BloodLust is Oped (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> BloodLust is Oped (3/9/2013 23:26:27)

For how many times have you battled a player with Bloodlust, which after a few rounds his/her health went FULL again?

What if BloodLust rewards health once every two attacks?
For example, with MAX BloodLust, I attacked 20 and 30. After I did the 30 damage, I got (50*0.27=)14 health back.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/9/2013 23:28:21)

although you may find this OP, do you have any suggestions on how to balance it? Why is it OP in your opinion? I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

~Da Bomb Expert

theholyfighter -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/9/2013 23:33:34)

Editted first post,

As for why I think it's Oped, once a player with BL attacks, the defender has to heal or shield, while the attacker gains more and more health, therefore even being more difficult for the defender to chip out the attacker's health.

RageSoul -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 3:32:19)

Blame how the damage system works in this game . Besides , that's what makes BH and BM great ( originally BH because it was the first one to use BL anyway ) , let your opponent's guard down then attack OR blast your strongest attack when his/her guard is down .

kosmo -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 9:36:25)

i have a bh and a bm, im pretty sure that bloodlust is making them OP.
i can explain u my reasons: hibrid classes uaually have not so much defencive option because a shield could be OP on another defence or resistence buff, insteed bh and bm have BOTH SHIELDS and EMP or INTIMIDATE.
i think they tried 2 make bloodlust as strong as the other passives skills , whitout thinking that probably it musted stay weaker.
right now my focus biulds r owning around and its not fair that a mage or a mercenary cannot even try 2 beat me.
I have another question that goes out of topic now : do u think its fair that i ALWAISE crit a guy that has 60 support poins more than me just beacause the battle went on for 15 turns and my cores got me luky ater all ( plus 4 percent crit chance evry wep i use ????????)
srry 4 my english guys......

theholyfighter -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 9:40:06)

^lol, ofc not. Nice point.

Death Carrot -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 12:21:24)

for the life of bh refill it with has to cause high damage and giving many bloqs not to mention that his opponent should not have much def too, if you think BL should be demoted and then Rerout Mage and the TLM should be demoted because tbm some attacks and full of energy again?

ScarletReaper -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 15:29:14)

while I agree that the synergy between smokescreen bloodlust and massacre makes it op'd on bh. I do not see the same thing on bm. I have one of each. What I can tell you is that my bm seems pretty balanced now, but I think they need to do something to fix the synergy on the bh. My suggestion is either replace bloodlust on bounty hunter with a similar but slightly lower progression, or vice versa and give the new skill to the bm and return bloodlust to it's original progression.

ansh0 -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 15:39:27)

Take massacre away from BH.

Replace with a fixed damage skill.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 16:04:41)

^ well every class needs a super attack.

-How about replace bloodlust with frenzy (only for bounty, not for bloodmage)

now BH has a fair equivalent of static charge for CH

Ranloth -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 16:07:07)

Then BHs will need either passive Armor or passive EP regen. You cannot leave them with a debuff only.

button33 -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 16:09:12)

However, then Frenzy will only be usable with a sword. You cant have it be used with a club and a blade...

Giras Wolfe -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 17:47:55)

I actually think the skill functions nicely.

If you have a low offense-high defense build, you do damage to bloodlust players slower, but they do less damage to you and thus its possible to keep chipping away at their hp.

If you have a high offense-low defense build, you damage the bloodlust player faster, but they also damage you faster and bloodlust helps them keep up but you're still easily taking away from their HP.

What I would do is compare bloodlust directly to Hybrid Armor, Mineral Armor, or Plasma Armor. Effectively, these armors save you from 10 damage every turn minus considerations of rage, criticals, and % defense ignoring skills. Bloodlust generally returns you 7-10 HP every turn, but significantly more on rage. BUT bloodlust provides no benefit at all on turns when they EMP grenade, Heal, or put up a defensive buff.

So bloodlust classes rely on consistently attacking to stay afloat, but defensive classes have much more flexibility to not attack. So in that sense, it is not always the best skill.

Really the only class that is suffering now because of bloodlust's buff is tech mages because they lack the defensive capabilities to keep bloodlust in check. However, malfunction messes up bounty hunters pretty nicely and mages have serious advantages over blood mages in their bigger energy pools.

Bloodpact -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/10/2013 23:34:32)

Bloodlust is very good after the buff, right where it should be possibly.
They get like 6 hp averaged a turn "IF" they stay on the offense.
The only way they get back to full hp is if you back off them and let them
hit on you for a few turns without retaliation , or if you let them massacre.

King Coolz -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/11/2013 0:35:58)

Not Supported:
I like how Bounty Hunters are the ones who are being attacked by the most but if it anything that need changing it should be the Delta Classes them self because they are not original classes. The act of removing, replacing or debuffing bounty hunter lust would make the Bounty Hunter class under powered; It is like removing Mercenary Hybird Armor and Adrenline while making them having higher requirement to use there skills to fight. The point is that debuffing the bounty will have a huge impact on the way they fight and would not only make it harder for the bounty hunter to fight but it will also make them very vulnerable to be killed in 2 vs 2 and Juggernaut battle.

-Delta Knight, King Coolz-

zion -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/11/2013 6:00:43)

The original three classes had a pretty good rock-paper-scissors. At this point CH seems to be pretty balanced. TLM still needs work: It was originally designed with smokescreen and was too OP, but there isn't a real good str-based offensive build after that nerf. It can't do support as well as merc, and tank builds are more vulnerable than ever to a debuff. However, the real class that needs tons of work is the BM: Always has been a strange mix of skills, and after the str nerf and azrael aux special, much harder to use. The BL buff has helped a bit, but it really needs a class overhaul.
Basically, the BL buff was unnecessary because it had the undesired effect of making BH too strong at the moment. BL should return to the previous numbers and BM just needs some different skills! IMO it should be the first new finishing move introduced to the game. Maybe a stronger version of assimilate? +25% damage and +5 energy steal more than assimilate at each level for no energy cost? 3 turn cooldown and warmup. Maybe unblockable?

ScarletReaper -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/11/2013 12:42:46)

^I don't know why you seem to be having so much trouble winning with bloodmage, but I am doing just fine. Only class and builds I really lose to are 5 focus massacre bountyhunter, and sometimes support massacre cyberhunter. I find them to be very balanced after the bloodlust nerf. Perhaps you are just having trouble because of your build/strategy? However there is no denying that bounty is too strong right now. If not switch out bloodlust at least do something about massacre as it is still too powerfull tbh.

Bloodpact -> RE: BloodLust is Oped (3/12/2013 9:46:37)

Massecre is and prolly will never be to powerful in my book just because
of the enormous amount of energy you need to get that skill out.
I personalty love killing bh's ,because the simplicity of just taking their
energy to getting me the win. If your losing to them you need a change
in build.

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