End of Battle: Battle Report (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 12:29:54)

IMG of the Concept's Schematics

No, this is not about reporting people for abuse in battles. This is a suggestion that adds onto battles, a battle report. What this does is gives you a tactical readout of the battle you had just finished. Things like who was the luckiest in battle, who had the highest damage, etc.

This is simply a suggestion to improve the end screen of a battle. We all know how fruitless it can be if it lacks information. We are in the age of information and some static appearance is initially interesting, but otherwise unhelpful. That is why I am proposing a more advanced use to the end screen... the battle report.

Feel obliged to post your suggestions on what should be recorded and shown on the battle report below if you want:

  • Most Destructive (whoever scores the most damage) ~ Me

  • Most Destructive to give +1 credits ~ Frost Phoenix

  • Most Vigorous (whoever restores the most health) ~ King Helios

  • Most Vigorous to give +2 credits ~ Me

  • Most Protective (whoever uses the most defensive skills [skills that do not damage]) ~ Frost Phoenix

  • Most Protective to give +3 credits ~ Frost Phoenix, Aurther

  • Most Blocking (whoever blocks the most) ~ Frost Phoenix, ReconnaisX

  • Most Deflecting (whoever deflects the most) ~ Frost Phoenix, ReconnaisX

  • Most Critical (whoever critically strikes the most) ~ Frost Phoenix, ReconnaisX

  • Most Stunning (whoever stuns the most) ~ Frost Phoenix, ReconnaisX

  • LUCKY titles to give achievements ~ Me, Aurther

  • Most Unlucky (whoever is least lucky) ~ Me

  • Most Unlucky to give an achievement ~ Me

  • Titles to award achievements ~ Renegade Reaper

  • Most Precise (whoever connects the most weapon attacks without being blocked or deflected) ~ Me

  • Most Precise to give +2 credits ~ Me

  • Bully/Most Aggressive (whoever made the most consecutive attacks) ~ RageSoul

  • Bully to give +2 credits ~ Me

  • Surgeon/Most Medical (whoever used Field Medic the most) ~ RageSoul

  • Surgeon to give +1 credits ~ Me

  • Target Dummy/Most Tested (whoever was damaged most by Robot attacks) ~ RageSoul

  • Target Dummy to give +1 credits ~ Me

Master Smasher -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 13:32:03)


King Helios -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 13:35:52)

Some of those things make no sense, but...

Somewhat supported.

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 14:33:50)

If you mean what I had shown in the image, sorry for not explaining each box earlier (I did not plan on making those the official records) but:


MOST LUCKY meant whoever had the most lucky events in a battle. As an example, I deflect 4 times while my opponent only blocks 1 time, I am the MOST LUCKY with 4 lucky events in total.

MOST DAMAGING meant who did the most damage and how much damage did they do. As an example, I damaged for 138 points while my opponent damaged me for 71 damage, I am the MOST DAMAGING with 138 points.

MOST PROTECTIVE meant whoever used the most non-offensive skills (Blood Commander, Blood Shield, Reflex Boost, etc). As an example I used 1 of those skills in battle while my opponent used 3. Therefore my opponent was the MOST PROTECTIVE with 3 non-offensive skills used.

MOST SINISTER meant whoever used the most "negating" or nerfing skills (Malfunction, Azrael's Will, Intimidate, etc). As an example I used Malfunction 1 time while my opponent used 0. So that means I was the MOST SINISTER with 1 nerf skill used.

I quoted the stuff above ^ because I find it to be not very important in our discussion of the suggestion. Is your uncertainty gone?

zzzz.... -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 14:38:18)

but why not include a chart/table comparing both players/ teams in that report rather than just telling about one player.

King Helios -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 14:39:11)

Yes; thank you, Depressed.

Samurai_ED -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 14:41:29)

Supported, don't put in too much though :/

King Helios -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 14:44:23)

I agree with Samurai; just Damaging and a new one, Most Healthy.

Most healthy - whoever gained the most HP in battle (not whoever healed the most; if I generate my partner, the HP gain goes to his total).

Maybe +10 credits for leading a category?

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 14:44:57)


Yes, it can be made into a comparative scheme between both sides. Do you mean to show something like:

PLAYER_A: 100 Damage / PLAYER_B: 95 Damage


If so that does work fine, I would still try to maintain the titles (like "MOST DAMAGING") to give the competitors a sense of accomplishment when they do excel in a certain area just to clearly identify where the player's strength(s) is.


Maybe +10 credits for leading a category?

Yes actually, there should be prizes (credits and such) that award the player based on how difficult or rare each title is to obtain.

