RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (Full Version)

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runekiri -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 14:08:25)

A new page… That means I once again get to torment you with my questions have a chance to get to know you even better! [:D]
What is that stuff people keeps almost saying??

1: Who would you say was the more powerful story-wise out of the final boss of DF Ch. 1 and 2?
I have to say chapter 2... Even if his unbeatable bossfight was easier he was way stronger in cutscenes.

2: If you had to choose one villain in DF that you would like to see developed further, who would it be?
Noxus or Sekduath.

3: What is your opinion of bats?
I love the little buggers.

4: Which game genre is your favorite?
Turnbased Strategy.

5: Which movie genre is your favorite?
I don't really have a favorite.

Now for some questions about your L&L.

6: How frequently do you write anything for your L&L?
Well I barely post anything in the L&L board but other places have bigger stocks and I tend to write on it weekly.

7: For what reason does The Odor have so many weapons?
He is a bit of a gun nut.

8: For what reason does The Odor have so many pets?
He is the kind of guy who can't help but to bring in animals he find... Even if they happen to have once been human...

9: Who taught The Odor how to use Necromancy?
Zorbak did the major part of the work (My story follows DF canon religiously).

10: How would The Odor describe Noel Woodsoul?
He is a weird guy but also a good friend.

This time I actually had some trouble coming up with the last few questions, but when I was that close to 10, I just had to come up with a few more and organise them properly. I may or may not have more questions for you on the next page.

Okay. I might see you there then.

Vagaran -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 14:27:11)

Page 3? :O AND YOU ARE STILL ALIVE? I'll need to ask some more questions then!
Why wouldn't I be alive??? Is there something they aren't telling me?!?!

It's a question time!
Bring it on.

1. Who is your favorit DF Villain?
... So many to pick from... Might have to say Sepulchure.

2. Favorit AQW villain?
Hmm... Sepulchure again.

3. What is your though about the color Light Blue?
I don't mind it.

4. Have you tried playing The legend of zelda?
A bit...

5. WHAT???!!!

6. Favorit AE villain?
... Sepulchure once more.

7. Xan vs Sauron?

8. Artix vs Xitra vs Beleen?
... I got to go with the Paladin... If not for anything else the threat of the axe is ever present if you are in my line of work.

9. Why is that Peanutbutter Jar dancing? :O
No clue. It was doing that when I came here.

10. *shows picture of Alien space ship* WHERE IS THIS SPACESHIP? I saw you landed with it >_>
<.< >.> ... I have no clue what you're talking about.

That's all for now, bye and Gratz AK ship....again. Anyone else having Deja Vu?
Bye and thanks again. No such feeling yet.

deathlord45 -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 20:02:06)



1: Out of the Webcomics that you currently follow... Which one is your favorite?
The Order of The Stick by The Giant In The Playground.

A fellow OOTS fan! :D
Yay! Another OOTS FAN!!!

Now that's weird finding two other OOTS fans here(don't know what the color being used is).
I can tell you there is a fourth one.

Since you said that you've read the Sword of Truth series I feel I must ask about that.

Who was you favorite character?

Your favorite wizard rule?
.. It was awhile since I read them but I think I remember one being "Think of Solutions instead of Problems" that I was fond of... Or was that just a saying.

Favorite book of the series?
Eh... I don't recall any titles.

Well that's all for now cya next page.
Cya soon.

armvis -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 21:02:29)

first(muahahahaha; let's see if you survive)
Seriously... Why would I die?

1: Do. You. Like. Penguins?!?!?!?!
with that aside, now I can really start asking questions.
I am fond of them... Perfect punting form.

2: if you had a -mancer, what would it be? knowing that you are a necromancer, just think that this is everything else, aka no choosing necro.(ex: chronomancer, dracomancer, pyromancer, cryomancer, smoke-mancer, hydromancer, etc.)

3: sword, mace, flail, bardiche, hauberk, glaive, glaive-guisarme, bow, crossbow, knife, sai, nunchucks or fish(for smacking)
No spear? I guess I have to pick glaive then.

4: what four? I'll see you on the next page, maybe.
Cya may then.

DragonlordKhan -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 21:29:19)

Hey The Odor! Kudos for becoming an Archknight!
Thank you.

Does it feel any different, the transfer between forumer and AK?
It itches.

Greek Gods, Roman Gods, or Egyptian Gods?
Hmm... Roman.

