=ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (Full Version)

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button33 -> =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/21/2013 23:03:19)


January 21, 2013
A Handy Guide

While were waiting on a formal video demonstrating the Stat Editing and Core features of Omega, I decided to put together a step-by-step guide to explain these exciting new systems. Keep in mind, these features are still being testing and balanced, so pricing and actual Core names may chance before the actual release.

Stat Upgrading

First, select a weapon or armor from your inventory. If your level is greater than the level of your weapon, you can upgrade it to your current level. To start the process, click the yellow upgrade arrow in your inventory.


The Stat Editor will appear in your inventory and allow you to distribute the items stats. In this example, I am upgrading an armor. If it were a weapon, you would be able to distribute damage points instead of defense / resistance. You will not be able to change the damage type from physical to energy or energy to physical.


After you have distributed your stats, you can choose to finalize them for a Credit or Varium price. Prices vary based on how much you upgrade the item.


After you confirm the upgrade, your item will have the new stats.

Core Installation

Now that I've brought my old, dusty armor up to the level cap, I think I'll increase my odds in battle by installing a Core. Each item has a passive and active Core slot. Some promo items have locked Cores preinstalled. These Cores cannot be replaced at this time, but we may offer removal of these locked Core in the future. It's hard to say at this point.


Clicking an empty slot will open the "Core shop." Currently all of the Cores shown are available. Some extremely powerful cores may need to be unlocked before they can be used. You can install the Core by selecting an available Core from your Core inventory and choosing the Credit or Varium "Insert Core" option. Again, prices are subject to change and are for testing purposes.


After you have chosen your payment option, you will be asked to confirm your choice.


And just like that, the core is installed on my armor. I can also install an active Core by clicking the empty Core slot with a tiny skull. The inventory is different, but the process is the same. As the Core feature grows throughout Omega, battle tactics will change drastically with hundreds of possible Core combinations. The flexibility of this system will allow formerly obsolete gear to become battle-ready once again.

Stay tuned for further updates this week with a complete video demonstration from Practel!

Tags: Nightwraith

Formatted. -- SMGS

Xxbbooxx -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/21/2013 23:24:06)

looking good, skimmed it but i get the idea, and i like how it works

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/21/2013 23:31:42)

More insight into skill core prices,

And compared to enhancements its fairly cheap 20k credits per weapon.

Which seems fairly good.

I am slightly disappointed in the skill core effects *EDIT: Shown in the image*, Currently they all just increase luck, hardly anything creative so far, and I was kinda hoping that they left luck alone from now on with skill cores.

Considering the huge amount of passive options suggested by many players that dont have an effect on luck.

Luck's power should be left at a certain amount and currently without skill cores luck's power is perfectly fine.

Hopefully if their is negative luck bonuses with skill cores, they also add complimentary positive skill core effects. EG. Decrease crit chance, decrease crit power, increase side arm accuracy.

After all to just add skill cores that worsen luck is pretty much ignoring a huge amount of players who have complained about luck for many years now.

I know luck is needed, but considering the high amount of complaints over the years surely it shouldn't be made worse??

Oh well...

At least omega is good in many other ways.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/21/2013 23:34:40)

Those are just example, "basic" skill cores for players who don't know how to use a more interesting effect. I am confident skill cores will be much more useful than this.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:09:20)


I am slightly disappointed in the skill core effects, Currently they all just increase luck, hardly anything creative so far, and I was kinda hoping that they left luck alone from now on with skill cores.

Uhm what? You see only 1 of the possibly hundreds of skill cores and you already base your judgement on that?
Wow, just wow.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:12:56)

If the prices r gonna remain the same, I'm done playing ....80k if i want change again or replace one with other , do I hve to buy again??

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:14:05)

@ Zeph

What my judgment was based on, and based on ALONE.

Was the 4 skill cores only seen in the image.

My judgement is NOT based on all skill core as a whole, why would you accuse me of that when clearly that is not the intention.

WOW just WOW right back at ya buddy.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:21:38)

^ Have you read this sentence?

Keep in mind, these features are still being testing and balanced, so pricing and actual Core names may chance before the actual release.

So the 3 other names actually say nothing about the effect of it so you still base your judgement on only one core.


My judgement is NOT based on all skill core as a whole, why would you accuse me of that when clearly that is not the intention.

You do, you say you were disappointed in the skill core effects.
But how can you already be disappointed if you can only see 1 of the hundreds?

Because you based your judgement on this:

Increase your block chance by x%.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:28:21)

^When I say disappointed in the skill effects I was referring the those only in the image.


Could of coarse be referring to something completely different....
I was making the pretty obvious assumption they mean as their name suggests.