Frost the Phoenix -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (3/29/2013 19:08:27)

Here are my version of ideas of what there could be implemented.


Most aggressive - +10 credits (get +20 if credit boosting)

Given to the one to cause the most damage

Most supportive- +10 battle tokens (get +20 if battle token boosting)

Given to the one who uses the most supportive moves.

I.e reduces negative effects on ally or buffs them with skills/ cores and use of heals all count.

Luckiest-- +5% exp (10% if experience boosting)

goes to the person with the most luck based effects (block, deflect and crit)
Here is how it would be calculated

(Players blocks + players deflects + players crits + players LBS^) - (others blocks*^ + others deflects*^ + others crits*^ + others LBS*^)

* This is meant for when another player manages to get one of these against the player.

^ this stands for luck based skills like stuns and cores that work % based.

example a person blocks once, deflects once and stuns once but gets blocked twice, and gets crited twice
(1+1+0+1)-(2+0+2+0) = -1

I think you reall only need these as there really isnt anything else that would easy to implement i my option.

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 13:36:18)


Thanks for the suggestion I will add yours to the top.

Please note guys I will not be as active on the forums or in-game really because I will be modifying Monster Hunter (PSP) because some drop rates are annoying (and a little bit of cheating).

Renegade Reaper -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 14:01:03)

an add on to this: how about we have cheevos that require you to get a certain number of crits, blocks, etc. ?
the cheevos wouldnt be worth much, but they would be something to work towards.

ReconnaisX -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 14:06:26)

The idea itself is good. However, I have to say something about using "Most Lucky" in the report.
Won't that just make people even more angry about Luck? The way Luck is being portrayed right now is as if Luck is its own stat in ED. You should make "Most Lucky" maybe "Most Deflections", "Most Blocks", and so on...

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 14:06:42)


I do favour achievements on winning one of these titles. I will add your suggestion to the top thanks.


I do imagine that "luckiness" as one of the features of the battle report can lead to flaming and "unfair wins" and such, I would be welcome to separating lucky events by category. Thanks for the suggestion, to the top you go.

aurther13th -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 16:42:47)

support the original

not support frosts. reason: to much is given away, for instance 5% isnt much but after a few matches adds up. way to many battle tokens given away. those are hard to earn and should stay that way, for flag capturing cases and achievements.

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 18:19:58)


Made some changes to Frost the Phoenix's bonuses:

The bonus to experience from a lucky title is gone.

All bonuses from lucky titles are gone.

All battle token bonuses from titles are gone.

Now lucky titles only award achievements.

All title bonuses are now credit-only bonuses.

Some title names have changed to words we do not use to avoid confusion (Most Supportive and Support the stat).

Added some new titles... Most Unlucky, Most Precise.

xPl0opyx -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 18:23:32)


Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/3/2013 18:29:24)

I could make a big list of possible titles to record in battle, guys, but I want you to take credit too. So let us see some titles! Start suggesting!

RageSoul -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 0:43:55)

This is a very fun and interesting idea , so i'm in :D

Let's see , um , i think these will be good reports :

* Most Number of Turns in a Row using Attacks / Biggest Bully
* Most Number of Field Medics used / Surgeon of the Game( battle )
* Highest Amount of Robot Damage Taken / Target Dummy

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 9:49:06)


Thanks, I will add those right away.

odsey -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 10:02:14)

Person who use robot most/Machine aid
Lowest damage on a person/ Idk about the name for this one
Number which the person doesnt attack/defensive
Thats all for now. I may have more for later.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 11:33:47)

I just want 1 genuine point from you - " How would this anyway help someone" ???

It wont make any difference .. "Its existence has no specific meaning/reason". Things can work without this also ..Doesn't seen helpful to me in any way.. Other then show off or whine about your luck on forum by showing your statistic report...

Coolkid1999 -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 12:42:24)


EpicIsEpic -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 12:56:18)

@SOuL Prisnor
EMMMM... What is the point of the screen as it is because when you are level 30+ you know all the tips. No drops anymore. AND after a boss fight it might be interesting.

Stabilis -> RE: End of Battle: Battle Report (4/4/2013 13:19:39)


I just want 1 genuine point from you - " How would this anyway help someone" ???

Information. It treats everyone uniquely. Information provides different perspectives on the same old view. Where you may not find it helpful to know who healed 5 times, you will know between 2 builds which is sending more damage out. Information derived from experiments (battling) in a battle report can even be a learning experience to the experienced. There is no 1 way to show how this is helpful, but new data can be derived from here. Just like medieval scientists using antibiotic mould on infections, we learn new things and progress.

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