Promotional Items (Full Version)

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ansh0 -> Promotional Items (2/22/2013 14:41:11)

REcently, I have noticed that promotional items have been getting WAY more powerful than they should be.


Platinums Pride and the new Azrael promos.

Together, words cannot express how broken they are.

Here's a scenario:

Enters battle.

Uses buff to defend oneself.

*aux special*

It's ok I have my best move ready.

*gun special*

*gets blocked*

Damn, atleast I can rage kill him.

*Chairmans Fury*


What do you think about these? Is it ok for ED to have one overpowered promo after another?

It's no fun when you know you will lose the moment you enter battle.

Bonus points if used by a bounty hunter.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:04:42)

I couldn't agree more that new promos are so OP. They are unbalanced and are good for 95% scenarios only extreamly rare you would find them no good.
At the begining they were supposed to help certain builds but they are good for any build. New promo weps are like 100% stun chance
this is rediculous i mean varium was ment to be a shortcut.... Now it feels like back in delta.

And here is my scenario how battles go realisticly.
You face a mercenary ( high str)
He starts and does double strike gets about 1/3 of your hp down.
You dont want to heal because your heal is normally bigger than 1/3 of your hp.
Attack him dealing 1/5 of his hp because normally there are high hp str abusers.
They use azreals will on gun to make you strike witch gets you down to half of your hp.
You strike.
And GG by bzecer....

Oba -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:13:35)

Promo items should be a LITTLE stronger, otherwise the whole point of purchasing something on this game is totally gone.

And if you die by a aux attack, a gun attack and a strike. Maybe you need to change build ._. Just sayin'

caser5 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:19:51)

Too bad the Delta weapons aren't OP. Their active core is useless, -25% support=-(2-4) aux damage. It'd be nice if the 25% support nerf effected focus, skills etc. not just aux damage, rage gain.

veneeria -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:24:56)

the bazooka special is rather old, same as the azreal bot. [&:]
I've got my ways of countering it: assault bot or simply use my yeti to eat their weapons.
I am really looking forward to more cores, the current ones are getting tiring [&:].

....SKY.... -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:33:54)

not supported - varium is currently nerfed to mostly be shortcuts but there still should be some non-cosmetic incentives for people to buy varium and the promos are the purpose of that. ED will not nerf the promos just cause you complain about it, if you complain about the promos too OP, heres your solution - get them ! :)

Mother1 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:43:51)

@ sky

They nerfed several promo's because people complained about it or something relating to it. The infernal intridictor was nerfed because those who had it complained about it being OP. Plus with the complaining about the Infernal android being overpowered they decided to check out all the bots and the Azreal's borg got a nerf due to that backlash. So guess what the staff does listen to the complaints of the people and if it gets bad enough they will nerf promos as well.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:44:24)


i dont understand your logic, you say " varium is currently nerfed to mostly be shortcuts but there still should be some non-cosmetic incentives for people to buy varium and the promos are the purpose of that." but you cant buy promos with varium.

And your solution is paying 50 $ per month. Nice one.

Calogero -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:45:26)

I don't understand ED with this actualy...

They close the Non Varium - Varium gap, but then they release a somewhat OP core for Varium...
I don't understand them sometimes

In my opinion, I got pretty much forced into buying the promo...
It was either losing 75% of the time against those that have it
or win 75%...

and to those planning to say they don't force you.
I like my win%... I have it without dummy or Npc so I'm somewhat proud of it
and then this happens xD

DeathGuard -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:47:35)

I agree on the fact that varium cores should give a bit more of advantage but doesn't means to give a great boost to varium players. Being a varium player, I really think such cores should be nerfed with warm-ups of 1-2 turns.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:48:12)

@Sky i belive you havent played much in delta as a nonvarium. Variums back in delta had 30-45 statas more... they ould even make STUPID builds and win nonvariums
Varium is a shortcut/cosmetic feature and SHULDN'T affect gameplay or maby a tiny tiny bit like doing +1 yeti damage BUT COME ON a core witch has practically
100% chance to stun is like back in delta nonvarium.
If you start it kind of cancels out but if your oppenent startes it is like missing 2 turns...
Ok bazooka special/ robot special... Shields waste a turn to put on so they MUST be worth defending BUT if some1 does 100% damage + reduces your shield is kind of depressing
because only thing that counters that for nonvariums was and still is assult bot BUT it wastes another turn so i think auxes special core is ok i wouldnt say extreamly op but a little
and azreals will SHULD be remooved from the game because it is like 100% chance 2 stun not lowering any damages EVEN if you have deadly aim.
Getting the promo for the bonus bonus is kind of waste of money if you think about it. If you buy 10k varium as bonus you get 2guns and 2auxses and plus a bonus to those guns
are special abilities witch SHULDN'T be gamchanging but they are.