Your friend invents a time machine (that DOESN'T cause terrible paradoxes), and you're the first to use it. Where and When would you go, and why?
Maybe go hang out with Tolkien (and see if I can get a writing class...).

You have a choice between a baby dragon and amulet, or the chance to become a real-life (good, if you choose) necromancer... which would you choose?
Hmm... I think I will have to go with Necromancer. The possibility to communicate with some dead people and find out their secrets (Like why Morgan, John Pierpont had to get to the top of the hill...)... And a baby dragon seems like a lot of work.

That's all from me. Again, congrats!
Cya later and again thanks.

Seahawk -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 22:40:02)

Two of these in the same forum, right next to each other? And a third over in OOC? I'm far too lazy to come up with original questions, so I'm going to cheat and re-use them all! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!

I don't mind.

Hmmm... how long has it been since I participated in a MtAK? (rhetorical question; does not count!) Probably long enough that I can re-use questions...

Do you have to be insane to become an Archknight, or does becoming an Archknight make you insane? Because, ya know, I read some of these questions your fellow AKs ask and... yeah...
I thought you had to be insane to be a forumite...

How many roads must a man walk down, and will Bob Dylan ever figure out the answer? He's been singing that song long enough. (PS: The answer is NOT 42, sorry Douglas Adams fans)
I am still trying to figure it out.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, provided said woodchuck also had access to a chainsaw and a chipper-shredder?
Quite a bit?

Why do birds suddenly appear?
I don't know... Happens everytime you are near.

Does 1 + 1 = 3 for sufficiently large values of 1?
If 1 could be a variable it would be...

Given the first series of questions, am I hypocritical to imply that it's only AKs who may or may not be slightly insane?

Cake or Pie?

Pepperoni or Extra Cheese?
Extra Cheese.

Celestia or Luna?
I don't watch that show.

And perhaps the most important question...
*Looks wary*

Who is your favorite Pony?
I don't have a favorite pony.

(I thought about asking 11 questions just to blatantly abuse my authority and see if you would answer anyway... but then I said to myself "11? That's ridiculous! It's not even funny." And if you get that reference, you earn bonus points...)
I think I would answer on Autopilot.... (Don't get the reference.)

dragon_monster -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 7:23:56)

Hello again The Odor.
Hi again Dragon_Monster.

Did you ever played the Star Wars the old republic?

What Star Wars movie did you like the best if you liked 1?
I am a sucker for the Empire Strikes Back.

What is your favorite character in Star Wars universe?
Might have to go with Yoda.

What is OOC? (I realy have no idea from what that comes it is hard with initials for me. )
Out Of Character?

What is your favorite class in AQW?
I have to say Doom Knight Overlord since its my favorite class I have and have trained. If I could get the Rep I would probably like Necro...

What is favourite MQ mecha in?
The Seppy Mech.

That is all bye and keep up the good job.
Cya. I will do my best.

Legendium -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 13:16:23)

Yay! New page!

First of all, I'd like to say "YOU ARE AWESOME!" for being one of the tabletop Warhammer players. Not enough people I know play that these days.
Yeah there are few now a days.

So, which army do you use? I play as the Empire, though I also bought the Island of Blood set, so I have a meager amount of Skaven and High Elves as well.
I have a Warriors of Chaos army (sadly haven't pick up the new book) yet with a handful of Forge World Chaos Dwarves.

Have you written a story about that army yet? I tried.... And failed, since the only thing I lack in writing is the will to keep on doing so.
I am working on it but since I tend to write right after I paint and I haven't had the time to paint recently I have fallen behind.

So what is this OOTS? I hear it's a webcomic, and although I haven't got into those, they seem interesting. Could you provide a link as well, since it's on the web?
Its a webcomic inspired by the RPG Dungeons and Dragons. Linkie.

Any recommended reads? (Preferably not fan-fiction, screens aside from e-ink hurt my eyes if I stare at them too long)
... Tolkien, Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman are all amazing authors whom you really can read anything by. In the books department I would suggest the Skullduggery Pleasant series or the Great Gatsby.

Have you read my story in the L&L yet? It's far from finished.
I am actually way behind on keeping track of the L&L floating around... But I'll try to read it soon.

Would you mind if I reference your character at the end (which is far out of sight right now) of my story? I'm planning on referencing a lot of people from the forums in the final battle, even if it's just quick snippets.
I'll read it and PM you an answer on this.

Well, for now that should be it. May the dice be in your favor, unless my Warhammer army is up against yours!
Cya... And of course the Dice Gods favor me. I am a Tzeentchian.

