RE: Currently strongest class (Full Version)

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Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 9:13:50)

1. BH (5 focus with Smoke, Azrael's Curse, Azrael's Will and Bloodlust is lethal)
2. BM (5 focus with Deadly Aim, Bludgeon and Bloodlust is extremely dangerous)
3. TM (5 focus with Deadly Aim and Malfunction allows for a 3-4 turn all-out offensive, particularly with Plasma Bolt; High-tech Caster builds with Assimilation, Reroute and Plasma Bolt are deadly, with energy drains being almost ineffective on the best builds)
4. TLM (5 focus with Reroute, Surgical Strike and Field Medic makes for excellent tanking, though the skill tree limits versatility)
5. CH (5 focus with Malfunction, Plasma Armour and Shadow Arts makes for annoying but manageable foes)
6. Mercs (Without passives like Bloodlust or Reroute, or debuffs like Smoke or Malf to boost damage, Mercs are at a comparative disadvantage)

NOTE: This rank is based on observation of common builds in 1v1. I have seen, for instance, rather successful support-abuse TLM builds featuring Artillery Strike and Toxic Grenade, and 5 focus Mercs that play with extreme skill and precision and are therefore deadly. It should be noted that this rank does not reflect the inherent potential of each class, but rather the observed effectiveness of each class as it is most frequently used in 1v1.

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 9:49:54)


TM 5 focus is absolute crap.

Since you have no passive armors, and no bloodlust, you can be easily taken down in 3-4 turns.

Malfunction+DA is not effective most you would do is 30-40 damage over 2 turns which is miniscule compared to others.

Caster and hyper offense is the only okay builds.

Even then TM is massively under-powered.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:11:10)

It's not 'absolute crap'. Much depends on who starts first. If the TM starts first, Malf-Gun-Aux/Plasma Bolt-Energy Bot and the battle is over, assuming no luck, shields or heals. Even if the opponent shields or heals, the TM still has the offensive momentum, not to mention a rage gun. It's of course more tricky if the opponent starts first, but TM is definitely better than TLM, CH or Merc. 5 focus TM can beat all of them, particularly with the Assimilate buff. Heal loop/All-out offense/Assim to prevent opponent from heal looping as well (last is optional) against CH, depending on first turn, and a Malf advantage over TLM with Assimilate to counter SS. (Assuming CH and TLM are 5 focus) I believe there's no need to explain about Merc?

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:20:58)

Trust me, it looks good on paper but in reality, none of that works.

Been a TM since the valentine update, focus does not work as a TM.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:22:37)


Just curious, do you find yourself losing significantly often against CH/TLM/Mercs, and if you do, how do you lose (as a 5 focus user, that is)? And do you have the Azrael Gun and Aux?

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:27:39)

My focus load out is

Energy Omega Staff
Physical Dage's boomstick.
Graphite Gun

Harbinger Husk

I mostly use my Omega Dark Yeti but I also have the E bunny bot and IA( and E assault bot)

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:35:15)


I profess to have zero experience as a tech mage (though plenty fighting them), but shouldn't your gun ideally be energy? With Bludgeon, Meteo Storm and possibly a physical staff/aux, you should be fine on the physical side, with your two strongest weapons (bot and gun) syncing well with Malf and dealing maximum damage?

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:36:05)

Cores on Omega weapons are locked, can't have the meteor ones.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:40:21)


Your gear aside, could you elucidate on why you think TLM and CH are superior to TMs?

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:46:36)

Easy. Passive armors.

It helps them cover one defense while focusing on the other.

TLM can heal loop easily, take away your rage while healing and rage bot to finish.

CH also has PA, which makes for crazy resistance with a focus build. On an average, a CH has 40+ resistance which leaves the Mage to doing very little damage.

TM has to keep on playing defensive as a focus build, and while doing that, the opponent stays at high HP while the Mage struggles to
Keep his at 50%.

theholyfighter -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:50:02)


On an average, a CH has 40+ resistance which leaves the Mage to doing very little damage.


ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:52:32)


A CH would usually have 26-32 or 27-33 base res and a +10 from PA.

If I ain't wrong, that gives you a mid-upper range of 40 res.

theholyfighter -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:53:15)


On an average, a CH has 40+ resistance which leaves the Mage to doing very little damage.

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:54:49)

Really? You know what I meant...

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:56:12)

I have never seen a 5 focus TM with damage output lower than mine in battle (I'm a CH, and I'm talking about functional damage output, the actual damage) for most turns. Of course, I do win most of them by taking out about 50% of their HP with a rage IA special when they're Malfed, and when I'm on my knees. That situation could of course be prevented if players actually learn to anticipate just how much damage is incoming. The amount of players that neglect to save their lives with Generator or Field Medic in the face of a late-game rage IA special is staggering. And there is, of course, nothing to prevent them from doing the same to me, other than their own desire to end the game early by wasting their rage on a fifth-turn IA special.

