Resk -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread III (8/30/2013 12:19:15)
Seems to be a heck of a lot of fallen angels this time round... Oh well, it sort of worked last time, so spent some time re-writing my prior entry :3 OS Username: Resk (Figured I’d use the name, as I like the concept <,<) =============================================================================================== The Angel, Resk Act 1: The Wandering Angel In a prior time, when people were capable of both kind and wicked acts, of strength and of weakness, a fledgling Angel by the name of Resk wandered through the lands. She gave aid to those who needed a nudge; to find a better direction, away from dark acts. Given her lowly rank within the order of the divine, naught more than a slight push was within her immaterial power, but this was enough to allow her to aim some of mankind to keep to what she felt was its true nature. She inspired reflection within thieves, causing them to consider how their acts condemned themselves, and harmed their victims, when all they really sought was for someone to help them. She reflected pain upon pain-givers. She incited change in their lives to prevent that pain, for not only their own sake but also for the sake of others. Yet despite these benevolent acts helping many, there were always more, and so she wandered... wandered to find those people who needed them. Act 2: The Pitying Angel Proceeding across the land, the Angel oft came by scenes where she had been too late; the scenes of battles provoked by those possessing excessive Greed, Lust or Wrath. Ordinary people who became victims of these battles, seeking revenge against those who had once wronged them, became evildoers, partaking in a twisted chain of malevolence, spreading sadness and suffering amongst the people as had once been done to them. At one of these battle sites, she came upon a small child who had been taken by slavers. Having watched both home and parents be destroyed by the group, the child - although almost dead on the outside - was forced into menial acts by the very people that committed these atrocities. Swelling within the child was a torrent of emotion: despair at having lost so much, anger at those who took it, envy of the strength that allowed it, and fear. Fear not only of isolation, but also of not being able to take vengeance for the crime committed. Filled with the darkness of mankind, this child brought the Angel's wandering to a halt, as she sought out a way to lessen those wrongs that were done. She sought to allow the child to move along its own path, rather than one inflicted by circumstances... Act 3: The Guiding Angel The Angel - now following this child embroiled in emotion over what had happened - could not reach within such a darkened mind with her meagre power. So she aimed to alleviate the surroundings, to show that even those deemed ‘evil’ had their own reasons for becoming that way: that they are beings with the ability to care, despite their ability to harm. Thus she attempted to grant change to one through changing the many. The child’s existence was bleak, full of suffering, from the harsh forced labour, the tortured sleep, and the meagre terrible food as these were the things that now affected the child most often. Over a long, arduous length of time, the child’s life began to improve from that of a slave, to being at least that of a child, albeit one who has to work for a living. Their life had been introduced to small kindnesses from the captors, from better food to being allowed small rests when exhaustion started to show. Despite this, the black shell around the child's heart remained beyond the Angel's ability to touch. While the slavers had regained some of their lost humanity, the child was still filled with naught but dark twisting emotions. As more time passed, the slavers began raiding less and less, many of them starting to feel guilt over their actions. The Angel's attempts, while as yet having no effect upon the child, had helped to improve the lives of those within the camp. Her mission to guide people to better lives still continued despite having a focused goal in the child. With the dawn of a new day, however, much of the Angel's work was lost. Upon breaking of morning light, the camp was found to be surrounded by the men of a local lord who, vexed by the slavers prior raids upon their villages, had set out to eliminate them. The battle was brief and bloody. The lord's troops were highly trained and made short work of the slavers. Amongst the commotion many of the group, once hardened killers who slew men, women and children alike, found their murderous will diminished - in part due the Angel's impact on them. Those so affected were driven to surrender and request mercy from the soldiers who had lost friends and family to their activities. Mercy was not given. Many of the slaves - the child among them - were claimed by the soldiers, with the older ones being set free and the younger ones being sent to orphanages or boarding schools to allow them to return to a normal life. With the result of guidance obtained, though not by a method the Angel would have chosen, her direct influence be considered complete, thus with a last glance at the child being taken to a new life, the Angel returned to travelling. Act 4: The Guided Angel The Angel roamed for years more, ever attempting to fulfil its duty to aid, to direct