RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/31/2013 4:41:57)

Enhanced ACC: That went better than I could've hoped. In just one conversation, this mystery friend and I were able to clear up and apologize for over a year's worth of misconceptions and false accusations, unkind words and other emotional baggage. Everything relating to this situation just feels lighter. I love it when people let down their weapons and just talk honestly. Things can happen that you had no idea were even possible.

I carried so much self-doubt and resentment and guilt after all of this. And now, maybe I can finish healing from it. I was already well on my way, even before this. Closure is a wonderful thing <3

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/31/2013 23:15:17)

DIS: Can't get the perfect job for me, only because I'm a year too young [:(]

Sir Nicholas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/31/2013 23:16:50)

Good for you Den! I'm extremely glad to hear you're able to find some measure of comfort after a hard time like that.


ACC: I've gotten my cellphone working again, after it unexpectedly shut down. Problem therein was I just had to hold down the hangup button until it switched itself back on.

ACC/DIS: Although I may not be able to get my old Youtube Channel back - I can still remake it on this one. I can still post comments and now that I've disabled Google+, I can read my Inbox again. Only thing remains is to re-like and re-favorite all my videos. It's still kind of a bummer because I can't get my account back.

Slight DIS: Somebody else purchased the red katana I liked in the store Pica Pica - which was a really nice one. Very similar to my black one, and it would also have made an excellent backup weapon to the one I practice with.

ACC: Even so, this just means instead I can focus on getting a longsword without any distractions - that way I can still practice with both east and western styles. The one I've had my eye on is not that much more expensive.

ACC: I've gained a new appreciation for other, more exotic blades as a result of practicing with my katana. Its size, weight, reach and shape are all indicative of a different form of swordplay than the one I'm accustomed to - rather than blocking and hammering at my opponent's defense, I redirect their blows, use their own momentum against them. The unique shape of the blade allows for a slightly greater cutting capability than a straight one, which means I have to be more calculating in my strikes. I have to think more about the angle of the attack.

DIS: My laptop has become quite annoying to work with. It's still working, but at a snail's pace. Curse this virus and whoever created it!

Tha Killa -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/1/2013 0:24:01)

ACC/DIS: Started CEGEP...

Dis:Books are SO expensive, need to get a job...
Major Dis:Apparently I get to be treated terribly for something I should've done but didn't (asking out a girl but didn't have to funds I wanted to have to shower her with gifts:) But sadly I thought she'd be understanding to say the least) so now trying to see if I canfix things as she's in my program for the next two years...

Acc: Met some new people:)

Acc:Found a new way to relieve stress levels!

Dis:Wish I could really change the past

bokterier -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/2/2013 16:18:38)

ACC: New people started on our Floorball team today!
ACC: Got some new friends on the new school! ^_^
Diss: Food is really expensive in the cafetheria...
ACC: My friend invited me to eat asian food! Yeah!

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/2/2013 18:21:57)

???: Got the same call I did a few months ago about Tiger Wrestling...
???: Kind of tempted...

odsey -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 6:50:27)

Dis: Being bullied at school.
Acc: At least its only mental bullying not physical
Acc: Three Days Grace song is so awesome that I don't care anyone that bullied me.
Acc: Got 8/10 at science.
Dis: Math test is coming.

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 6:58:27)

Dis: Eugh... my mother still has another round of chemo to go before she'll be done for a while.

Dis: Then comes the radiation.

Dis: Busybusybusy...

Acc: Did well on all the practices for the GED. Now to find time to squeeze all 5 tests into my schedule since I have a lot of other things piling up.

Dis: So tired lately... just... exhausted. 24/7.

Acc: Mmm... Soybeans.

Dis: Prince is getting awfully clingy... I feel she won't be around by next year. It's worrisome. So I try not to think about it. She's a very old cat (around 19'ish years).

Dis: Nothing good going on. Oh well.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 8:59:22)

DIS: Havent logged into AQ for quite some time
DIS: Laptop backlight spoilt... Cant replace

ACC: Gonna see my dad after 3 months.

ACC: Get my belated Birthday gifts finally!

ACC: Settled down nicely at college, made new friends

ACC: Marshal Mathers LP2 cant wait. FIFA 14, HIMYM, BBT, Supernatural, Castle are close, cant wait.

DIS: Getting real tired, way too many assignments and tests.