There was one 5 focus TM in particular who made an impression on me. Malf-Aux-Azrael's Will-(rage?)plasma bolt/energy bot (I forgot which) and I was dead. I had neglected to heal between Aux and Azrael's Will and I became fodder.

The other thing is that there's nothing stopping Mages from heal looping as well, and since they are no less defensive in relation to TLM (mineral armour being largely a non-factor in TM-TLM battles) and actually have better offense, one might expect them to do considerably well against 5 focus TLM.

theholyfighter -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 10:56:20)

Sorry I really don't. What do you mean anyways?

ansh0 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 11:10:23)


I have never seen a 5 focus TM with damage output lower than mine in battle

I'm surprised you managed to even find TM's in 1v1, at most I fight 5 TM's in 1v1 per day.

The thing is, with passive armors you don't have to worry about shielding, you can continue on the offensive while a TM has to waste a turn putting up a shield, then another turn healing and by that time, the TM is at a disadvantage already.

All other classes can continue on the offensive but TM.

Hard boy -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 15:07:45)


with mercs, once you get smoked/malfed you can't go offensive neither defensive lol, you're either blocked or deflected while eating massive loads of damage and energy drainers... atleast you have matrix, technician and malf..

Hun Kingq -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 15:24:51)

Let see a player try a Blood mage with other skills other than Bludgeon as 5 focus and no bot and tell us than the other skills are powerful enough to win a match and if you don't it proves all offensive skills except the Bludgeon are not powerful enough and uses too much energy to either make a difference in the match or help you win the match.

Ranloth -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 15:27:09)

Focus 5 and no Bot..? Why would you go for Focus then? :| And by the way, I don't use Bludgeon as a Focus 5 BM (with a Bot!) because it's waste of my Energy if it's blocked and I can use it for something better.

One does not simply go Focus 5 and not use a Bot.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 17:38:45)

Well IMO the hunters are probably the best at 1vs1 for they can manipulate the opponents' energy and power up their attacks with smoke and malf. They also have good defense.

liy010 -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 22:06:22)

Is BH really the best at 1v1?

I myself am a Lv 34 CH and I can beat Lv 35 BHs 7/10 battles, and 9/10 battles if I go first for each of those battles, considering none of us gets lucky Crits, Blocks or Deflects. (Yes, I know Smoke decreases Block, but I rarely ever attack)

So if they go first:
They Smoke

Plasma Meteor
IA Energy Bot attack

If I go first:
(If they E Shield)
IA Physical Strike
They Smoke
They strike
Either Gun (Phys) or E Grenade, whatever is better
(E Shield Wears off)
Just attack with Aux and stuff, try to rage IA Special

(If they don't E-Shield, they smoke instead)
DM if you want to be safe
Plasma Meteor
IA Energy Bot attack

My toughest matchup would have to be TM Caster, but it's easy once you drain the Energy, but Reroute AND Generator AND Assimilation? Darn.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/6/2013 23:25:35)

-caster techmage: assimilation looping just makes them super hard to beat since when you spend your own energy trying stop them from using plasmabolt/supercharge they just come and steal your energy while gaining enough to use plasmabolt next turn.
-max surgical tactical mercenaries: it is the most commonly used build these days and after a few nerfs on other stats/classes/skills this build has became close to unbeatable, unless of course they fight another with their same build or a caster techmage.
-5 focus bounty hunters: another commonly used class/build it is powerful but atleast it is beatable if you have some luck factors happening.
-5 focus bloodmage/strength abuse bloodmage: they are the currently most balanced class right now(apart from strength abusers) in my opinion.
-cyber hunters: with the introduction of the azrael promo and a few useful buff to other classes, cyber hunters are finding it hard to beat the top 3 classes especially caster techmages, while we can still manage to put up a good fight against surgical tactical mercs and 5 focus BHs.
-mercenaries: the only useful and powerful build they can use is support abuse with max artillery strike, they(the class not the build) are even weaker than cyber hunters(i always defeat them unless they deal alot of crits)

kosmo -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/7/2013 13:18:05)

^If you keep your damage high and propely high emp them once caster techmages are easy. All the classes at their best use focus builds, other builds crush against bots.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Currently strongest class (4/7/2013 23:46:00)


very unprofessional game, its very unstable there is always big changes its like to me, devs dont know what they are doing. they just doing random balance
and they are hope they get lucky but this game is broken beyond repair especially with amateur game developers.

who are you to say that they are amateurs? and don't know what they are doing? i don't see you try to suggest things to improve the game and making it more interesting.

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