Midnightsoul -> We're balancing focus, not killing it. (4/10/2013 18:51:31)
After the strength and support nerf of the final week of the golden yeti tournament, these aggressive builds became too ineffective for PvP. I personally liked the balance of the the first week of the Golden Yeti Tournament where offenses and defenses were pretty proportional. It was fine when offenses improved every 5 points, but making it like 2 damage for 15 points was too much. What does this have to do with focus? You see, when you look at a focus build, it's not a BALANCED focus build where its offenses and defenses are spread out evenly. It's a TANK focus build and because a robot increases with a defensive stat, that's why a focus tank is so effective. I mean a support focus build or a str focus build are OK, but they're not that good... This also explains why caster tech mages are also effective enough to compete against other builds since their moves are based from defensive stats. Look at those surgical strike TLMs, they're pretty good too. Think of any build that works effectively with a defensive stat and notice that they're probably the only type of builds you see in Omega right now. Now think of str BH...it's practically a joke. One energy drain and they're gone. Same with str/supp CH. So what is my solution? If you guys look at goldslayer's thread about "Stat Balance and Other Idea", you will notice most of the ideas are pretty good so check it out. Anyways... I think stat scaling should return to old Beta where defenses go up every 3 points and offenses every 4 points. The reason is because since the great amount of deducted stats in Omega caused a low build diversity, either we increase the amount of stats every has where every weapon has the same amount of stats as your level (goldslayer's idea) or we can just decrease the scaling like Beta...or similar. If you guys have any solutions, I would also like to hear from your replies.