Why do you care so much that I dislike the skill core effects I see in the image, its fine if you think that I was referring to all skill cores but since I clearly stated I wasn't why do you suddenly think you can change what I was referring to when I was the person who was intending what I intended to say, just because I left it open to be misinterpreted, like you have done, doesn't mean that this misinterpretation is what I was trying to say.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:31:38)

@above oh im so happy about luck bases skill cores, it will definitely help my cyber hunter build in omega.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:33:09)

^ Thats good for you, Im glad you like luck being improved with skill cores.

Im happy that even if I lose some others win.

Good for you.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:35:59)

If cores CAN be itemized, the price is fine, but for nearly 1000 varium I would expect the credit counterpart to be at least 25000.

If cores CANNOT/WILL NOT itemize, 975 would be way too high. Because you are selling them as samples, limited at that too, you would want to sell them cheap and they will fly. Say, 200 varium per core you can expect every person who has bought varium will desire to buy a core.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:40:00)

The potential for skill cores to lead to good strategies is handicapped by the lack of a skill core inventory. "Weird" skill cores that only work with a few builds will be ignored and people will stock up on junk like the cores listed in Nightwraith's example because they help out with all builds evenly.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:43:42)

@ remorse

We don't know if those cores will even be in the game. They could have been just example cores and not the actual ones. But at the same time though I am suprised those cores where used as examples. I figured they would have at least used some cores that worked with actual numbers myself instead of block, deflect, stun, and crit cores. stun and crit chance make no type of sense as an armor passive IMO.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:44:43)

@ Giras Agreed,

I really hope they make it so its an inventory, or at least make it so it costs nothing to insert a core which you had previously inserted before.

@ Mother,

I realize that, but Im still disappointed with the fact they still think putting luck enchaining effects is still a good thing.

I thought they had changed that opinion when they said skill cores like frostbite would become actives.

I was wrong, doesn't matter though because other people seem to like it.

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:46:31)


You can install the Core by selecting an available Core from your Core inventory and choosing the Credit or Varium "Insert Core" option.

Yes, there will be cores that benefit different builds more but that's just how the game works. They can't release things that will benefit everyone at once. Even bots are affected by this. For example, Azrael Borg being more useful to a Str build than a 5 focus user because of the effect.

@remorse How do you make a passive skill not OPd or UPd without dealing with luck? Adding things like passive defenses or health/energy regen would lead to problems with classes that already have those types of skills in their character tree.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:53:14)

My point is that the current system will discourage build-specific cores, if changing the cores is too expensive. Hopefully the way the system will works is like hairstyles -- you pay 10,000 credits to unlock a core, then only 500 credits to apply it to items. Thus it would be affordable to change cores with your build, and build-specific cores would be more usable.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:54:37)

@ ND

Does that mean we dont have to pay to insert the cores we own each to?? or do we?

Because What I think giras was referring to is, if we have to pay then skill cores that benefit unique or lesser used builds it would be unfair to them because if they wanted to change their build it costs them each time to change the cores...

Were as more general cores are more beneficial because you dont have to change them each time you change your build.

I think most players were hoping for a one time payment for cores which can be equipped free of charge endlessly at no further cost.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 0:59:45)

^Exactly what I'm trying to say.

Some details about the cost of enhancements are sorely needed.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 1:02:41)

@ remorse.

The names may be obvious, but still you cannot relay on the names.
And if you intended it different, you should have also said it different.

And in your first post you clearly said that you were disappointed in the skill core effects.
You did not said anything about the ones in the pic, so you ahould have been more clear about that.
Because now youre speaking about the skill cores in general.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 1:05:11)

^ Il Edit it if you want,

Im sorry you got misinterpreted.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE the idea of skill cores, as long as they dont effect luck, is all.

no hard feelings?

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 1:37:39)

Remorse may have a point though skill cores affecting luck factors would throw things out of whack. Strength builds should not be able to equip increased critical hit chance skill cores. These chances should be connected to your stats and only your stats so you can effectively base a strategy around correctly playing these odds.

There are plenty of awesome passive skill cores. I would be glad if the ones in NW's example are never, ever implemented.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 1:50:28)

^ Im glad someones else also agrees with me :)

Sometimes I feel outnumbered on these forums :/

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 2:11:18)

That doesn't mean getting rid off luck is possible or will be done. Make it 100% chance or 0% chance to get rid off it, as well as make one build win, one with highest damage output and HP only.

Blocks and deflections will still work based on probability, I don't see where the problem is. You will have x% chance to block and y% chance to deflect, it will not be 100% or 0% to get rid off luck, so you may get blocked or you may not. This will work like SA but in a skill core. You're also completely forgetting about stat overhaul which has adjusted every single stat as well as formulae.
Judging everything based on speculation isn't a wise idea, because there's more to be revealed.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= A Handy Guide - Jan. 21, 2013 (1/22/2013 2:29:39)

^ Indeed,

I just personally think luck should be left as stat only influenced.

I also think shadow arts need to be changed for that reason.

This is just my opinion on factors that effect luck other then stats.

You dont have to agree with it.

I cant wait for some revealing information on skill cores.

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