Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/9/2013 18:59:44)

Beastmo came up with an amazing point as of last night.
Lately, lower levels have been dominating everything whether it be 1v1, 2v2, and even jug.
Fact is... they get wins quicker making It harder on us.
Do you agree with this?
How can this be changed?

Hard boy -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/9/2013 19:06:28)

2 separate LB, one from 1--->29 and one for 30---->35

Ranloth -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/9/2013 19:12:06)

Leaderboards do cause lag too. Also it'd have to be 30+ to wherever the level cap ends up in the future and possibly another set of LB because of even slower matches. Therefore no.

Yes, matches are quicker at lower level but they still have to try as hard to get so many wins. Effort is still an effort. LBs aren't restricted to top players. If you could achieve something that top player can, it's great. Matches don't have to be quicker at lower level nor slower at higher, it's just the differences in players and their builds. Nevertheless, they still have to fight a lot.
LBs only show classes/builds that can win the fastest, regardless of the ratio. Nothing else. And it's a daily one so you can try again the next day.

Mother1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/9/2013 20:48:39)

@ hard boy

What would happen if say I am at level 29 and then I level up to level 30? If I was on all day then all my hard work would be for nothing especially if I am on top only to be moved to a possibly lower spot because of this. Or someone else who is on the level 30-35 list that is on the top would be in trouble as well since someone would be jumping from one list to another. It wouldn't be fair to those who put in time to get on top of the LB's.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/9/2013 23:33:24)

Well I don't support 2 lb's either. But just a solution to mothers question. If you start from level 29 and turn 30, you still stay in the same lb, no change, until game reset.

I have better idea. Might post some day I guess .. [8D]

axell5 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 0:38:29)

i would also like that to happen and...
@mother1 in my suggestion post i also suggested the sepparated LB, you said that again and I gave soul's answer awhile ago.

beastmo -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 0:47:52)

Beastmo is right. Low Levels Dominate leaderboards a level 23 just got 900+ wins in Omega. Obviously they dominate

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 0:54:40)

Some level 17 was in second place O_o

midnight santa -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 4:50:18)

just be happy for low levels -_- they are make game grow not old players like u

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 4:52:00)

ohh boy! the "exploits" that can be manifested from this low lvl issue ;o

Scyze -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 4:57:09)

I also hate that the game's not as fun as it was in the past for me. It’s the one problem for me. It is turning into a game for people who are lower in level.
I'm sure the Developers don't care much since they have new players. [:D]

Drianx -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:23:56)

I don't really see why is this a game problem.
It's rather people's problem, who got too used to judge each other by quantity of wins only.
I would rather discuss how can leaderboards expand and improve, judging players from new perspectives of quality in skill and gameplay, rather than just win count.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:29:25)

think of what happens when a faction for example, purposely loads up on low lvl alts.

as mentioned before, they get wins faster and at a better rate.
with a couple of people doing this in alts for a faction, it can be very game breaking (in terms of competitiveness)

this is why it should be balanced.

Ranloth -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:35:57)

Because effort at lower level doesn't compare to that of at higher level? Oh silly you. Factions? They serve little purpose anyway, and catching up to the top factions is as good as impossible unless you play (with your faction) for weeks or months almost non-stop.

Daily LBs are fine with any level, they are daily after all. All-Time are pretty much for the top players, like it should and will be. Only because Lvl 20 beat you in terms of fights on the LB, it doesn't mean everyone should suffer from LB lag (double LB for sake of levels) because they get faster wins and you don't. That's false in a way too. Go Strength or Support abuse, 2-3 hit KO builds right there - pretty much as fast as these low level players. If you don't care about the ratio, even better since you will win and lose, every now and then.

Blizp -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:42:10)

The problem isn't the NEW low lvls topping the LB. It's the fact that many people make an alt for the sole purpose of getting the daily champion achievement(s). I, myself, made an alt for the exact same reason. It's just much easier to get the achievements at low level, when games last less than a minute (talking about 1v1) and you have a much better win ratio due to a lot of players still learning their class, while on the other hand, I probably have no chance to get it on my main, when the games last a lot longer and I have a worse win ratio due to facing experienced lvl 35's all the time (and counter classes as well).

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:49:05)


Because effort at lower level doesn't compare to that of at higher level? Oh silly you. Factions? They serve little purpose anyway, and catching up to the top factions is as good as impossible unless you play (with your faction) for weeks or months almost non-stop.

maybe thats an issue ED should rectify. i gave many suggestions on improving the faction system.

although ur opinion regarding factions hold little weight to me when its coming from a person that never really participated in competitive factions. whether it be 1 and done champs, or weekly grindings.

pretty much.
i was recently asked (will keep him/her nameless) by someone to help their faction with a low lvl alt for faster wins because they wanted a daily champ.

the point is, it has big exploits in terms of faction competition, and it should be fixed now before the problem gets bigger.

Ranloth -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:53:27)


its coming from a person that never really participated in competitive factions. whether it be 1 and done champs, or weekly grindings.

Yeah, keep assuming and spreading false facts. Btw, CAD wasn't competitive faction either, more like third-rate faction.


its coming from a person that never really participated in competitive factions. whether it be 1 and done champs, or weekly grindings.

