Cores (Full Version)

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Ranloth -> Cores (3/11/2013 15:03:12)

There's a lot of discussion about them, perhaps too much? xD Main concern is cores being too strong - not overpowered - and could use minimal adjusting to make them balanced, without making them completely useless in one way or another.
I will list the existing cores and proposed changes, since it's much easier to explain it in detail. Also this part is about Active Cores, I will cover Passive ones in the 2nd part.

If I haven't listed certain cores then they seem fine, in my opinion. The %'s shown here do NOT reflect the actual change, these would be adjusted by Devs if implemented! For the full list of cores and their effects, press the link: Skill Cores

Active Cores:
  • Azrael's Torment - working fine after the adjustment (85% damage).
  • Azrael's Will - working fine but when you're forced to Strike and have full Rage bar, you should Strike but without using the Rage.
  • Chairman's Fury - should deal 85% damage, cannot be raged.
  • Energy Shot - burns energy based on 25% of opponent's EP max capacity.
  • Energy Storm - 25% on single targets ; 20% on multiple targets.
  • FrostBite - %-based EP drain instead; more efficient on those who have high EP as opposed to low EP; not too big % either to prevent overpowering it.
  • Jack-O-Fire - cannot be raged.
  • Meteor Shower - cannot be raged.
  • Plasma Meteor - cannot be raged.
  • Thorn Assault - cannot be raged.

    Reason behind damage cores being non-rageable is simply abuse. It's a free unblockable attack that, yes is only once per battle, but it gets a boost over normal attacks and costs you nothing to use. Simple fact that you cannot block it *unlike Melee-based attacks* nor deflected *such as Gun/Aux* is already quite an advantage.

    Passive Cores:
  • Auxiliary/Primary/Sidearm Mastery - it has flat % chance but if there's big difference in Support, the % chance should be able to be negated to that of base % chance to Crit.
  • Baby/Dark Yeti Charge - could be +2 damage to Omega Baby/Dark Yeti and +1 to Warrior (nothing to base Yeti).
  • Deflection Shield - exactly like <Weapon> Mastery but for deflections.
  • Lucky Strike (2%/7%) - exactly like <Weapon> Mastery but for connect.
  • Mark of Azrael - exactly like <Weapon> Mastery; they are the same Cores but Mark has higher %.
  • Ninja Reflexes - exactly like <Weapon> Mastery but for blocks.
  • Stun Blast - as it is now and it's flat 3%, cannot be affected by anything.
  • Stun Shot - as it is now and it's flat 5%, cannot be affected by anything.

    Changes to Masteries and Block/Deflection Cores would definitely reduce the luck impact. There may be an "issue" that Cores would be rendered useless but to make someone's deflections/blocks/crits reach base value, there has to be quite a big difference (temporarily achieveable if you use buffers only). So they'd be applied as normal with exception of Cores not rising the base % for given effect.

    Actually, looking at Shadow Arts (BHs/CHs), it could work in similar way to Ninja Reflexes; still raises blocking chance above the cap (45% max with SA), but if there's a massive Dex difference - so it can reach base % with pure Dex - then SA would be negated and base % chance to block would be used instead. Reduces luck & as I've said above, there'd have to be a massive differenc in Dex to achieve that; base is 2%, max with SA is 45% -> 1% requires 2.5 Dex so 43% would require 108 Dex difference which is possible with very good Reflex Boost and either, enemy having low Dex or the player having high Dex.

    Any feedback is welcome! Probably missed bits out so even better if someone can post it. Suggestions are very much welcome! Remember, this is for the existing cores in-game, not suggesting new ones which belong here instead.

  • The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Cores (3/11/2013 15:10:09)


    Chairman's Fury - should deal 85% damage, cannot be raged.

    I'd rather have:
    Chairman's Fury - 100% damage, cannot be raged.

