has it rly changed (Full Version)

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ambien -> has it rly changed (4/19/2013 10:05:57)

when l 1st started playing ed there was non varium and varium players. there was a power battle with weapons some of the varium weapons where strong well all of them where strong,compared to the nons varium weapons. then enchantments came along to help out the game for non variums .

then the varium weapons became stronger, so it again it seemed uneven for nons to play vs varium players. alot of players got mad and epicduel game play fell off some.

the staff said we got to have a change to try to make the game fair for all players so omega was released. you could buy varium weapons with credits and also varium was still sold to buy weapons faster.
still players to me kinda still are made at the game . for one azraels pistol which forces the other player to attack you, only got with varium.

alot of people are mad they say unfair weapon . the only way to get that package of weapons is to buy a 10k pack which cost money to get the weapons, but this is a still a pay game for items you want, it cannot be all free. l have now seen posts on the forums again people are mad because the staff has not still got it right they say, releases are slow, cannot battle npcs
for games wins, only 2 rooms open most of the time for game play, lagg is bad, takes forever for 2v2 games an on and on it goes.

some things l can see but rly have we gone back to the days of old with players that cannot be happy with the game know matter if they got every thing they wanted, l hope not.
yes l have seen game play slow way down and yes rooms are only 2 most of the time and at any given time any player can win more, and yes luck does play in the game.

l would like to see the people who get mad go an right the codes for this game to improve the things they dislike once it takes time players for all the bugs to get worked out of any game. plz just give them time .

my thoughts on this subject.
always the syfy

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 10:20:01)

seriously, how many threads like this had to be made over and over again and then get locked or deleted, i can see some people's frustrations but there is no point to discuss it since it would end up with blaming the devs and flaming.

Raiii -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 10:23:52)

You're right, Syfy.

Since Beta, Varium has been ruling the game and players who can't or couldn't afford Varium always wanted equality

The game has progressed to the Omega stage and I guess things still are pretty same - a certain build/class is OP, Varium rules, some people are quitting while others are coming in.

The game, I guess, is still, in a way, the same as before but it is obviously changing.

It may not be considered improving by some, but others think otherwise too.

I guess I haven't really thought about that recently, about the past.

Despite how the present defines what we are and how the game is, I guess the past still heavily affects where Epic Duel currently stands.

I guess things haven't changed so much, for better or worse.

@Trizz - I think what Syfy's doing here is doing the opposite of making a complaint thread. I think she's stressing how the game hasn't changed, in some matters, and that we shouldn't really go ape on balance issues and other problems that occurred in Omega


ambien -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:10:16)

ty for that l am not mad at the game never have been mad . the point l was making is not down grading ed at all, l love this game to me, take the good with the bad ed has come a long way from which it started. l give gratz to the staff in all they have done and to the mods that bust their behinds to trying to make ed a great gaming site.

l do be think in time every thing will work out. and for TRizZCENTRINO u have done a great job with weapon designing gratz to u. we need people like u to keep it up.

and right this not a complaint thread at all never has been . if you look at the other threads some of do complain l was just bringing out what some are saying,l never attacked eds in this thread at all.
l have great reguards for the staff and what they do everyday. as u know me the syfy dnt beat around the subject when l post on ed forums, l try to be fair and to me l think this is a very fair post.

the day l ever quit ed will be when l cannot use my mouse no more.
my thoughts
always the syfy[:)]

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:15:08)

thanks, if it is not a attacking thread then i think it is fine, it's the other players that im worried about, you know, the ones that comes to the forums just to unleash their anger and to troll ppl.

frogbones -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:18:40)


Just as you feel the need for defending ED, others feel the need to call them out for their mistakes.

That's what happens in a real-life business. [;)]

Get used to it.

goldslayer1 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:22:27)

yup, some call them out for their mistakes, and others praise/defend them.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:28:28)

@frogbones @goldslayr1 ah i see, so you two are the negatives of this community, instead of being optimistic, picking on other's mistakes seems to be the better option for you

i am not praising or defending them, just that i know how hard they are working RIGHT NOW just to deliver the release to you guys ASAP, they are working at their maximum.

i'm sure you never tried that so you wouldn't know

goldslayer1 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:35:04)


ah i see, so you two are the negatives of this community, instead of being optimistic, picking on other's mistakes seems to be the better option for you

if i was being negative, i wouldn't be wasting (over 7k posts in the forums) so much time making suggestions to improve the game that are most likely not going to be implemented.

you cannot rectify something you dont see, im pretty sure plenty of people are making the devs see whats wrong.

and yeah i tried being optimistic.
i been making suggestions on improving the game since gamma.
but it hasn't gotten better.

omega made it worse, and it shows by the amount of people that are leaving day after day. (doesn't matter how many new low lvls the game gets. most old players are starting to leave and it shows)

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:39:27)

smaller team remember? they have only gotten 3 new members since gamma, and disturbed is only a assistant artist so he cannot help them develop full-time

and what would those suggestions be?

omega is like a completely new game that still needs alot of fixes and adjustments, give it time, i'm sure there would be more interestin releases in the next few months, like wars and weekly missions etc..

ansh0 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:39:55)


You know, this is real life. Not dreamland.

It cannot be all happy and optimistic.

When the devs let players down, when players are dissapointed, they should show their dissatisfaction so that the devs know they did something wrong.

That's like saying "It's cool, bro." to Titan when the team releases instant-win core.

