Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Botanical Battlegear (3/20/2013 3:44:22)
So is Technician and Reflex Boost, yet players use them. Difference? Former requires training and costs EP to use, latter just depends on Support and costs nothing. Nope, technician and reflex can be used multiple times in battle. Are also not based on base dex/tech. And also, support cannot be weakened except by Curse or in some cases Omega Override, which not much people actually use. While dex and tech can be weakened by Smoke/Malf and Omega-Override. And as we all now, smoke and malf is much more common then Curse. Also, reflex gives 15% energy drain, and lasts for 5 turns, where Growth Serum only lasts 3 turns and no energy drain (same as technician) AND also, technician and reflex can be improved alot by a different stats and by skill lvl, where growth serum is only based on base support AKA: Growth serum is much weaker then technician and reflex Only advantage it has is -> No energy cost