RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 4:32:58)

That was the promo for last year, and it went rare never to come back into the game.

However the special of the Azreal's borg is now available in this new promo. Personally I think the staff is slowly running out of new ideas since they are recycling old abilities for cores.

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 4:47:23)

I heard players won't buy this new promo, quite to 'my' surprise, people seem to have it. Yep, ED won't get any money from this promo because couple of players think so. >.>

Personally, I kinda like these initial fixes. Makes them a bit more beatable since that 8-10% less damage for Mercs + Str abuse does go down a little, and it's DS + Zerker, and overall Strength skills are a bit weaker. It doesn't fix the full problem but time will tell. Besides, they need data from the Tracker as well rather than rely on people on Forum only (element of bias) so these changes will still show that Strength is too strong and they will see exactly where + take Forum into the consideration with the data.
Like heck, even +3 more in Heal is good. Very small change but for someone who invests in the skill and finds it crucial in their strategy, it can make a difference!

RageSoul -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 4:53:01)

So there's no Beast Rider armor for me . Oh well , that's fine , but i would've like this if there was an armor somewhere in that pile.

Seen a player with those weapons , and so far , they haven't figured out how to use them yet , so i'll just chillax and farm more for now .

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 5:27:25)

I have mastered them,
If you want to face someone with it, just ask me ;)

Cookielord12 -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 5:36:08)

Extremely disappointed that these new weapons aren't purchasable in game.

Drianx -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 7:01:46)

Instead of putting a support requirement on berzerker and bam! problem solved, they decided to implement some complicated but unnecessary and ineffective nerfs.
Balance fix fail. Again.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 7:09:59)

If they nerf berseker too much, then that skill is pointless. Come on, if max dmg for berseker was 40 and the energy required was 45 mp, it is too UP. The more energy you use, the stronger it gets.

Now focus Tlms also have problems.

Tlms normally double strike to kill someone with 25-30hp but nope, cause they weakened double strike also, it did 20 mp (level 1) and I was still alive ;3.

RageSoul -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 7:12:20)

Pretty sure it's becoming obvious that they're ( Balance Team(?) + Devs ) favoring STR and hating on SUPP because if you guys notice some of the Skill Cores lately , they all counter SUPP greatly . Just look at these ( yes , including the new ones ) and tell me how they not counter SUPP :

* Curse --> reduces SUPP
* Chairman's Fury --> reduces 25% Rage , making a Rage generator out of you .
* Azrael's Will --> SUPP spam builds have low STR , so they'll more likely to hit less damage , or worse , get Blocked.
* Azrael's Torment --> another balanced-build destroyer
* Omega Override --> similar to Curse

Lycan. -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 7:51:10)

I agree with you Lord aegis, also Nightwraith said heal will be improved with support on twitter and that didn't happen.
And you forgot both the yeti's take away your aux and gun, which can make support builds completely useless for the 2 turn cooldown for tech mages.

theholyfighter -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 7:58:20)

By the way,

Char's Revenge is still LOCKED!!!!!

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 7:58:35)

You are forgetting other cores.
Primary mastery = For sup builds
Sidearm mastery = For sup builds
Auxiliary mastery = For sup builds

And you can also see Azreals Torment as a skill for the sup builds, expecially TM and CH.
They malf you, you buff, they do the torment, you are doomed because sup builds already have a deadly malf.

So no i dont agree with you lord

RageSoul -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 8:05:29)

Not really , because there isn't news about the Strikes being blockable .


You are forgetting other cores.
Primary mastery = For sup builds
Sidearm mastery = For sup builds
Auxiliary mastery = For sup builds

Added something ....


You are forgetting other cores.
Primary mastery = For all builds
Sidearm mastery = For all builds
Auxiliary mastery = For all builds

Because SUPP spammers aren't the only ones that can use those , you know .


And you forgot both the yeti's take away your aux and gun, which can make support builds completely useless for the 2 turn cooldown for tech mages.

Yes , that too .

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 11:00:37)


Pretty sure it's becoming obvious that they're ( Balance Team(?) + Devs ) favoring STR and hating on SUPP because if you guys notice some of the Skill Cores lately , they all counter SUPP greatly . Just look at these ( yes , including the new ones ) and tell me how they not counter SUPP :

* Curse --> reduces SUPP
* Chairman's Fury --> reduces 25% Rage , making a Rage generator out of you .
* Azrael's Will --> SUPP spam builds have low STR , so they'll more likely to hit less damage , or worse , get Blocked.
* Azrael's Torment --> another balanced-build destroyer
* Omega Override --> similar to Curse

You make a good a point. The only new features in the game that help SUPP builds are the Primary, Sidearm, and Auxilary Mastery cores. That's pretty much it, not to mention this.