ACC: My fave teams on top of the BPL! #LFC #YNWA

Razen -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 19:01:03)

ACC: I started my junior year of high school.
DIS: I really am going to regret my decision to be in Academic Decathlon, and it is only made worse by the fact that I all but carry the team. I also don't want to quit for that reason, plus I like the teacher. It is too bad that the workload is abysmal. >_>

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 21:12:07)

ACC: Same as Razen! (But started last week... I'm jelly...)
ACC: My B-day!
ACC: Old enough for that waiter job at that restaurant I want to work at.
ACC: Getting into Magic: the Gathering!
ACC: Two Planeswalkers in one day, but only bought 3 out of the 5 2014 Core Set Intro Decks with 2 booster packs in each. Will buy the rest whenever dad and grandad send me money.
ACC: Tried Thai food today.
DIS: Did not like. [:'(]

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 22:44:44)

ACC: First day of my new job went well.
DIS: Tired. Long days are long, especially if you try to balance out inadequate sleep with caffeine.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2013 22:49:34)

Acc: Got a week before the start of school.
Acc: Almost have the required amount of hours to qualify for a road test for my driver's licence.
Dis: Scheduling the test will be a whole 'nother story.
Acc/Dis: Two more years left in school including this one. And I still have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.

Razen -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/4/2013 18:31:46)

DIS: Counselors at my school had misinformed me about the AP English III class. It had a Summer Reading Project, and I had been told the opposite.
DIS: I won't have much free time with the immense workload that I will have, so my time on the forums will likely be quite limited.
ACC/DIS: If all goes well, then I should be able to alleviate some of the time constraints that I am currently being faced with.

Dragonman -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/4/2013 20:37:24)

ACC:Haha, School gets easier every year, with an AP prep period, that's an extra 3 hours a week to goof off! And AP Government is waaay easier than AP US. Even when you add AP Calculus AB and AP Chemistry to that.

EDIT: ACC:School has been going on for 3 weeks now, I get what the work will be like all year by now.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/6/2013 4:23:39)

DIS: *sigh* i hate having to read more then 3 pages of comments to catch up with a thread. so many threads i'm not caught up on. kept having to tap off someone elses wifi every other day, internets back on for now. might go out at anytime.
???: got to release some pent up anger on someone, though i don't think the cop chasing him was to happy with the fact that i broke his nose & might have sprained the guy's wrist(not the cop's). it wasn't intentional, just a reflex from the guy pulling out a pocket knife on me. its the first time someones pulled a knife on me sense middle school.

Corvus Corax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/6/2013 22:38:00)

Acc: Since February of this year I've lost 75 lbs.
Dis: 30 more to go to get back to where I want to be.

Aranq -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/7/2013 4:04:39)

???: Back to school tomorrow
ACC: Done everything notable at YWW
ACC: Got The Last Stand Of Dead Men and I am Alice
DIS: I had another ACC, but I forgot it
DIS: I just ate something, and it was bad.

kpnut -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/7/2013 9:16:22)

ACC: birthday today
ACC: didn't forget it this year.

Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/8/2013 20:24:46)

DIS: I thought I just hated shields, but apparently my ire extends toward light switches too.

draketh99 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/9/2013 18:24:15)

Acc- I'm legitimately enjoying my classes this semester ^^ Graphic design is going to suit me much better than computer science did.
Dis- Now if I could only find a way to get homework done while it's slow at work >.>

Dragonman -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/9/2013 20:11:02)

???: Today I pretended to be a radio, to learn spanish. That was a new situation

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/9/2013 21:37:33)

Dis: Not used to the workload I'm dealing with this year. I've always been sort of laid-back throughout high school, and I got good grades and a relatively high class ranking from natural intellect. This year, I decided to apply myself and take more advanced classes. It's going to be a long year.
???: Also been given an entirely new set of responsibilities in my JROTC unit. Not sure what to make of it, but I guess I'll just make do with what I've been given.
Acc: Finally getting some information on my school's sailing club. I've been unable to get any information on it until recently.
Acc: Also starting to volunteer for Red Cross. I've been registered for a few months as a volunteer, but nothing's been happening until now.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/9/2013 22:10:58)

Dis: bad grades D:
ACC: gonna get the assignments i messed up (which are few thankfully) and edit Them :)

DarkFireKiller -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/11/2013 20:53:02)

??? School started last week, and it's my first year of high school.
ACC Things are well, had a few quizzes that I think I did fairly well on.

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