*Throws smoke bomb at feet, and disappears while you can't see me. A pair of lucky dice is left behind.*
Oh dice.

BraveSirRobin -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 14:06:39)

Im back!HAHAHAHAHA!(cough)uh...yeah.
Welcome back.

More questions!
Sounds good.

Pie or cake?

Which is a lie?
All is a lies.

What two companies, one unknown mostly, and one well known, came out of Atari?
No clue.

You dont hear of many necromancer knights.How do you feel about getting both?
It is sweet.

Jack Sparrow or Monty Python?
Dear old Monty.

Eseis echo tako nai?
I can't seem to understand that.

If so can I have it?
What do you want?

What is your signature weapon?
The Spear on my character page.

Two more questions.Hmmm...
Seems legit.


What is your favorite food?
Same as in this post.

Well again congratulations!Hopefully another page will be up.
Thank you again. Well it might.

god of insatily -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 15:54:44)

walks in carrying a red spear
Hi again.

now on to the torture questions
There that first word was again.

favorite shark
Great white.

favorite extict animal
Probably some kind of cat?

what about wolfs
I like 'em.

favotite element(only fire,air,earth,water count) and element combination(both only two elements and three)
Earth. Earth and Air. Earth, Air and Fire.

best for battle(all) elements and combinations that you can think of
Evil. Bacon and light.

see ya and good luck also take this throws gae bolg next to you
don't worry I can make more

Axumeus -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 16:56:06)

Good Morrow!
To me it's actually evening.

How goes it, my strongly scented, slightly crazed, warmongering sir?
Slightly crazed? It is going rather well.

What exactly is so enticing about the odor to make you name yourself after it?
My name actually has nothing to do with any odor. It is a split of my name with an " " that I started using so long ago I am not convinced the english language was first.
What is your favorite war wave structure? (rare wave, 4 singles and a triple, 3 singles and a double, etc?)
Rare wave. Love taking down giants.

Do you have your own version of rock, paper, scissors and/or joke combat triangle?
Not really... I feel it has enough jokes generated.

If you get your own NPC, on a scale from Cysero to Tomix, how serious would he be?
Hmm... A bit below Tomix but with a Last Sane man edge to his character.

50 Grahams of Cracker?
Yes please.

I can haz emoticon 4 Omnomnom plz?
Sadly out of my power but I do support the concept.

No further questions. Just be sure keep your blades sharp as your "wit" and your magic potent and focused. You remember what happened that war when you didn't...

100Rob123 -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 22:10:34)

Odor! You're an AK now!
Rob! I am an AK now!

When was the best rare wave?
Hmm... I got to say the one from fighting Greeds forces in the Ravenloss War. This was the monster.

How did you get your name?
Answer lies within this post.

Is the cake a lie?
No. The cake is good and true.

I guess I'll stop pestering you with questions now. Good luck!
Thank you.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 23:00:07)

Hey Odor! Congratulations on the AKship!
Hi Amon. Thank you.

Lets get to some questions!
Sounds good.

What would your favorite DF class be?
The answer lies within the post.

What is the answer to the universe?

Have you read "A Song of ice and Fire" series?
Sadly not.

Are you aware of your first word?
The swedish word for wet.

Do you (or will you ever) have any for of beard/moustache?

All from me today! *tips hat*
See you later. I like the hat.

AXTG2000 -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/28/2013 23:30:18)

*Suddenly appears in the questioning booth, via a small cloud of smoke*

Hello! Random wizard here with a bunch of questions!
As long as its ten or less.

...Just hope I remember to keep the word torture out of that sentence...
Why wouldn't you?

1. If someone kicked a cat into your face, what would you do?
Cuddle the cat.

2. Quick! Someone just robbed a bank! We need undead minions to help us get away catch the criminals! Wait, this isn't a question...Um...what would you do if that happened?
Not summon undead?

3. I can has Dracolich?
If you farm in this quest.

4. OOTS? What the heck is Order of the stick? Probably has no chaotic evil halflings...
Possibly not for long.

5. What is an Archknights true foe? Other than tight shackles, of course.
I am not sure but for me it's probably my IRL... Keeps trying to keep me from the forums.

