RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (Full Version)

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Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/15/2013 23:40:09)

Have to ask some Question(What should I ask)
I have no clue.

Just wanted to say congratulations again for AKship before the time ran out.
Thank you.

Bye(Runs of before time runs out)!

Silver -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (3/15/2013 23:46:49)

I don't have much to ask...

Is it exciting to be an AK?
Hmm... I don't know if I would call it exciting... More... Relaxing. In an odd way it is confirmation that I have been helpful to the community to a great degree and it is a great honour to serve it.

Do you spend a lot of time on youtube?

Now that you, Gingkage, and James Lu have moved in, who's moved out?
I know Myra resigned awhile back but I don't recall anyone else. Bolstering numbers as the community grows seems like a sensible thing to me.

That's all
Well met.

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