people’s minds in more positive directions. By chance the Angel once more came across the site where a battle was once held between slavers and villagers, where she had attempted to guide an enslaved child for a time. Now much of both the village and the lives of those who lived, or came to live there had been rebuilt thanks to having been freed from the roaming slavers. Seeing little need to grant aid in this place, the Angel was ready to move onwards, but felt a twinge in the air, as if something was staring at her. Noticing a flash of cloth among trees, she moved to see what had caused it. Heading through the forest, she came upon a clearing, within which lay a small stone archway, stairs descending from it into the ground. As she searched for the cause of her concern, someone stepped out from behind the arch and bowed their head to her. This was unexpected, as no human had been able to detect her before. Whilst considering how to react, the person before her raised their head and within a moment, she recognized the adult before her as the child that had been enslaved. Glancing over their emotions, the Angel found that they were now calm, that they had been freed of the turmoil which once shrouded them. The former child motioned for the Angel to follow them and, curious of why they would do so, she entered the arch into the ruins below. Together, one leading and one following, they descended through many twisting tunnels. Passing alternate routes, caved in paths and collapsed floors, they moved ever deeper within. The Angel felt no risk as there was no malice within the one who led her, simply calmness... which now seemed unusual given the nature of their current meeting. Before it could be pondered further they came upon a large, heavy door, which was opened, and the Angel was motioned inwards. Though she now felt some unease, she obliged. Inside the room was what appeared to be a person's study. Books were scattered around the place, from religious and historical texts to books on myths and legends, each surrounded by scribbles spiralling out upon the stone, as if someone was taking notes while reading, unwilling to move from that spot. As the one she had followed entered, the door closed behind them, sealing the only entrance into the room. The Angel noticed an abrupt change in emotion as excitement, as well as madness filled the air. The calm demeanour had somehow been a facade. She made to escape, but it was not to be as the moment she attempted, the words written upon the stone ripped up from it, shredding the walls and floor to encircle her, lashing her limbs in place within the air, binding tightly around her. She could feel malign energy coursing through them, weakening her, until everything faded to black. Act 5: The Chained Angel A dark stone room. Chains covered its walls, floor and ceiling, spreading web-like, converging upon a single point in the centre of the space, holding a pale, winged figure aloft as they entwined around its body. This was where the Angel was now imprisoned, her naivety having led her into a trap. Around her body walked a robed figure, its footsteps clinking across the metal links embedded in the floor as it examined her body, placing arcane glyphs upon it as if searching for something within her. To this noise she awoke, then unable to move she merely asked, in a feeble voice, “Why?” This simple question brought a change upon her captor, who stepped back to see her. They mumbled, “Why, she asks, why,” as they turned around, and started to lower the top of their robe to reveal a back coated in scarred flesh. With an angry turn, they shouted back at her; “This is why! For years you sat and watched and waited, as those... people slaughtered and enslaved all around you! You, a divine being, did nothing as they raided their way through villages, through people’s homes, through the very people themselves! No, you did not do nothing, you did worse than nothing. How did you see fit to repay them for these acts? You gave them back the humanity that they chose to discard as it was worthless to them; the one thing that separates humans from beasts, and you, you had the gall to give it back to those cruel, murdering beasts! I lived among them, was forced to help them, to maintain them just so that I could live. I had such rage at them. I wanted to take their lives myself as retribution for all that they had destroyed by discarding their humanity, but no, you gave them back what they discarded. You let them regain what they had lost and all the while they still had what they had taken! When the soldiers came on that day to wipe them out, I felt such relief that they would finally be slain like the beasts that they were, but no, they died asking for mercy, for pity, for forgivingness for their acts, like the very people that they had broken. I know that had a divine heard that request, they would have let them free, regardless of what their crimes where, thankfully it was heard by the ears of humans, they died as humans instead of beasts, but at least they were slain as they deserved.” They paused for a moment, fixing both robe and composure before turning round once more to face the Angel and continuing in a level tone. “The divine are incapable of helping people that need them. When wrath is the only way, all they can offer is false kindness, and your failure to help is what led to that conclusion. As such I will take away your