6. Have they considered making finger shackles? Some people need em.
Don't give them ideas!

7. Whelp, I'm out of mana for my questioning doom spell. Yeah, I'm out!
See you.

*Poofs away, leaving behind a small scroll with a familiar phrase on it from OOTS*
Whats explosive rumes? *BLAM*

Galez -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/1/2013 3:29:35)

*look left and right* i have no memory of this place.
Oh noes! GAMER!!

who are you?
The Odor. Archknight of the Dragonfable General Discussion forum.

who am i?
You are Gamer Rulez.

what am i suppose to do?
Always follow the Rules!

is that a question?

are you ready for the real question?

are you sure?

well that's too bad cause i ain't got any.
Darn... I was getting into it.

anyway goodbye my fellow friend i (probably) see you on the next page
Cya there.

flashbang -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/1/2013 17:57:28)

Your an AK now?
Hmm... I wonder if I could fool you if I said no.

Anyways one two questions. Your feelings on Explosions.(The answer should be yes. otherwse I blow you up)
I most certainly do. (Prepares to be blown up.)

What about implosions?*blows up Odor*
They are fun.

What about implexlosions?
... Are they in-complex.

That's all, and have a great time being an ArchNecromancer/Knight.
I sure will.

docblade -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/1/2013 18:38:28)

*Poofs out of the Shadows*
ODOR!!!!!.......hi there
Hi Docblade.

Welllllllcome to this crazy AK-party... *crazy laugh*
Thank you.

First i must crazy are you on a scale from 0 to shaved chickencow? (just to see if you fit into the AK-ranks)
Golinking mad.

A little present... *throws a cake into the air and cuts him into perfect pieces, using exact crossbow-shots*
Mmmhmmm... Cake.

Damn....forgot my questions....
I can swear I see one below this...'re a Skulduggery-Pleasant-Fan...what are your favourite characters? (Mine are Skulduggery, Sanguine and Nye (dunno why)
This is a series where I love almost all the characters but some favorite are: Skulduggery himself, Valkyrie Cain, Argeddion and Anton Shudder.

Your favourite DF-Class (after Necromancer)?
I have to say Doom Knight for the subtle animations...

So...that was it from me. I need to shave Cyseros Chickencow now. And color it pink. Join me if you want

*rushes off but gets knocked out by running into the next wall*
Ouch... Medic!

tyraedev99 -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/2/2013 14:21:37)


I have a few questions for you...
Lets hear it.

First, What is your favorite weapon other than the spear?
Hmm... The crossbow or the sword.

Single Weapon or Dual Weapons?
Single weapons.

And, favorite weapon from DF?
Probably my Skull Piercer for sentiemental reasons.

And that's all I have Congratulations on making AK! *Suddenly Vanishes leaving behind a Cake with Armed Guards around it*
Cya later. *Eyes the guards warily*

Almighty Agathor -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/2/2013 21:43:51)

Hello The Odor.
Hello Agathor.

Congrats on becoming an AK! Now onto the questions.
Thank you.

1. What was the first language you learned?
Probably body language.

2. What reasons make Sepulchure your favorite DF villian?
The sheer scale of dread he inspires... And how he spoke to the Dread Dragon.

3. If you could go back to any battle in history, what would it be? ( I'd go to either the Battle of Thermopylae, or the Battle of Stalingrad.)
I tend to avoid sitouations of direct military conflict.

4. What reasons do you like Necromancers for?
A deep seated love for all things dark and macabre... And in DFs case fancy bone armor.

5. Last but not least, Why do you like spears so much?
Its like a sword but with the possibility to have more space between me and whomever is on the hurty end.

Thank you for answering and again, congrats!
Again Thank you.

Therril Oreb -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/3/2013 10:04:32)

Well what do you know, a necromancer knighted?
And have been for about a week.

The irony in life and internet :p
Whats this Life of which you speak??

What do ravens mean to you?
Noble creatures... Sometimes oddly named though.

What do you prefer? you surrounded by skeletons against Artix or you sitting on an undead dragon against Galanoth?
... I think I'd go with the dragon since I might get the chance to fly away.

Your left sock seems to be missing...
Dammit Cysero...

Medieval or sci-fi?

And I ask this to everyone :p Favourite colour?

Well have fun and good luck out there [:D]
Thank you.

Faerdin -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/3/2013 16:07:18)

Does this mean that you're a Death Knight? They're the only Knights who use Necromancy. D:
Not really a Death Knight....

Well, aside from Doom Knights, but...
Nor a doom knight... Knighthood is actually more a title while Necromancy is a job.

