RE: New prize code! (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 13:51:16)

@ raven

It would still be the same problem since the players that aren't within that time lapse would be complaining in the forums just like you are now. some time zones are more then a day ahead of the Epic duel time frame.

8x -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 13:53:07)

It's pointless to argue now, but I'm sure that after 4 or 5 of these kind of prize giveaways devs will finally decide to overhaul the system and make it limited time or find some other solution. I bet that limited item system was made in a hurry due to the pressure from players, like every other feature in ED fixing it will probably require a lot of code to be rewritten.

Oba -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 13:56:31)


The only problem with this is that it's always the same group of players that has a better chance to claim these special prizes.

Eeeeexactly. Hence, why I think it should either be only a few swords available every hour for say 12 hours, now everybody have a small chance of getting it. Or do it the way AQW do when they decide to have a LQS/LQT shop, roll a dice and decide what hour the shop should go live. That way it is totally random and I surely wouldnt complain. Release limited items that dosent restock at the same time, everytime, is not fair.

Dimentic -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 14:04:09)

So many crybabies here it's ridiculous!

....SKY.... -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 14:08:06)

Wow i just woke up and saw this thread! Thought didnt surprise me as a lot of players i fought didnt seem to even know about the sword. Goods thing it came out at 5 pm for me :P

Cookielord12 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 14:12:34)

Well I missed out because of the time zones issue. At least the bad look compensates for missing out.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 21:06:17)

seriously, wat is this? it is just a sword, no biggie, you guys take it as if it has a special core or super powerful that would make those who got the sword rule the game, I missed out the J6 pistol but i didn't complain much simply because i realized that this is just a game and there is no point to complain about something that's not going to affect game-play, if you missed it then you missed it, many have got over the last J6 gun incident and it is time for those who missed the sword to get over it, better luck next time.

plus i realized most of the complainers have the bounty pistol, so it is fair for those who missed out the bounty pistol to get the sword while for those who got the bounty pistol to miss out on the sword.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 21:24:18)

i missed both the pistol and the sword. But i won't miss my time complaining. this is reality my friends, get over it and enjoy the game.

master1351 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 21:25:05)

I missed out on both XD it was early in the morning when the pistol n sword released =.= 3 am maybe?But it's just a awesome looking big deal ;_; just like every other sword in game

Rogue Ninja -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 21:25:11)

Items have limited value it's by looks or cores... You pretty much can just use your starting weapons/armors and upgrade it to win matches. Better luck next time for those people who missed it.

Raiga -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 23:05:58)

You know, most of these weapons are just reskins due to the new stat system in place, save for those with unique cores. >.>

theholyfighter -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 23:12:31)

For those guys that said " it's not fair for us!" have you thought that when it's fair for you guys, it's as well not fair for those on the other side of the world?

master1351 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 23:27:45)

They shud release the code at 2 different timings to be fair or the players in one time zone always gets it.

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 23:41:05)

@ master1351

We already have this with restocks of limited rare items and you know what? some people still complain because they can't make it for either. The same would have been if they did this as well. It will always be first come first serve with these codes no matter how unfair it may seem.

ReinVI -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 3:51:46)

I think it's unfair that most of the time I miss out on these it's because my internet sucks -.- half the time I try to load youtube it just pops up saying "error occured" so is it fair that I miss out
on a limited item just because my internet can't load a youtube video? ( which it IS my Internets fault satellite net SUCKS ) plus is it fair that some people get one on each of there character's
yet others don't get even one on a main?

RageSoul -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 3:55:46)

Only issue i see here is them being able to get them with the same account multiple times .

NDB -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 3:56:43)

Yeah, they really need to stop the hording. For all we know all 100 of the swords could have gone to only like 40-50 people.

theholyfighter -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 4:02:52)


I think it's unfair that most of the time I miss out on these it's because my internet sucks -.- half the time I try to load youtube it just pops up saying "error occured" so is it fair that I miss out
on a limited item just because my internet can't load a youtube video? ( which it IS my Internets fault satellite net SUCKS ) plus is it fair that some people get one on each of there character's
yet others don't get even one on a main?

So that's your Internet's fault, not the dev's...

Xerolt -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 4:39:30)


theholyfighter -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 5:01:43)

^That'll be very very very very very unfair for those where many players lived in the same place. Nonsense.

Jekyll -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 6:17:08)

@Xerolt: I disagree. We should not save the minority by sacrificing an unknown number of people. Your assumption that "this case would be very rare" is inherently wrong. If you want the code, stay up to get it. I missed the Bounty Pistol, but I stayed up specially for the Azrael's Deathbringer. It's entirely up to you: Sacrifice your sleep, or sacrifice the weapon. I was faced with this choice, and I decided to go for the weapon.

To top it off, I even got 2 for my alts ;). You win some, you lose some. Fair game.

Calogero -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 6:47:43)

release was past 1 am here... I was to busy having a life and earning money to stay up and lose potentional healthy sleep

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 8:42:48)

IP checks isn't the way to go as it could have adverse affects on people who got their signal piggy backed or share a signal with others. As I said earlier limiting it to one promo code use per master account would be a better system but even that would not completely solve this. Personally I have three master accounts for EpicDuel but that is because the gap between when I joined and when the multiple characters on one master account system was added

blade98 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 9:07:37)

Well I never got a prize code .Except classic armor lol.
How to solve this ? No longer give prize codes . That way nobody will complain .

master1351 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 9:42:10)

^Lol yea problem solved.

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