RE: New prize code! (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 11:00:11)

lol it was more peaceful earlier when there was no codes give away ... It was meant to act like Ad, to attract more new players, but i guess everyone wants it. Best solution make it time limited or give away something or other stuff for everyone, once in a month... all happy :D

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 11:43:26)

@ soul

It wasn't that. It was when they decided to give away items that you couldn't get in a small amount that this happened. I mean no one cared when they gave away boosters or even the spoon but add one ultra rare item (AKA bounty pistol or this sword) and boom It isn't fair the dropped this code without warning, or they should drop at a better time.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 11:57:26)

Well ya... Its nice of Dev's to give away something that's "Ultra-rare", but then again everyone wants it :/

Exploding Penguin -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 12:22:46)

Maybe they should make it something of a predictable routine so players can more easily prepare for the item giveaway.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 12:27:57)

How about when a new prize code is released, there are a limited number of rewards for the code that restock every hour for the whole day? This way every single time zone gets lots of opportunities to redeem the code.

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 12:32:24)

@ exploding

They actually took your advice this time and gave a full day of warning like you were saying they did with the bounty pistol. They posted it in the design notes more then 24 hours ahead of time.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 12:41:00)

@mother1: I was surprised, yet satisfied by that, as it gave me time to prepare. First time they took my advice on something... which is surprising since I've complained about shadow arts for about a year now and nothing's been done.

Joe10112 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 18:01:15)

Honestly, I don't really care.

It's not like Old ED where if it had great stats, you lose out. I could wield a Basic Club and beat people up with it, making the stats on par with my level. Doesn't matter.

Oba -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 18:05:44)


I could wield a Basic Club and beat people up with it, making the stats on par with my level. Doesn't matter.

I've seen this argument before, and it must be the silliest of them all. Yea, you can use basic items. But why do you buy new items? Because you like the look/wanna look cool. This time, I personally didnt like the look of this weapon (while I'm sure some did) but next time it might be a items that I would like to have.

Calogero -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 19:23:32)

You know, this ' Warning ' system is a joke...

You can say Oh It will be released at x Local time3 weeks before the release, in the end, that'd be 1 am, 2 am, 4 am somewhere.
What they need to do is DEVIDE their rare codes, one at 12 AM and one at 12 PM local time...

Because come on, They cannot expect a person to stay up past midnight to play a game.
Do they forget that the majority of their players are kids now? Or Adults that work?

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 19:40:38)

@ calogero

Your idea wouldn't stop the complaining either. Why am I saying this? Because they do something like this with restocking of limited rare items. Not the times frames but the amount of times they do restocks and guess what? We still have people complaining about this so how would it be any different from? People will still complain whenever rare prize codes come because of the soul purpose that they are limited quantity.

As for you second statement that one is completely invalid because we have players that do that to get the daily solo, daily team, and Juggernaut cheevos so it has been done before.

Calogero -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 19:44:04)

People are complaining due to timezone favoritism...

Putting out every 12 hours would be a hell of a lot more fair
than releasing it 1 time in their timezone...

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 19:54:34)

@ calogero

This would work if the staff worked over 12 hour shifts and we don't even know their work schedule. Plus I can see this idea failing as well for the soul purpose that the items go extremely fast. Remember the bounty pistol that went in 3 minutes from the release of the code. Image them doing that twice. While I can agree that less people would complain, there will still be these kinds of topics.

Because even if they did it twice someone in another time zone would miss both and boom we have this again. People will still say they are playing favorites because they aren't working with their time zone.

But a lass this is the problem when they try to give away free limited quantity ultra rare items.

But on another note I just made a suggestion about this in the suggestions part of the site�

Wootz -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 20:31:33)

Sleep. More valuable then any code. Except Founder Duel Master Armor code which unfortunatly will never exist. I can only dream. :c

Xerolt -> RE: New prize code! (3/10/2013 23:56:32)

Well, now that I look at it my idea was indeed rather silly and would be unfair. The thing is though it wasn't completely biased and selfish like you assumed it was, I actually could of gotten the sword since I was awake at the time but I didn't really care much about it. Although I can see how you thought my idea was plain bias I was actually trying to help those who wanted the sword but couldn't due to people getting like 50 of them on alts . I've realized my idea was garbage but please comprehend that it wasn't for biased reasons.

blade98 -> RE: New prize code! (3/11/2013 6:09:50)

Actually I would be ok if they would release for every time zone ,or at least at a time favorable for everyone . 8 P.M was too late really . They could've release the code first ,at about 4-5 P.M and then later release the update . But who cares about others .

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