RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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i like bounty hunter -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/1/2013 12:37:29)

DIS : Reports Cards on 10th July
DIS : Did not too good on Chemistry
ACC : Almost every other subject I'll get 40+ out of 50
ACC : 2 moths holiday
DIS : 2 months holiday
DIS : No more gaming when school starts [:(][:(][:(]
DIS : No more Forums,No More AE

Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/5/2013 23:33:38)

Dis: Whenever I cut my hair, the right side always grows out of proportion to the rest.
DIS: In trying to fix it, I screwed up all the rest of my haircut.
DIS: I was trying to grow it out dammit.
DIS: Way way way more upset about this than I should be. Like violently want-to-scream-and-rip-things-open furious.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/6/2013 5:10:26)

Dis: Motorhead tour cancelled. :(

jream -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/7/2013 8:40:46)

ACC: Got into my schools honors program
ACC: Student Government President
ACC: got into Phi Theta Kappa
DIS: haven't had time for my stories

Corvus Corax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/8/2013 2:27:46)

Dis: 14 hours ago I minced a huge pile of jalapenos for a BBQ party without wearing gloves. My hands are still on fire. :(

Hallodeath -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/8/2013 11:48:22)

ACC: Had School music festival.
ACC: Played A7X - Buried Alive.
ACC: Everyone loved it, and the girls old my guitar skills were beautiful :D
ACC: Am Famous nao, hyuk hyuk.

10inchesjedi -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/8/2013 20:07:11)

Love story time.

In March I met the only girl that has managed to actually confuse me. I can't read her. I can't understand her.
But I can't stop thinking about her. She invited me to participate in her group's play. I obviously accepted. Her parents adore me. Her dad even bought me a beer.

The first time I met her we talked for like 2min, and I didn't really care. But then we got properly introduced. Drank a cup of coffee, few days later we went to a sushi place, etc, etc.

I'm a masochist. She makes my brain hurt and I like it.

Everyday I think of my late dog. All I want when I'm about to fall asleep is to hug her like I did for 14 years.

Corvus Corax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/9/2013 4:21:37)

Acc: Found a Filipino restaurant not too far from me! Oh lumpia, oh pancit, oh adobo... It's been far too long.

Tha Killa -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/9/2013 9:45:45)

Acc:Had a mental 4 day/3 night party at a chalet with loads of people, so awesome!

Dis:Messed things up with this girl, what an idiot I am[>:]

liamliam1234liam -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/10/2013 21:59:07)

Well, here are some really old ACCs and some new ones.

ACC: Was accepted into the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.
ACC: Was awarded Kimberly-Clark's $20,000 scholarship.
ACC: Somehow managed to get a B in my English 381 class, even though I effectively did all the work the day of class each week and barely read anything.
DIS: Because the class was so advanced, I have very little desire to take other English classes. Analyzing Shakespeare would feel like a step backward after Foundations of Literary Criticism, a class normally taken by collegiate juniors and seniors.
DIS: Was just .04 GPA short of graduating Summa Cum Laude. Stupid arbitrary GPA cut-off; I had more advanced classes than any other kid in the school, but nooooooo. Ah, well, it does not matter, but still.
DIS: Got a B in my bloody Anthropology class because I started slacking hardcore.
ACC: Set the curve on the first Anthropology test, though.
ACC: Going to take a Science Fiction course while in college, which will be awesome.
ACC: Graduated high school.
ACC: Because of AP scores and college classes, I will be entering college with 70 credits.
DIS: I have no idea what I want my major to be.
ACC: I got a 4 on the Comparative Government and Politics AP test despite having never taken the class and only skimming through the textbook for an hour.
ACC/Minor DIS: I also got a 4 on the United States Government and Politics test despite actually taking the class. Minor because it is still a good score, but it is just sad that apparently I got nothing out of the class.
Minor DIS: I got a 3 on the Macroeconomics test even though I read the blasted Barron's book. I guess I am just awful at Macroeconomics. Minor DIS because I still got credit.
DIS: Last year, I got a 1 on my Statistics AP exam (did not study at all, took the class six months earlier). Was it not for that test, I would have been a National AP Scholar.
ACC: As far as AP scores are concerned, I got 4s on Calculus (little outside studying), Psychology (about an hour of outside studying), and United States History (no outside studying) last year, a 4 on European History (no outside studying) two years ago, and 5s on both English tests (no outside studying).
Minor DIS: Got a 3 on the AP Biology test two years ago even though I kind-of studied for that. Minor because I still got credit.
DIS: Got a 2 on Macroeconomics two years ago, although to be fair I did not study and was just awful in the class.
Minor DIS: I only tested out of two semesters of French, out of my required four. My friend tested out of three years of German despite taking fewer years of it and not having taken a German class in a couple of years.
DIS: Could not find a job, and I am having trouble finding a job for next year.
ACC: Dating a girl for the first time. It is going moderately well. She is a couple years below me (I am only ten months older, chill out), though, so it should be interesting to see what happens when I head off to college.

Does that cover everything? I think so.

Dragonman -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/11/2013 13:51:49)

Mega ACC: 5 on my AP US exam!

