Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.5.7 - March 22, 2013 (3/23/2013 9:00:23)
I abuse stats? Right. Focus 5 TM, then Focus 4 BM, then Focus 5 BM and Dex abuse at the moment (111 Dex) for sake of Juggernaut. I abuse stats? Right. Where does abuse start by the way? I seen Support players with 160+ Support, I have 111 Dex which is 50 stats less (at least) which I have put towards HP, EP, Tech and few into Support and Strength. quote:
Think of this if you were an IA user. Gamma Bot was already nerfed before. Back in the day, you could use Physical attack followed by Energy (no cooldown for the other one if you use it). Did people rant? Of course! Did I really care? Nope. Why? Because balance. Wait a minute. This isn't bias, right? So I cannot think about IA because I use Assault Bot and Yeti? Yep, so because I don't use Gamma Bot nor IA, I won't know what it's like. Seems like you don't know the meaning of balance. quote:
That would make it all fair. Point me to the post or DNs where it said IA = Gamma Bot but with an effect. Gamma has NO special ability hence why it's just 2 attacks with no real boost to damage. IA has damage raising effect hence why it's useable more than once. Likewise with other Bots with special abilities, i.e. Pyro Fly, Yetis, Bio Borg. By the way, why should Gamma get a buff to damage and once per battle? Why not keep the damage as it is and leave it? Gamma Bot cannot be OP because something else was nerfed. And lastly, don't assume something. The only instance I abused in Omega was Strength build when I was doing 150 wins for Yeti mission. Few people have seen me with such build and that was it. Before that? Perhaps modified Caster TM for sake of Juggernaut with use of Beta weapons.