Sir Nicholas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/31/2013 23:16:50)
Good for you Den! I'm extremely glad to hear you're able to find some measure of comfort after a hard time like that. ________________________________________ ACC: I've gotten my cellphone working again, after it unexpectedly shut down. Problem therein was I just had to hold down the hangup button until it switched itself back on. ACC/DIS: Although I may not be able to get my old Youtube Channel back - I can still remake it on this one. I can still post comments and now that I've disabled Google+, I can read my Inbox again. Only thing remains is to re-like and re-favorite all my videos. It's still kind of a bummer because I can't get my account back. Slight DIS: Somebody else purchased the red katana I liked in the store Pica Pica - which was a really nice one. Very similar to my black one, and it would also have made an excellent backup weapon to the one I practice with. ACC: Even so, this just means instead I can focus on getting a longsword without any distractions - that way I can still practice with both east and western styles. The one I've had my eye on is not that much more expensive. ACC: I've gained a new appreciation for other, more exotic blades as a result of practicing with my katana. Its size, weight, reach and shape are all indicative of a different form of swordplay than the one I'm accustomed to - rather than blocking and hammering at my opponent's defense, I redirect their blows, use their own momentum against them. The unique shape of the blade allows for a slightly greater cutting capability than a straight one, which means I have to be more calculating in my strikes. I have to think more about the angle of the attack. DIS: My laptop has become quite annoying to work with. It's still working, but at a snail's pace. Curse this virus and whoever created it!