Snake XZ -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/11/2013 14:30:14)

Epic Acc: Dat AP Chem SWAG! 5!
Acc: 5 on APUSH too!
Acc: 4 on English(No studying!)
Acc: Sat Subject tests: 800 on Chem, 760 on US History.

kors -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/14/2013 0:08:11)

ACC: got to ride a segway for the first time
DIS: after the eight mile tour my feet ached quite a bit.
ACC: it was a fun tour of Minneapolis, Minesota. If anyone wants a tour be sure to check out Human on a Stick.

Twighlight Sky -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/18/2013 0:41:03)

ACC: Comic Con coming up.
ACC: Just found out Andrew Hussie (creator of Homestuck) is doing signings nearby.
MEGA ACC: Planning on going to the Doctor Who and Supernatural Panels.

Travis Touchdown -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/19/2013 22:18:41)

ACC/DIS: So, my bedroom just had a close encounter with half of a ~60 foot tree. We had a storm earlier, and when we came home we found roughly half a tree that had just NARROWLY avoided plowing into my room. ACC because, well, it missed; DIS because there's about four other trees that could hit it in the same conditions. Clearly, that patch of trees will need to go, but I have no idea when that will be.

Alchemist Gira -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/20/2013 14:13:27)

ACC:today is my 17th birthday!
ACC:Rated R movies are legal now xD
ACC: going have fun at party!

Cataclysm -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/22/2013 0:40:43)

Acc: I had my first two hurling matches today.
Acc: The second one was probably one of the most fun hours I've had all summer, even if I was stuck covering one of the best players in the Northwest (I picked up the sport ~2.5 months ago).
Dis: My calves are burned something fierce.
Dis: Face is burned too.
???: My arms don't seem to be burned (badly, should be okay in a couple days I think), but I have a hilarious tanline from the gloves I was wearing during the game. Get to my wrists and suddenly everything goes white.

Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/23/2013 0:04:24)

???: Just got back from Starbucks, listening to Bob FM the whole way. As we pull into my neighborhood, Bob starts blasting Eye of the Tiger...right as a dude rides past on a bicycle. My life is literally 80s cliches.

Twighlight Sky -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/24/2013 1:10:49)

A little late in posting this, but here are my (dis)accomplishments from Comic Con.

ACC: Free Andrew Hussie signature a few days earlier outside the con
ACC: Got in line 6 PM Saturday night for the Doctor Who and Supernatural Panels Sunday morning.
ACC: Made a new friend in line and chatted about Homestuck.
ACC: Got my badge to get in just in the nick of time.
DIS: Woken up at 5 AM by Comic Con workers to get the line moving.
DIS: Missed seeing Misha Collins running around past fans in line due to A: getting my badge at the time and B: him visiting people further back in line.
ACC: Supernatural Panel was hilarious.
Uber ACC: Felicia Day came!!!!!
DIS: Baffled by the Breaking Bad panel, having never watched the show. It seemed rather depressing and dark, but it left me nonetheless somewhat curious.
ACC: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ACC: 50th Anniversary Trailer!
ACC: Mark Gatiss' film on the origins of Who looks amazing.
DIS: I did not get some of the Game of Thrones references about David Bradley. Something about wedding invitations...
DIS: Moffat made us re-watch the deaths of the Ponds.
DIS: Moffat feels no remorse.
ACC: Craig Ferguson was hilarious.
DIS: After the panels, I did not have much time to explore the Exhibit Hall.
DIS: Most of the stuff was sold out.
ACC: Bow Tie+Fez for $10!
DIS: Mediocre selection at the Lego booth.
ACC: Lovely new $30 Council of Elrond set.
DIS: Very. Tired.

Xplayer -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/26/2013 11:40:38)

Acc: After almost 8 hours of building, installing, troubleshooting the complete lack of sound on the motherboard, and stressing out, I finally have my dream machine. Will post pics.

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/26/2013 11:47:55)

A great sacrifice was made today. The accomplishment was taking the courage to sit down in a salon chair and get 4-5 years of hair just cut off. So now I need to get used to short hair, but I think it'll be fine. Still hot. [8D]

Or hotter. Probably depends on who you're asking. I might complete my new look with a lip piercing. Been considering that since I was like 14...

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/26/2013 19:36:36)

ACC: At AnimeIowa.
ACC: Enjoying every second of it.

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/28/2013 13:16:57)

Dis: Good lord I am looking awfully pasty these days.

Acc: Full weekend of quiet... didn't get any relaxation though...

Acc: Understanding everything for what I need to study for my GED.

Dis: Forgetful. I gotta go over some things again.

sean.2 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/28/2013 22:58:45)

Acc: Decided to minor in Digital Forensics!!!

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/28/2013 23:13:55)

List of convention-related stuff:

ACC: Had a ridiculous amount of fun.
ACC: Got several things, including two bumper stickers, an awesome watch (clockwork watch with visible gears. Also, it's self-winding), three buttons, and six portraits from a Hasbro-commissioned artist (who's an amazing person, to boot. I fanboyed out after finding out how awesome she is).
ACC: The artist in question is the one who's going to do a majority of the art in the Equestria Girls comic. And yes, she's a huge supporter of the fandom as a whole, from target-audience fans to bronies/pegasisters. Also, she's in agreement that Rarity is best pony.
DIS: Minor falling out with a friend.
ACC: Other than that, it was a nearly perfect weekend.

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