Some Crazy Builds (Full Version)

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Mondez -> Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 8:59:38)

I've been hearing about Str abusers which I was able to take out with my old build since they lacked defense and now we have sup abusers who just seriously amp up their support.

Seriously for me I literally changed my strategy and build for this support build:
- Usually against warriors I would rend them of their strength, but support builders don't have any so I have my Yeti eat their side arms and auxiliary.
- Using the Azrael side arm skill, I force them to attack me so they don't have a chance to deal some serious damage.
- I would deal the final blow here depending on how they use their build.
- Heal if necessary, I put a good amount in my healing skill, 51 healing is good enough for me.

So far I met a level 32 or 33 that had 136 support which is crazy for a build and he dealt 60 dmg with his auxiliary, and a mage who had 123 support though I don't think he knew what he was doing during the match.

I kinda want to know what you guys do against support abusers because this is a crazy issue with these types of builds

@below Vagaran
lol join the crowd, not bad though I like being unique and so far I love healing as my main skill against support abusers with Azrael and Yeti power.

@below Kosmo
Interesting, almost the same as me though surgical strike is out of my league since I'm more bash em instead of laser beam them.

@below Luna
I like that idea, and I'm trying to switch my builds around to counter such builds though I'm going to focus on Focus build to counter the Support build since support relies on auxiliary I'll take away their weapons and deal major damage to them at the same time. >:3

@below Exploding Penguin
Nice! Interesting tactics to combat the support abusers, I don't see tech support mages as a threat since I've gone against some that don't know how to use support. -_-
Mercenaries are the overpowered when it comes to terms on support, but with the right gear and tactics, you can eventually take them down with ease. Thank goodness support builders don't take into account of defense so they are pretty much destroyed.

Vagaran -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 9:02:27)

What I do? Change to Merc and support abusing '-'

kosmo -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 9:22:00)

With my tlm I basically heal, eat with yeti and surgical.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 9:31:02)

i used support build to kill str build in 2v2 and to help a str abusing partner when str builds were owning. right now i m trying to use a tech build already made it but i have not tested it. just adept and change your build to counter the "trend build"

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 11:12:56)

Azrael's gun is amazing in 2v2 to stall merc support builds for another turn before they use artillery strike. As a caster build, with high enough tech and help from an ally, you can easily smash merc support builds in 2 turns. If they just try and heal you out to death, you can use the yeti to take away their aux and force them to rage double strike (which will likely get blocked) you. Same goes for TM support, you can use your yeti after they malf, then put up a shield/intimidate them. You have to remember when they get their gun back because either their gun or aux will rage you, and the gun will come back in time for the last turn of malf. Typically what I do in 1v1 against TM support is use malf or a heavy hit before their gun comes back so that when they force strike me they die from it.

Cookielord12 -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 13:12:29)

Hope for first turn
Plasma Cannon
Overload (Hope for stun)
Aux finish (Providing that they are stunned and not able to use thier gun)

Yea I don't have Yeti and this only works 30% of the time.

ansh0 -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 13:21:51)

For support mercs:

I use this...

Plasma bolt(does 42-53 dmg)
Plasma bolt

Healing keeps me alive, super charge to counter their heal and bolt to finish them off.

Also due to my high tech, I deflect a lot.

Mondez -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 13:50:27)

Sorry, but with support build, it is 90% guaranteed they will get first turn. Interesting tactic, but it's basically luck based and hoping for them to mess up to get a kill though I see you try to take advantage on the lack of def.

Interesting as well since you keep up with high health though wouldn't you normally heal first since they tend to do damage on first turn because I would imagine they would use their aux due to their high build. Healing is a must against these guys because they do not play around when it comes to the cannon on their back.

ansh0 -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 15:21:11)

9/10 times I win against support mercs.

Support CH is another matter...


So they first use aux(32-45 dmg)
Then they do something that does like 10 dmg.

Then they multi(by his time I am at about 30 ish hp)

I supercharge bringing me to 45+

Then plasma bolt finishing them.

veneeria -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 17:35:07)

Since i don't own any of those fabulous new weapons, i made an tech/massacre build in which kinda has its uses against them. My current problem right now is countering that nasty debuff from mages and cyberhunters. [&:] Specially cyberhunters, since they can massacre. [&:]

Mondez -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 17:50:18)

I like what I see, players creating builds against a build that abuses support. This is the type of ED I like seeing, players creating builds that works for them and those builds no matter what always have a weakness.

hijinks -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 19:26:44)

I also use a 5 focus build with a good aux just to say "You have a good aux? Try MY aux plus smokescreen and Infernal Andriod!" And then usually I massacre to beat em.

nico0las -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 19:53:55)

This seems like it should be on the balance forum but regardless...

