RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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Mordred -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/2/2013 15:42:48)

ACC: Graduated today.
???: Care more about Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who than that.

Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/4/2013 20:09:29)

DIS: Did I really just wake up at 5 pm? X___X

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/4/2013 20:36:47)

ACC: Only two more weeks of back therapy.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/4/2013 20:53:38)

Dis: School's almost over. Last real school day tomorrow.
Dis: Just started getting to like talking with the people around me.
Acc: Learning more and more how to be socially active and hopefully become less awkward.

Cylia -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/5/2013 8:20:12)

ACC: Last day before Summer Break.

Corvus Corax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/6/2013 7:40:54)

Acc: Gave up diet sodas and fast food several weeks ago and now really notice a positive difference in how I feel on a daily basis. Before my appetite and energy levels would be all over the place. Now everything feels more stable.
Acc: Put a bad relationship firmly behind me. I don't shudder at the thought of it anymore, I just think "yeah, that happened."
Acc: Feeling pretty good about life. ^_^

Hadal Serpent -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/6/2013 13:07:31)

ACC: Summer break just began.
ACC: Found a new hobby.
ACC: I can get back to my writing.
DIS: Unfortunately my perfectionism is getting the best of me.

Travis Touchdown -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/6/2013 13:14:19)

ACC: Despite a very busy week during which I had WAY more fast food than I should, considering I'm trying to do a lifestyle overhaul, I still managed to keep my weight stable. If I can keep it safe during the worst case scenario, I should have little trouble making it work any other time.
DIS: Want to do some work on my writing, but between being busy and my mind being all over the place, I haven't had much luck.
ACC/DIS: Siblings will be done school for the summer three weeks from today. On one hand, I'll get to spend more time with them! Yay! On the other, I'll never get any time by myself. Boo!

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/6/2013 13:45:17)

DIS: I absolutely despise my new neighbors.
ACC: But so does everybody else in my area.
ACC: New job at a book store.

Vagaran -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/6/2013 14:53:33)

HAPPYACC: Got 12 in English! (highest possible grade to get)

OmniM -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/6/2013 20:58:08)

???: I need to visit my old high school and see how my former teachers are doing. It's been seven years since I walk through the hallways of that school and my post graduation experience has been... strange but fulfilling, to say
the least. Man, this talk about high school makes me feel old.
ACC: I did my thirty-minute walking this week (also walked my pet chihuahua Tiny today) so I lost a few pounds.
ACC: Next week my family is going on a vacation so we're going to be prepared for it.
DIS: I haven't been able to work on my novel because of several factors (games, anime, family, exercise, etc.). I'm really hoping to work on it this month.

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/7/2013 11:09:50)

ACC: Finally finished w/ my exams, in other words: School's out. =P
ACC: Passed yesterday's exam, happy about it, especially when they were the hardest exam I took.
DIS: Haven't gotten my EOC Geometry results yet.

odsey -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/8/2013 10:37:00)

Acc: I contacted Heromart about my Dragon Secret book
Acc: 1 day later, I got the book
Acc: The book is so amazing that I will read it more than one time
Acc: The background that Miltonius made is also nice.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/8/2013 13:29:19)

ACC: I found out Adventure Time is on Netflix!

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/9/2013 12:27:15)

Acc: Found my three part "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck". [8D] Nightwish fans may know that Tuomas Holopainen is working on a solo project, an unofficial "soundtrack" for these comics by Don Rosa. I'm hoping for a much richer experience of the album next year when I also have the material that inspired it. The question is... Do I read them now or later?

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/10/2013 12:27:05)

ACC/DIS/???: I received a phone call asking if I was interested in participating in a tiger wrestling tournament...
DIS: I probably can't due to my back.

DragonlordKhan -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/11/2013 13:27:40)

Acc: I'm getting tons of inspiration for Sly Cooper stories on!
Dis: I've got the worst writer's block you've ever seen for my other writing projects[:@]
Acc: There's always Doctor Who and Dragonfable to help![:D]

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/12/2013 3:23:32)

Dis: My old e-mail account was hacked. ;_;
Acc: At least I didn't use it frequently anymore.

Alpha Seagull -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/13/2013 5:35:44)

Dis: Ted Dwane from Mumford and Sons, got admitted to hospital for a blood clot in his brain
Acc: He is better now, and it has been removed.
Dis: It could have been so much worse, and he could have died.
Acc: Well he didn't.

10inchesjedi -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/13/2013 15:37:35)

Acc: I like coming back here from time to time and see that some of the people that introduced me to this place 6 years ago are still posting.
Dis: I want to come back more often, I love you all, but I don't have the time.

HolyThief -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/13/2013 19:49:03)

DIS: Edexcel C3 exam ... No words ...
Acc: I did better than i expected
Dis: Made silly silly mistakes
Dis: Im 100% sure i did worse than my Jan take at it.
???: I still have a shot at A* in maths cept now i dont have a backup module, so no leeway for me.
Dis: C4 will also be a "replacement" paper (like C3 and M2 both of which were ridiculous hard)

Mordred -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/14/2013 17:29:12)

DIS: Main TV won't work. I think the lamp burnt out.
DIS: Was just starting to play Mass Effect 3 after completing 1 and 2.
ACC: We have a second TV.
DIS: My PS3 won't seem to work on it, despite hooking it up correctly and it having worked in the past.
DIS: Not sure what to do.

ACC: Google and a friend on Twitter helped me find a solution. Mass Effect 3 can continue! ... After downloading the extended cut. XP

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/15/2013 2:56:56)

Acc: Saw The Man of Steel movie. It was pretty great, had its downsides of course. My only real complaint was ALOT of cliche's were in it.

Acc: Got a bit of work done around the house... finally got this really bulky chair upstairs.

Dis: Next up! Deciding what to do with the ceiling. Why Dis? Cause a whole grand might have to be forked over for it on one hand... it'd be worth it though... [>:]

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/15/2013 14:34:26)

DIS: This has happened to be 4 times today already.
ACC/???: I like it so much I bought it.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/16/2013 2:27:42)

Acc: I have laid the foundation of what I believe to be a great piano cross cover of My Chemical Romance's Summertime and Pierce the Veil's Hold On 'Till May. Hopefully I can improve it and maybe even perform it with a friend.
Acc: Finals are over and I have my summer ahead. I feel ready for this time that I can use for myself.

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