroll everyone if they really wanted to isn't saying that they DARE to attack a bit overly dramatic?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/18/2013 22:29:37)

And are YOU being a bit overdramatic for an event that has at most 10 people in it when someone is trying to put a little spunk into it?

Srsly, chill, anyone taking this event srsly is reading too much into it right now. What you SHOULD be excited for is a new proposal that could spice up the PuC o:

Once someone from the PPFs post it. I'd introduce it but only with permission from said idea maker.

Sarriya -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/19/2013 4:15:14)

Hey now, I just thought it was funny using it like that - makes it sound like Dynami is the scrappy underdog or something.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/19/2013 9:54:17)

hey I didn't attack anybody I was just sick and couldn't defend cause I got a throat infection and then after that I got a sinus infection, which I didn't really recover from till day before yesterday.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/19/2013 11:55:36)

Well they were at one point years ago. Though they threw that title out recently. If they want to be underdogs again they'll have to give way and let someone else actually dominate. :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/20/2013 3:44:12)


Srsly, chill, anyone taking this event srsly is reading too much into it right now. What you SHOULD be excited for is a new proposal that could spice up the PuC o:

Once someone from the PPFs post it. I'd introduce it but only with permission from said idea maker.

Sounds interesting, any idea when it will be posted?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/20/2013 9:02:15)

Right now O:


So here's a new contest idea.

Like PUC in the past, the contest works by calculating the positive variation of clan scores. For every *INSERT APPROPRIATE BIG NUMBER HERE* points, the clans get forward one step. What are the steps? Building a statue to display how awesome you are. Like in this example picture below, which by the way should be what the statues should look like at the end.

Enjoy viewing this example picture.

How do these steps work? Easily.
Step 1: The base of the statue.
Step 2: The middle part of the statue, where the actual statue is attached to.
Step 3: The big fancy imaginative statue, which in this case is a big 1. Because that's what Dynami is.
Step 4: A big shiny plaque at the base of the statue.
Step 5: Words that will sum up and immortalize your clan and your success.

And that's it.

"But Mr. Idea Man, why didn't you give us easier pieces to cut&paste in the example pic so we can make the statue?" Ha ha ha, silly Timmy, that was just an example!

In reality, the clan members will be making the statue pic by themselves. By whatever painting program they have available. And to spice it up, a clan member can only add a drawn piece of the statue once, so more than one or two per clan can participate. Don't worry about being a bad artist, so am I and I still drew you that picture! Just have fun with it, for once, sheesh.

In case a clan wants to participate but VERY SADLY does not have 5 different clan members to split the statue pieces between each other, exceptions can be made so people would be able to have fun, which right now in Paxia is in critically low quantity. CURSE YOU DYNAMI STOP BEING SUCH JERKS

The goal of this new contest, in any case, is to be the first clan to finish their drawing of the statue. The score fluctuations will be checked by the same system as the PUC checks right now to update the scoreboard/conquest map, but there is a slight difference between "having farmed enough points for all 5 pieces" and "having farmed enough points for all 5 pieces and drew every single one of them". Only the latter is an eligible winner. The first clan to finish their drawing of the statue after they have gotten all the required points for them is the winning clan, not the clan that gets all the points first but never draws all the pieces between the clan members.

Sabotage is allowed, Clan Defense is what nets you points, but Attacking other clans to hinder their statue building is perfectly fine. However, it will only count towards the score fluctuation to NOT finish a statue piece before you do, if you should attack a clan for 500 points and bring them down 5499 points to 4999 after they had finished one statue piece, they will still have that piece. The clan simply has to get back the point to the "checkpoint" they were last at before they can start building the next statue piece.

Sounds simple enough? Or complex enough?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/20/2013 9:05:37)

Sounds simple enough Ultrapowerpie though I think quite a few exceptions will need to be made due to the few number of people in most clans. In addition I think we will see a lot of work done on paint. Even so it sounds like it could be fun, though you might want to make it so we can see the example picture.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/20/2013 15:28:40)

So if I've got this right.... This would work exactly like the current PUC except

1. Negative/small numbers don't count

2. Someone has to draw a statue to show that the clan's active... and

3. No more map


I think it might take a little bit of the potential complexity out of the PUC, but like the idea of getting an art award type of thing for winning the round. At least, I think that's what this is about.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/22/2013 21:13:15)

I like this new idea not only does it allow for inactive clans to not fall into oblivion it allows for clan members who are active to inspire clan members to make a comeback and maybe someone might win some competitions to get some ideas into the clan gear in-game.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/22/2013 22:23:09)

Ok, start of the 22nd round! I know it's 10:22, but I swear I took these at around 10:11 .... Seriously.... I mean, just check the time in the image I'm not that far off.

EDIT: 10:12.... Freaking minute difference!!!

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