megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Another soul for the Dark Lord... (2/22/2013 3:50:59)
When will you people learn? If you see A cloud of Dragonflies or a group of ANYTHING purple, RUN! RUN LIKE THE WIND! FASTER THAN THE WIND! FASTER THAN RAINBOW DASH! RUN AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, NEVER, EVER LOOK BACK! Uhhh... I didn't do it! Oh well, too late now I guess. Hello and congrats on AKship! I knew it was only a matter of time. Bwahaha, soon all shall be purple! Thanks very much for the kind words :) Since you said you were a brony, I will ask a few questions based on that. Please explain your answer too: Will do! Celestia or Luna? Celestia. Fav main Pony? Derpy Hooves Fav Background Pony? Hoity Toity Fav Villain? Discord Fav Episode? Friendship is Magic pt. 2 Okay, enough with the MLP questions. Awwww :( If you had unlimited power what would you do? (Serious and not serious) Get an infinite supply of bacon! or... give everyone an infinite supply of bacon! :D I can haz doom? If you want, you must first sign your name in 50 different languages and send a letter to the Mysterious Stranger! If you could have one character from anywhere in OS who would it be? Void Knight >.< If you could have a OS NPC, what would it be and what would it's function be? A grotesque fiend whose soul purpose is to gain more souls for the Dark Lord! Bwahahaha! How were you imprisoned and who was your jailer? (Long answer please) Well, I was sipping some coffee while browsing this section of the internet, all the way over in Australia when lo and behold my captors arrived unannounced. Then... thwack! I was hit right on the head! Much time elapsed and I awoke in a sack of potatoes, or was it carrots. They extracted my soul and sent it to my mistress is Mritha. And that, sir, is how I came to hold this position. Well, it's holding me, but I'd like to think I've got a degree of control :P Well, that's all. Bye! Awww, leaving so soon? :( Bai! (Vanishes into shadow) Oooohhhhh... Edit: You failed to explain the choices behind your pony choices. You are now 20% less awesome and did not pass the test. Oh noes D: