armvis -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/27/2013 21:02:29)
first(muahahahaha; let's see if you survive) Seriously... Why would I die? 1: Do. You. Like. Penguins?!?!?!?! with that aside, now I can really start asking questions. I am fond of them... Perfect punting form. 2: if you had a -mancer, what would it be? knowing that you are a necromancer, just think that this is everything else, aka no choosing necro.(ex: chronomancer, dracomancer, pyromancer, cryomancer, smoke-mancer, hydromancer, etc.) Nekomancer. 3: sword, mace, flail, bardiche, hauberk, glaive, glaive-guisarme, bow, crossbow, knife, sai, nunchucks or fish(for smacking) No spear? I guess I have to pick glaive then. 4: what four? I'll see you on the next page, maybe. Cya may then.