=OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (Full Version)

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Leader -> =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:02:30)


MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution!

Posted on March 29, 2013 by Nulgath


Game Update v0.6.18
Oversoul Beta Revolution!

Hello Oversoul Players!
You may be wondering to yourself, where's the Oversoul release?
As you heard a couple weeks ago, there was a huge bug blocking new users from being able to sighn up and play Oversoul. This was a critical blow to our game but thankfully it was fixed and Oversoul is getting new attention because of it. That's where the Oversoul Beta Revoltion comes in. There will be no release this week because Oversoul is going through a MAJOR evolution.

I'm changing a ton of the interface to be more intuitive and easy to understand. I'm also implementing a bunch of new special FX animations to give everything more polish. Warlic is hard at work on the New battle engine which is much more streamlined and will address a lot of the problems you've probably experienced in your battles. Rolith is working on the giant task of card customization which will introduce card packs and new card abilities.
The completly new interface and engine will be our release for next Friday. There's a lot of work to be done! Stay tuned!

Coming Soon!

Ovesoul Beta Revolution
Card Customization
2nd Oversoul Character Suggestion Contest!

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Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site.

bei4 -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:08:38)

i really like it and i am lloking forward to it

Skurge -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:30:45)

*Splurts coffee from mouth* Wow! Amazing work, Nulgath! I'm just going to stare at these pictures
until the release now! =P


Balu -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:42:29)

Looks supercool! The shinier the art, the more new players Oversoul will attract! There is one thing I wish that was added with this upcoming update. Hey Nulgath, can you ask your awesome coding team if they can implement that browser function thingy where you can make the whole game smaller in your browser? Every other AE game has it, except OS. It would really help some players, myself included, who are running the game on old machines to speed things up a bit. Sometimes the FPS count can drop to really low values.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:42:50)

9 million SGs, PFFFTT I can get that easilly.... in my dreams... where I'm rich :'(

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:45:30)

I'll be honest. I liked this news more than any recent release. It shows promise of much required fixes and it includes a cool interface (Love the new design for your hand!). Cards are easier to read now; elements, a bit easier to identify at sight. Drawing and charging up are much easier for beginner to understand since now they are buttons. The useless "PvE Battle" on the World Map was removed.

This is a great step both aesthetically and gameplay-wise. I assume this release plans to deal with freezing errors and card bugs alongside card typos? Or at least make it a bit easier to deal with?

If I may make a minor suggestion (or clarify something in the case it has already been done): Seeing the ailment displays (Those below the shield icon; marking healing, poison, etc), I think it would be nice that if the player moved their cursor over the icon, it would display information regarding the name, effect and durations such as:

Take 3 damage each turn
Ends at the start/end of your turn"

This is a minor gripe I have as sometimes I find it unnecessarily bothersome to figure out when is my Shatter suppose to activate (I don't find simple numbers enough as I don't know if the exact time they activate [When I end my turn, or when my opponent's turn starts?]. For future situations, if new characters and/or cards are capable of amassing various ailments at once, it would be in both player's best convenience to be able to identify which ailment is which...

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 16:51:26)

I don't expect Nulgath will read this and if it is I don't think it can be changed at this point, but I will list the thing I like and don't like about this:

Things I don't like and why:

The hands holding the cards (thed whole hands thing really takes me out of the action myself. Plus it reminds me too much of Super Smash Bros).

In Battle Chat (this is more of a personal one. I ALWAYS get the worst of battle Chat. If there's a disable button I don't mind however.)

Things I like:


Finncollier -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 18:52:27)

the revamp looks cool (that is all)

Beck -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 19:34:32)

It looks very good!
Will the floating "Your Turn!" box always be there in the middle of battles though? I feel like that would make taking epic mid-battle screenshots much harder.

I'm actually more excited about the new battle engine than the Shiny Stuff itself, since I hope this means many bug fixes and less chance of a battle being disconnected.

Also, the Chat means that now I can check if my opponent is there or not, and not waste time fighting their AI.

I do agree with Megakyle though, and think the white hands are a bit much. I don't need that as a visual cue that this is my hand. If we must have hands, can they at least be not white? Like Dark Gauntlets or ghosts hands or something, since we are dead after all.

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 20:04:55)

Maybe in the future we can get options for Hand skins? I think the concept of your hand being...a hand is cool, but I suppose the actual design of the hands could be better.

Dragon Elite X -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 20:24:28)

I think Cyberbeast10 has a great idea. I'm not really digging the white hands. Though gauntlets or claws would be very attractive.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/29/2013 23:01:05)

Got to love the new interface. So many more shiny features! Next week release is going to be very exciting for sure. Looking forward to it!

BiasedBass -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/30/2013 17:19:11)

Hmm not a fan of the hands, it's kind of unappealing and unnecessary for me but this turned out to be better than what I had expected! Great work Nulgath [;)]

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/30/2013 17:40:55)

I feel bad for the Barabrian! I mean, a bi-elemental deck has problems, but that's ridiculous! Love the new elemental symbols though.

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 1:07:35)

I am liking the this update so much already, but like most people have said above the hands are unappealing to me as well and maybe the hands skin idea or claws/gaunlets would be nice. But everything is very nice and i am looking forward to it aready!! [:)] totally worth one week with no release!

DarkLore -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 1:25:09)

I have a friend who just tried out Oversoul earlier today. He agreed that the interface upgrades indeed make the game look much easier to access menus. Unlike some of the people on here I love the white ghost hands holding the cards. That's awesome!

Misty_kitty -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 3:34:13)

Fingers o_e"

mt -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 4:08:02)

booster packs? Do want......

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 12:47:46)

I can deal with the hands it isn't a big deal just i prefer not if possible. But it is still cool, cant wait for this update!!

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 13:11:22)

Not really a big fan of those hands either.

I can login on Warlic server perfectly.

_scars_ -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 13:15:37)

dont really like the hands either, they really break the idea of being the character, it makes it look more yu-gi-oh like with you watching on the side while your monster battles

jack antler -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 16:49:42)

OS is like AQW evolved.

BiasedBass -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 17:06:11)

^I heavily disagree lmao

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (3/31/2013 19:39:56)

@jack antler: OS isnt a evolved AQW, but anyway someone said the hands reminds them of yu-gi-oh. I TOTALLY agree!!! But the consept is the same, we are still oversouls it is just those hands holding our cards.

redclaw -> RE: =OS= March 29, 2013: MAJOR changes Happening! The Oversoul Beta Revolution! (4/1/2013 6:30:33)

man this update looked awesome.... everything looks epic... except the hands.... but all in all an awesome update

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