Charfade -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 7:54:33)
The things the testers are testing right now are game breaking bugs. Things that will hang the client and not let you play the game further. Or making sure your accounts are still secure. Testers have to change class several times with the gear equipped to make sure you dont lose anything in your inventory. They also test all the options on every action in the game. Have you ever clicked on a NPC shop and it just went black? That would be a type of bug we are looking for. If you can't complete a mission, that's a problem. Since there is a whole new battle engine, every damage % to ever bot, weapon and armor have to be tested. And in different order and in different combinations with other weapons and armors. As some skills and cores affects other skills and cores. When a bug is found, some times the testers can move on to other things to test, however sometimes they have to wait until the bug is fixed. The good news is, the testers have worked out a great system, working 24/7 in shifts helping smashing these bugs. It helps that our testers are located in several parts of the world which means different time zones. They are working incredibly hard, and finding many bugs we wouldn't have even known to look for. So, we have pliantly of testers currently for those who are asking. They are doing there jobs very well. Will they get every bug... chances are no. But they will make sure there are no game breaking ones. There is a lot that can go wrong in this release. The most important parts are making sure your account is secure, your items are secure and you can still play the game. The testers job isn't easy, I'd ask that you please do not judge them or assume they dont know how to do there jobs. They are doing fantastic job, and its safe to say there wouldn't be a Omega release with out there help. And to answer Blitzex/Sr. Zeph comments about work and hours. The Dev staff has been working every weekend and extra long hours every weekday ( 10 - 16 + hr days ) since the beginning of November. Only taking a 1 week break for the Christmas holiday. The testers have also been here with the same amount of hours, sometime putting in more. There hasn't been any socializing or out side activities for the team in well.... weeks. I've only recently had a few weekends here and there because much of my art assets have been checked in. However I'm always on call no matter where I am if the team needs something. I help test when I can, but ultimately I leave that to the rest of the team because they know more of what they are looking for. I check most of the art assets, making sure maps are working, the correct buttons are showing up and missions. Those things are pretty much done and tested now btw. The real amount of testing now is on Titan and Rabbles shoulders, as they prepare and test several scripts that will run when we shut down the servers. Making sure those who ordered the omega pre-order package gets there items in there inventory. That's just one script that needs to happen, among many many others. If we miss something, that would be bad. Ever heard the term, "measure twice cut once?" Well we are measuring many times, with several different rulers... because we can only cut once. Its not like we can grab a new piece of timber.