    Ranloth -> RE: Cores (3/11/2013 15:22:37)

    That also works, I guess it's like a damaging skill (110% damage) but with drain rage. Perhaps misunderstanding on my side when I wrote the post. >.> xD

    I guess you do make a fair point. But wouldn't raging Strike on you and not being blocked be a disadvantage? For example if it's a Strength build thus powerful Strike, as opposed to Support build with poor Primary damage instead. As I've said, feedback is needed since I followed up what some people have said about the cores and suggesting a fix which I see as good, not necessarily everyone will see it as such. :P

    ScarletReaper -> RE: Cores (3/11/2013 15:23:50)

    I agree with all but azreal's will not making opponents use rage. That is half the reason I use that core, the other half being to delay massacre. It's a very important part of the strategy behind it. It would be pointless if a strength bm could rage sidearm or a supp build could rage aux right after I use it. -_-

    Bloodpact -> RE: Cores (3/12/2013 8:50:43)

    Making Azreal not proc Rage = not supported
    Half the reason for using it, to strategically place your force strike to stop them from using a more powerful move.

    Making dmg cores not useable on rage = not supported
    These core use on rage is basically ,so you can rage without the fear of LUCK interference on your rage.
    Suggesting added luck to the game is ludicrous. I have yet to see someone who supports luck.

    Frostbite change, BIAly I would love to see the change, but in means of balance I don't think it's appropriate.
    (investing in higher energy already cripples you a bit.)

    Ranloth -> RE: Cores (3/12/2013 11:23:55)

    But that luck with Rage has even bigger impact. Damage cores already deal 110% damage and you're adding Rage onto it. If you want non-luck attack to be rageable then there are Skills which you can use it on. This isn't about luck factor but balance. Many people have issues with these damaging cores being unblockable, undeflectable, rageable AND dealing more damage than a normal attack would. Pretty much battle with time or you're dead due to how powerful the attack is. Oh btw, that "luck interference" is a defensive one & damaging cores rely on Strength so work even better for Strength abusers; they have low Dex and Tech therefore deflecting/blocking will be mostly in favour of the opponent so such core gives them big damage and they don't have to care about defences or stats, because it won't be blocked nor deflected.

    Also, Frostbite would affect those who abuse Energy (drain a bit more) as opposed those with base. I don't see your "means of balance" since I'm thinking about lower levels and future cap raises where base EP will go up and possibly more skills will be added thus more incentive to train EP thus -5 EP per turn won't do much. Fixed numbers are usually effective for a certain level range, nothing else; if base EP at Lvl 10 was 35 and you can drain 15 just like that, it's quite powerful BUT if at Lvl 35, you have base EP of 70 then a drain of 15 isn't as effective. %-based would make it equal for all levels, including future ones.

    Remorse -> RE: Cores (3/12/2013 11:32:38)

    Agreed with everything trans.

    Bloodpact -> RE: Cores (3/12/2013 11:46:46)

    Indeed they would prefer it if they lacked Dex and/or Tech, but what str build
    can be any good without Dex to side with it? As Str they have to constantly
    have a higher % of hitting to win. Asking for something you get once a fight
    usually [Rage] to be unblock able for them isn't asking alot, but perhaps Rage
    + core + dmg should not stack?

    Frostbite progression might also just work like, the core "levels up" with you every 3.5 levels
    progressing from level 1-10 having a base loss of 6 - 20 [ 6 at level 1 , 20 at level 35 ]
    ,But also food for thought. How many low levels have access to this core :/ ??

    RageSoul -> RE: Cores (3/13/2013 0:31:37)

    A buff for Energy Shot and Energy Storm .

    Energy Shot - burns energy based on 25% of opponent's EP max capacity
    Energy Storm - 25 % on single targets ; 20% on multiple targets .

    This way , TMs and BMs can finally have a winning chance against them nearly 100+ EP Maxed Massacre CHs .

    Ranloth -> RE: Cores (3/13/2013 6:41:09)

    I will add the above to the main post, I forgot these could work like Frostbite. And it wouldn't be dependant on Strength like it is now, alongside with many cores, but useful for tanks and glass-cannons alike.

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