And you forgot both the yeti's take away your aux and gun, which can make support builds completely useless for the 2 turn cooldown for tech mages.

This is another problem.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 13:04:09)

Would have been nice if they released few new cores ...

Remorse -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 13:10:32)

Preferably ones that don't completely destroy balance by being CRAZY OP.

Like the azreal cores.

I honestly havnt seen something this OP being released since the old TLMs.

And that was a complete disaster.

I say nerf them good and nerf them quick before people get a chance to enjoy their oped power too much.

the final hour -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 14:00:33)

^ theyve done this cause they realised theyd made a mistake with the varium nerf. and they codnt reverse enhancements or make certain gear better then other gear.

so they had to be radical and come up with something else that gave varium an insane advantage again . to make the none variums at a disadvantage again a huge one .

however what i think they missed was its still not worth $50 still not getting enough bang for your buck . in essence the none varium - varium gap is slowly widening again (which it needs to a bit ) but in order for them to make any money and not shut down the gap will prolly widen more. but not to the extent it was in delta .

it will probably end up where none variums are still at a large disadvantage in fight (not as bad as delta though).and variums are getting a lot less for their $$

ansh0 -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 14:03:01)

Make str scale 1 pt by 7 points invested.

Teach them cookie cutters a lesson.

Also, COMPLETELY change the core on the new gun.


Hun Kingq -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 14:51:00)

Azrael's Will, They need to change the name to Azrael's Will make you loose the match.

It forces them to attack but when they attack they put damage on you helping them win with the strong attack. A core skill that works against you not for you to help you win the match.

Just battle a merc with max Bunker Buster with tech at 73: 25-30 support at 28: 7-9.

My tech at 97: 31-38 with max Plasma Cannon and support at 62: 15-18.

I went first and got only 28 damage then he went and got 42 Critical Damage.

So as we can see even though the damage at each level of tech now Bunker Buster and Plasma Cannon is not equal in battle.

This fix did not fix anything.

Posts merged. - SMGS

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 16:20:20)

Because Criticals ignore % of defence ON top of % ignore of the skill whilst you clearly did not Crit thus no additional defence was ignored? That's not even a bug but lack of knowledge that Crits ignore defence... Only because you have higher Support, it doesn't mean he cannot Crit. Especially with 25% chance that the skill Crits.. :S

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 16:23:46)


Because Criticals ignore % of defence ON top of % ignore of the skill whilst you clearly did not Crit thus no additional defence was ignored? That's not even a bug but lack of knowledge that Crits ignore defence... Only because you have higher Support, it doesn't mean he cannot Crit. Especially with 25% chance that the skill Crits.. :S

exactly like trans stated, i can't believe that you compare a normal damage to a crit damage, it is obvious that when something crits, it deals more damage, especially with the massive strike core.

Calogero -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 17:13:40)

Standing with my point of Cores needing to be non rageable...

How can you defend yourself against a rage non blockable, non deflectable Meteor shower rage for example

SS -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 17:35:48)

Pardon my question, but what is the point in releasing new weapons, when thy are exactly the same as all other, only looking different? Why not leave just one of each type and call them generically "claws", "armor", "sword"?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 18:00:15)

I am tempted to get my hands on the promo package because the two biggest foils to my build are Technician/E shield and third round heals. The Azrael skills solve both of those issues or at least one and a half of those issues.

Using Torment would weaken technician and possibly E shield which weaken my Super Charge. Azrael's Will would follow up Torment so that they strike me instead of healing which negated some or all of my Super Charge's damage

DestruRaGe -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 20:53:05)

@SS wrote:

Pardon my question, but what is the point in releasing new weapons, when thy are exactly the same as all other, only looking different? Why not leave just one of each type and call them generically "claws", "armor", "sword"?

My solution to that would be: if you buy a certain weapon with varium, you get +1 more dmg point. Not a very big deal, wont break balance or something
but will make varium buyers satisfied!

f4tal1tY -> RE: Patch Notes 1.5.2 (2/16/2013 23:28:39)

@calogero, just a side note, how did you defend against a Rage Jack'o'Pumpkin? It does 113% damage too, cannot be blocked, and looks epic. Although I sold mine... :(( oh wells.

@above, good idea, me likey :3

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