existence, your divinity, all that might be considered you, as you allowed them to take away from me. That is why.” With that said, they moved to walk out of the room, pausing for a moment as if waiting for a retort, a reply, something from her to defend her actions, but all that was heard was the falling of tears onto the chains below. As days passed the energy within the chains slowly drained her body, slowly tightening, digging into her as they did, the feathers of her wings fading from white to grey, all the while she thought on the words and emotions that led her here. Trying to think of where she could have done something differently, where she could have helped everyone by her peaceful route, but she could not. She could not think of a way to save everyone, a way to bring peace to all groups, a way to show her captor that their thinking was not the correct path and that her divine path was the right one. All that came to her was that her path was different, yet with her captors words within her mind, she doubted if any path could allow everyone to be saved, all she could feel now was fear, fear that she would be trapped here until her body was broken, that she would not be able to find a peaceful path to show her captor that they were wrong. As her body shook in fear, the chains rattled with it, in tightening upon her, they had became less taunt as the spiralled tighter around her, her limbs could now move ever so slightly. More time passed in this underground prison, unknown with the lack of external light, as she slowly freed up the chains from the smallest of movements, seeking to be free of this prison, it was at one of these times that her captor returned once more. Hearing the clinking of links upon links, they noticed that the Angel had managed to loosen its imprisonment, seeing this they spoke once more to them; “You still hope to escape? You wish to be free of these chains that hold you? You want the same as I once did, and as I once found out, you do not always get what you want.” With that last comment, the chains pulled tightly away from the Angel, stretching her body tight again, holding it immobile, but within her pain and despair she screamed out, feeling pain and wrath before her captor, wishing to lash out, to be free from this confinement. And so she did. Her body moved to strike at her captor, and managed so without a thought, chains trailing behind her as they pulled free from the walls, sinking into the body, tearing flesh and breaking bones where they struck. Shaken by this her captor toppled to the floor in a bloody mess, gasping, coughing up blood; “Wrath sometimes is the only way to be free...” With that, they lay still, dead and broken upon the stones. The Angel looked down, shocked at what she had done, at having slain someone she had tried to save, at the anger she had felt, and at the excitement of committing the act which freed her. As she tried to comprehend, a sharp sudden pain hit across her body, the chains were wreathing around her skin, trying to rip them from her, the chains moved with her, bound now with their own malice from connecting to her own at that one moment. She curled upon the floor, coiling trying to register what had just happened, darkness caught the edge of her vision, her wings had covered over as she curled and now the white had faded. Now they were black as she had slain what she was meant to protect. She had lost her divinity. =========================================================================== And this is my explanation bit from my prior attempted The Chained Angel: Resk Please...don't release me... Element: Light/Dark Alignment: Neutral Player phrase: Am I forever to suffer... Enemy phrase: Please...don't release me... Description: A pale skinned maiden, wearing naught but the slim coverings put upon her by her captor, due to the nature of her imprisonment, as most was taken from her, to allow for easier testing, upon her back, are two large, black feathered wings, the sign of her fall from divinity, while she is held in the air, by quivering chains which seem to twitch, almost alive, attached to manacles upon her ankles, wrists, and neck. Character Mock Up (Pretend the light grey is chains, and the dark grey is manacles. Also pretend slightly more depressing. as I'm really bad at drawing but ok at using paint :3 ) Could also be done via Evo, starting out as angel, with quotes refernicing part of the plot on entry / win / loss till finally being chained as the entry scene for final form? But really it's up to Milt Attack Method: The majority of her attacks, are via her binding chains, which lash out at anyone who approaches, be it to hurt or help her, and while they attack, she trys not to... So basic attacks would be a variety of lashes or whip actions from the chains, while the 5 fold attack could consist of the chains bursting out from the ground under the foe? Technical Stuff: The reason for Light/Dark is the fallen angel concept, even if it was forced upon her, so she still retains a little light. The main deck would be Light based, with cards such as Heal & Penance, while also containing some of the shadow cards such as sacrifice & empower, which use either discarding other cards, or discarding HP, rather than requiring shadow Energy, allowing it to charge using mono-light, but still having a different feel than other light characters. I hope this is fine as an entry :3 -Resk