Calogero -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:50:10)


the same as with the Meteor 1 turn warm up ' fix '
It wouldn't affect the balance with the weapon really seeing it's usualy used
on turn 3 and above ( to prevent a Mass )

1 - 2 turn warm up, not the solution.
3 turn wouldn't fix it either seeing how can you prevent a mass for instance?

caser5 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 16:52:12)

The Assault Bot's active core is somewhat amusing....attack your enemy, that's it.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Promotional Items (2/22/2013 17:12:12)

The only solution i found is stop playing this game, i really want to play it but developers make it impossible with every single release. I think they make meetings to find new ways to make the game more unfair and to force us pay more money. There isn't a single release that actually made people happy since beta.

They do none of the player suggestions, they give empty promises like paying players will be equal to f2p players. But later they make the game even more Pay to Win. Atleast before we could buy new items with varium now we need to pay 50 $ each month to get new items.

I dont like to compare games but the goal of LoL is to be the most player-focused company and they actually listen comunity and their needs(even if LoL is not even close being Pay to Win i actually like to pay for that game because they give something that players want in return like more fun more balanced game). And ED tries to be the least player-focused company, they actually dont listen any suggestions at all. Then they make the game more pay to win, like what do we get return for our money??? Nothing.

ansh0 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 4:28:45)


not supported - varium is currently nerfed to mostly be shortcuts but there still should be some non-cosmetic incentives for people to buy varium and the promos are the purpose of that. ED will not nerf the promos just cause you complain about it, if you complain about the promos too OP, heres your solution - get them ! :)

New promos released:

Insta-kill Avengeance

Only given to people not upgraded.

Insta kill on variums.

Son, you can't win against them? GET THEM!

No, Varium is actually way more valuable now. Life is now so much easier with varium. You can get everything so fast, no enhancement means more varium with you.

It's supposed to be a shortcut and promos are supposed to give you a small advantage, NOT an instant win.

Jekyll -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 5:28:03)


The Assault Bot's active core is somewhat amusing....attack your enemy, that's it.

In case you didn't know, it's the same for every robot.

Dimentic -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 5:33:34)

@ansh0 Says the non-varium. *facepalm*
If the devs cared about the players they would've nerfed the promos and made them also available ingame for varium. That right there is balance and a little advantage to varium players. Most promos worked that way in Gamma/Delta. It's not happening now tho, because varium is almost useless and they want us to pay 50$ for the promo.

Cookielord12 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 5:44:15)

... Why did they not even tweak the Azrael Gun?

ansh0 -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 6:21:29)


@ansh0 Says the non-varium. *facepalm*

Uh... I have Varium...

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 6:46:23)

I dont see the problem.
I mean, you just yeti them and their nothing..

yes i got it too, but i can counter it without them.
You just need to do things a turn earlier because of the gun.
The aux is less easier too avoid tho

kosmo -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 8:36:21)

Blitzex/Sr.Zeph your right, but did u realize that a lot of us may not want to use yeti and would like to use infernal android?But evryone who doesnt have Arzel promo ends up being forced to use the yeti.

Dimentic -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 8:55:01)

Yeti doesn't really do much since most have supercharge/plasma bolt maxed.
Wish there was a QUIT button so I don't have to waste my time with them....

Lord Machaar -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 9:28:06)

It's Muga'.

Next promo's core will be, make opponent dance all the fight.

And next would be: when you use the core you win automatically.

Well next one... hmm I'm out of ideas.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 9:45:21)


New promo weps are like 100% stun chance
this is rediculous i mean varium was ment to be a shortcut.... Now it feels like back in delta.

Unfairness is now even worse than in Delta with all those OPed promos.
The Azrael weps work especially well with support and stun skills.
This does often mean that your are unable to act for 2 turns = 99% loose.
ED is once again back at pay to win and I now think that this will never
change. And I feel cheated by the broken promises about fairness.


Tech Mage with Azrael weps, extreme support, maxed Overload (stun)

Yesterday 80% of the players I met in 1vs1 had Azraelīs gun and aux.
Other players do 2vs2 now or have stopped playing. Personally I prefer
2vs2 now because 1vs1 has become especially unfair. Jugg duels fail to
start because lacking enough low level players.


Next promo's core will be, make opponent dance all the fight.

And next would be: when you use the core you win automatically.

We never know. ;)

Dimentic -> RE: Promotional Items (2/23/2013 10:27:26)

And now we will have to wait a good week or so DURING THE TOURNAMENT if they decide to fix it which is unlikely.

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