But it isn't a problem. If you recruit competitive player early on and he plays until he's at the top level, where's the problem? What's stopping you from recruiting them as well? Some players don't care, some want loyal players rather than low level ones that you'll kick afterwards.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 6:59:06)


But it isn't a problem. If you recruit competitive player early on and he plays until he's at the top level, where's the problem? What's stopping you from recruiting them as well? Some players don't care, some want loyal players rather than low level ones that you'll kick afterwards.

you do realize im referring to actual players with lvl cap accounts making low lvl alts for the sole purpose of getting wins faster for their factions?


Yeah, keep assuming and spreading false facts. Btw, CAD wasn't competitive faction either, more like third-rate faction.

now you defer to insults?


and catching up to the top factions is as good as impossible

seems to me like you're contradicting yourself.


Because effort at lower level doesn't compare to that of at higher level?

your "effort" means squat when it comes to competition.
competition whether it be for a solo daily champ, or a faction champ, is about time.

but i wouldn't expect u to know that.

Ranloth -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:15:04)

Mind you, this is about LBs and how low level players got on there not factions. Btw, stop flame-baiting because that'll cause the thread to close down. It's pointless.

Either way, effort is still effort. Only because you lost to someone at a lower level means you were taught a lesson - should've tried earlier on OR try harder next time. Lower level players were on daily LB back in Delta, I recall Gamma as well. Don't remember Beta that well though. So only because there are more now doesn't mean it's unfair. They try, you don't try hard enough. Tough.

ThePriest -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:17:56)

Here is a suggestion on how to change that.
I'll explain it a little short, but I think you understand my idee.
First, do you do so it's about three groups.
lvl 1-20, lvl 21-29, lvl 30-35

But everyone can win achievements of the day,
So that each group has the opportunity.
However, a small change on the whole.
As this example.

Daily Solo Champion
lvl 1-20 - Rating Points 500
lvl 21-29 - Rating points 1000
lvl 30-35 - Rating points 2000

Hope you understand the following, it is one and the same.
But it lvls up in three steps, and get more rating points.
if you get it on lvl1-20 then you most get it 3 times to get 2000 points,
But if you get it on lvl 21-29 you only need to lvl it up one more time,
And if you get it on lvl 30-35 you only need to get it one time.

While doing as they did in the yeti tournament,
You get points instead of one only win a battle.
Examples such as the following lets say in 1vs1.
lvl 1-20
1vs1 = 1 Points

lvl 21-29
1vs1 = 5 Points

lvl 30-35
1vs1 = 15 Points

Plus, this avoids cheating on fac, taking in low lvls characters to get quick wins.
Then they would get less points the following.

// The Priest

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:19:51)


Mind you, this is about LBs and how low level players got on there. I don't see why you put in faction stuff here, especially the fact you don't report players with alts in their own factions (against T&C). Nice flame-bait but no one wants to cause trouble around here, so stop. >.>

trans trans, the only flame baiting here is u when u brought a specific faction into this. dont try to shift the blame to someone. (should have known you'd try to pull this one. its a trans classic)

yes its about low lvls, but im guessing u haven't realized that im talking about the competitive aspect.
competitiveness includes factions.


Either way, effort is still effort. Only because you lost to someone at a lower level means you were taught a lesson - should've tried earlier on OR try harder next time. Lower level players were on daily LB back in Delta, I recall Gamma as well. Don't remember Beta that well though. So only because there are more now doesn't mean it's unfair. They try, you don't try hard enough. Tough.

there may not have been much in beta and gamma because low lvls were exactly fond of the idea of spending hours and hours to win a daily medal.

however most of these low lvl alts u see now are mostly experienced players that already have lvl cap accounts.

King Helios -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:20:42)

@trans Control Alt Death is way better than TEC (no offense, just stating facts)

It is ridiculous, but I agree with Trans.; they have to put in a lot of effort, especially in 2v2 (less skilled partners)

I was playing on my (now level 15) alt at level 14, and I fought a Jugg with a 95% win rate. I won with a 16 who had only primary. That kinda think takes a lot of experience and skill.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:24:42)

i understand what u mean.

but where im getting at is,
Effort wins games, creates builds, etc.
time wins dailies. (individual dailies or faction dailies)

and theres no denying that low lvls are faster. regardless of the effort they put in.

effort plays a role yes, but not as much as time.

1 player giving his best effort for 2 hours, will not surpass a player who is only putting in half effort during 8 hours.

Ranloth -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:29:09)


Control Alt Death is way better than TEC (no offense, just stating facts)

That's relevant because? Just as goldie assumed I was "a person that never really participated in competitive factions", I've assumed something else. It's not nice to assume something if you don't know it, that was my point. And she continues it hence why I wanted to drop it for a reason - no one likes threads being locked/deleted for no reason.


they have to put in a lot of effort, especially in 2v2 (less skilled partners)

This is something to ponder about as well. Top players take time but have experience, and at lower level, it's the opposite; lack of experience and poor builds (most of the time) thus harder to win. All factors should be included when making such comparisons, and it will average out in the long run. The point still stands: effort was put into it and it'd be pointless if someone's rendered it useless because they are at a lower level.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Is This Turning Into A Low Level Game? (4/10/2013 7:36:01)


That's relevant because?

u bring the topic up, now u ask this -_-


Just as goldie assumed I was "a person that never really participated in competitive factions", I've assumed something else. It's not nice to assume something if you don't know it, that was my point.

wait a sec, i took a look at your char page, it screams competitor to me *LOL*


And she continues it hence why I wanted to drop it for a reason - no one likes threads being locked/deleted for no reason.

then u accuse me of flame baiting. lawl.

fact is, they get wins quicker. it should be balanced so that its at the same speed.
this way its not exploitable.

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