Oh well. Anyways, congratulations and welcome! You have no idea how awesome it was to hear this so soon after having returned to the Forums.
Thank you. It will be an honour to work alongside you.

I think you know what time it is now...

CORRECT! It's question time! ;D
I am getting the hang of this.

1) What are your feelings on the color BLOO?
I enjoy it but prefer a Darker variant.

2) If you answered correctly, why is BLOO so awesome?
I didn't answer it was awesome so I will leave this space blank... Whoops...

3) Feeling ready for any wars that may come in the future?
I have set up a functioning system that will allow me to fight at almost full efficency even if the next battle happens before I get a chance to fix my broken laptop... So yes.

4) What is your favorite part of fighting in wars?
Joining together in a grand community.

5) May I have the pleasure of fighting by your side in the next one?
Always my friend.

6) How many Artixes does it take to dismantle the offensive of an undead legion?
Towards the end of the empire a legion was roughly a thousand men... Artix killed fiv million undead by himself... So about 0,005 of Artix... (Sorry if this math is off... Math isn't my thing.)

7) What are you most excited for in your new position as an ArchKnight?
Working with all the other wonderful ArchKnights and serving the community I love.

Well, those are all of my questions for you.
Okay. Come back next page if you have any more.

Glad to have you on board, Odor! ^_^
Glad to be here Fae.

Elryn -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/3/2013 19:38:31)

*Elryn grins and greets The Odor*

Well met again, Odor. I have a few more queries to put forward.
Good to see you with me. Ask away.

I see you liked the second song best for the first war music query. A small writing challenge: contrive and write the description of a new attack of yours (or old one if you prefer that) using that song.
Hmm... Intresting... I shall see what I can do.
It would start with The Odor engaging a single foe of particular skill in melee and as they fought keeping his opponent encircled as he moved around him. As they fought The Odor would raise any and all corpses nearby (including those in the embrace of the earth) but keep them lifeless. As his foe tired he would then slowly drive his enemy towards the center of this group of undead, where The Odor then would fly into the air as all the raised creatures sprung to unholy mockery of life and rushed the tired opponent.

If you were to meet Cataclysm face to face on the battlefield and he had been hired by the opposing side, what would you do?
I dread such a day... But if I was fighting for a cause I hold dear I would fight him.

If all the warmongers of Falconreach save you suddenly turned into turduckens in the middle of a war, what would you do?
... I frankly have no clue...

Will we see you on the IRC soon?
I hope so... I was getting ready to set it up but my computer falling victim to dreadful DC Jack injury has me on borrorwed computers and I just haven't had the time/the energy. I hope to try to get into it tuesday or wednesday.

A part from necromancy, of all the magics you may think of, which one is your favourite?
Alchemy I believe. Transmogrification seems so intresting.

That is all. Until we next meet. And I almost forgot.. *grins, grabs Odor and flails him around in a bearhug*
*Is flailed around* Cya next time.

Tigirosa -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/4/2013 8:57:29)

*Disembarked from tree stem*
Hey Odor!
Anyway, congratulations to became AK ;)
Hi Tigi. Thank you.

I guess now is the the part where I ask you questions?
I guess so.

What is your role here?
Helping the mods.

What is your favorite number/plant?

What is your favorite animal?

Do you like tigers?

Name one of the most powerful skill that you would like to learn to your DF hero.
The abillity to smile like Captain Carrot.

Class that you would like to see in the DF future.

Probably that's it. Oh yes! Before I disappear, I wanted to warn you that Rose members is near.
*Plunged into the ground using nin-jutsu*
*Searches for Rose-members.*

Icy Flare -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/4/2013 20:58:03)


Puppies or kittens?

Gummy worms or gummy bears?
Gummy Worms.

Do (did) you take any AP's? If so, what AP's do (did) you take?
I don't live in a country that has them.

What's your favorite subject?

Plastic or glass cups?

Coke or Pepsi?

Favorite band?
Whomever Voltaire is playing with.

Favorite book?
I think I answered this before but now I can't seem to find it but I might have to change it to The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett.

Well, that's it for me! 'Gratz on AK-Ship!
Thank you.

Mortarion -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/4/2013 21:50:39)

Congratulations in becoming an Arch Knight, and now that i think it, you are the first Arch Knight that isn't from either the BoH or APR, at least since my last visit that's it.

And this reminds me that I am probably the worst leader for The Chaos Weaver Nation *sighs*
Cheer up.

Anyways, how have been things in your clan?
Its pretty good.

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