Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Omega Play-By-Play - Feb. 5, 2013 (2/7/2013 6:25:11)
Buffy, In regards to "not being a getting used to the skills thing", well that's partially correct at the moment due to being a low amount of cores available (i guess you meant cores/skills so apologies if wrong) But it is still vastly heavily dependent on stats, and the players ability to use those in cooperation with the skills which are reflected by the players stats for the main part. Regarding the lab rats comment, well yes we are still experimenting and balance will be adjusted at a later time (See the Omega Feedback Thread if you have not already) which is a great way for players to give their thoughts on what is doing OK, what is doing not so well, and other general feedback which can be read by all, and in time, adjusted by the Devs and Mods into a manner which will seem more balanced. Taking into account that not everyone likes every balance update/change and alike, but all together does and will try to focus on the wider player base once determined what is the best action to take regarding the issue/s that may arise and how is best to solve them. Here's The Issue I Have With The Testing/Lab Rats Thing... After 3+ Years Of Various Phases And Modes...Evolving, The Staff Should Really Consider Creating A PTR (Player Test Realm) Server. Active Founder/Beta Players, Have The Most Actual "In Game" Battle Experience, Should Be Asked First. This Could And Should Be Used To The Game's Advantage. Having A Place Where Players Who Have Helped Build And Establish This Game And Know It's History, Where They Could HELP, Spend Time Actually Testing New Battle Modes And Providing The Staff Feedback... BEFORE A New Phase Or Battle Mode Launches. It Should Not Go LIVE With So Many Potential Problems, Like An Unfinished Product. I Don't Want To Overly Attack The Current Testers, But They OBVIOUSLY Did A Mediocre Job At Best, Not Anticpating Some Glaring Problems That EVERYONE Is Currently Experiencing. And In Their Defense, The Testing Pool Is Very Small, And Does NOT In Any Way Represent The Vast Skills, Battle Styles And View Points Of The Ed Community. Many Other Games, Including Artix's Own AQW... Have And Do Use This To Their Benefit. I Understand, It's Too Late Now, But Considering This (PTR) For The Future, Would Be Wise And In Everyone's Best Interest. Long Time Paying Customers And Newer Players Should Not Have To Experience This Again And Again, The Constant Adjustments And "Trial And Error" Ways. Honestly, It's Not Professional And There Are Many Players Like Myself, Who Have Been Here For Years, And Would Be Willing To Help For Free. A Wasted Resource In My Opinion = US And Now We Are Used, Against Our Will So To Speak, To Test It Anyways, At The Expense Of Our Records, Our Credits And Our Varium. Not Cool. ~ Buffy