Well Tech Mage tech/support abuse is hard to beat. I built mine early into Omega, maybe the first three days. Ever since, I've seen the build spread everywhere, and it is quite powerful.
Cyber Hunter support/strength builds are good, but they lack any defenses. Plasma bolt and my Auxiliary take care of them fairly quickly. It's not that powerful, as far as builds go.
Mercenary support builds are powerful, but a defense matrix and some mana drain works wonders against them.

All in all I think tech mage has always had the most powerful support builds; mercenary is strong but not strong enough.
The interesting thing about my support/tech build is that it counters other support builds quickly and efficiently without any abilities, only those on my skill tree (Only softies use Azrael's Anguish, seeing as they can't win using their own skill).
In any case, I'm currently using a tech abuse mage build and it works well enough, and makes for faster battles than my support build. It's also quite fun to use.

@Below Tech Mage, It's the key to success.

Mondez -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 20:03:07)

High tech users were my biggest threat compared to high dex users because of the massive damage that plasma bolt can do and because support lacks a high amount of defense than those with a huge build to another stat that can deal the damage would be supports weakness.

You have a build that works for you to counter others with efficiency so that's a plus in my book, but I got to watch out for you in future
1 v 1 battles.

You are in my league for focus builds and in my opinion, with the right gear focus builds are generally still a threat to all of yah players. >:3

Sauerkraut -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/26/2013 23:08:40)

I just raised the support for my 2v2 5focus CH build

Promaster -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 6:25:54)

+5 Focus Tech BH pwns em all, with the yetis' special and strategy of course.

midnight assassin -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 9:42:30)

Stun bh which gives me a chance to win vs some support abusers. Tbh I'm thinking on how to counter high support azrael vs bh with no yetis.

FrostWolv -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 9:49:52)

I just use EMP against most builds

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 12:02:02)

Yeah, those Support Mercs are pretty darn strong. I keep on seeing lvl 30+ Sup Mercs with 120+ support all the time. I'm currently using a lvl 34 STR TLM who might swap to a Sup build soon due to the fact I stand no chance against them. They always go first and they always crit against me. I put most of my stat points into STR and Dex, so I have low tech and sup. So if they have a energy aux and they're a sup Merc I'm pretty much dead. I don't really think I have a way of countering them. On top of that a STR TLM isn't a very effective build at all, I might even switch classes soon since TLM just isn't working for me anymore.

Mondez -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 12:08:59)

Truthfully support Mercs are not all that strong and probably depending on the build, I would say a high tech Mage like nico0las also a strong focus build can get the job done as well. Buy a yeti to get rid of the supports main line of damage and from that just waste them like any other opponent. I suggest have healing around 5 to 6 and have some good stats around damage. I've met support mages that didn't know what they were doing and some hunters though they are still not a threat due to the lack of defense.

You can also see above that there are players that find ways around to defeat support builds so just utilize your strategy effectively.

@below Vagaran
Another build that I usually worry about since massacre is a skill on what it is. XD
I keep up on high health worrying about the massacre skill that will eventually be activated in battle.

Vagaran -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 12:12:23)

Having played around as a Support abuser, I can see how OP this is. But it's not impossible to beat, I have trouble beating high HP CH Massacre builds. I would say having a decent Def/Res + high HP can make wonders.

Cookielord12 -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 12:16:44)

Yea, BMs are at a serious disadvantage against Sup users.

No Passive shields
No energy steal skill
Intimidate is useless
I have no yeti
No Azrael Weapons
No abusable Sup build

I can only hope to outdamage them, which sucks.

On the note of Sup Mercs, I find them far easier than CH and TM, but still have a huge disadvantage without Azrael Weps.

Mondez -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 12:20:14)

At the moment save up on a yeti because it is a recommendation if you at least want to stand a chance.

What about the physical based fireball skill? Though I would place my skill points toward plasma cannon and sidearm mastery to gain a chance against support abusers plus again I recommend healing for BMs as I was once a BM with a build that utilized healing to the fullest.

kamikampi -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 13:48:52)

I'm stuck with two of them with a Bounty hunter, is there any build to counter them with for me at all?
Just faced two of them at the same time. That was a bad fight [:(]

midnight assassin -> RE: Some Crazy Builds (2/27/2013 17:03:03)

^Try using a stun build. May not be the best build for bh since it's the last ditch for persons w/o yeti(My opinion since tech bh does not work for me due to resistance nerf) so if you ever have a chance to stun your enemy, drain them asap.

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