I know they are working at their maximum, so should I drop down to their feet and worship them?

Their is something called criticism if you've heard of it.

This is the biggest aspect of a game, listening to your playerbase.

What you mean is that we should stop complaining so devs keep going on without know what went wrong etc.

Come on man, really?

frogbones -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:43:48)

Most other businesses with ED's track record would have failed by now. They are consistently late, make false promises/statements, and have zero interaction with their community. If I performed my job like they do theirs, I'd be looking for work.

Look, we get it. You're a fanboy. It's your job, as well as the moderators, to go against my point of view and silence us.

So go ahead and tell us how hard they work. Blah, blah, blah.

The thing is, you're new. You don't know any better.

So forgive us, but you just lack credibility when it comes to these matters.

goldslayer1 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:43:58)


and what would those suggestions be?

plenty of balance suggestions.
faction improvements, etc.

especially factions.
factions is what kept me in this game this long.
now my faction isn't active anymore as most officers quit, leader quit. and other members quit because the game isn't enjoyable anymore.


omega is like a completely new game that still needs alot of fixes and adjustments, give it time, i'm sure there would be more interestin releases in the next few months, like wars and weekly missions etc..

im really not interested in wars after what they did with the infernal war.

and missions IMO are dull. it just feels like a chore rather than a mission.


TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:52:10)

ansh0 actually they do know everything that the player base says, they are fixin the problems right now as far as i know.


That's like saying "It's cool, bro." to Titan when the team releases instant-win core.
that's just ridiculous


I know they are working at their maximum, so should I drop down to their feet and worship them?

so you should know that they are only human and all humans make mistakes and have their limits


Their is something called criticism if you've heard of it.
yes i give that to people everyday, but it is not constructive, so it is pointless


This is the biggest aspect of a game, listening to your playerbase.
as i mentioned before, they do, but it is not as simple as you think


What you mean is that we should stop complaining so devs keep going on without know what went wrong etc.

Come on man, really?

what i mean is actually give constructive feedbacks instead of telling then to nerf this nerf that because you can't beat them, or saying that the egg hunt is boring and lame. really? i don't think comments like these helps the game at all.

lots of players make suggestions but they never thought it through.


im really not interested in wars after what they did with the infernal war.

and missions IMO are dull. it just feels like a chore rather than a mission.

so do something useful and suggest what could make them fun, if they are good enough I'm sure it would be implemented in the next war, i send them player suggestions that i think would make the game more fun everytime i see one.

@froggy i knew you were gonna say something like that, seriously say something more creative.

Ranloth -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:52:49)

Yet no one forces you to do the missions. They are storyline, just like AQW has their quests being repeated over and over but different description. If you don't care about the story, don't do the missions. They aren't a chore but a story + you get reward(s) for completing them. Don't want it? Don't do it. >_>

Your faction quit? That's less competition for newer players! \o/ People can catch up at last! \o/ Woo! \o/ Just so you know, Devs expected players to quit with the new changes and at the same time, new or older players would join in. There's a drawback to every decision. Not everyone will like given changes and will quit, whilst it may have the opposite effect on someone else. What players may see and assume playerbase is declining may not be even true, because these are random guesses and mere observation of servers and such, whilst they have the access to accurate data and can compare the numbers and revenue, to see whether they are making profit or a loss.

ambien -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:53:49)

wow if u look at the heading has it rly changed, seems that some missed the boat ride here. l am saying on all the post that have been since ed has started is( game problems within the game )people been posting right. everyday some players say the game lags, again 2v2 is slow, no npcs battles count as wins no more, some weapons are varium only brought, no way else to get them.

have mods still doing their jobs yes and they are good at it, has the staff been trying for new releases yes they are doing the best they can. gamming rooms still the same yes for the amount people playing yes still the same np with that. as far as people trolling as TRizZz put it has not changed or even as he said to unleash their anger has not changed. l wish it would but maybe people will change

if you look at the post like l said has it rly changed look for selvs people are mad still get angry and some are rude, unleash angry and troll as TRizZz said so has it rly changed.

u make the call . like l said this not a down grade post of ed never has been .l love this game l am neither defending it or praising it like goldslayer1 said. and l am not calling the staff out like
frogbones is saying either.

has it rly changed the angry people use and say in the ed forums u make the call.
this is just a game to play . l like it alot and l think alot of players like it alot.

my thoughts
always thesyfy[:o]

ansh0 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:59:54)


so you should know that they are only human and all humans make mistakes and have their limits

So you agree that they made mistakes, we should let them know about it.

Pretty much 90% of your posts are saying "Don't complain guys"


yes i give that to people everyday, but it is not constructive, so it is pointless

So a game breaking bug is reported. But the OP didn't use the correct template? Is it pointless then?


what i mean is actually give constructive feedbacks instead of telling then to nerf this nerf that because you can't beat them, or saying that the egg hunt is boring and lame. really? i don't think comments like these helps the game at all.

Um... That is feedback.

"Egg hunt is boring"

Thats what someone thinks, and it's perfectly okay.

"You should nerf X because Y"

You know... that is feedback too.

I don't know how one would put those in other words.

Your post just proved my point.

I am pretty sure if they just delete all the varium in all accounts you would STILL defend them.

Jeez, didn't your parents ever scold you for doing something wrong?

Drianx -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 13:59:56)


Actually with the current (lack of) strategy, they cannot count on any precise amounts of players to remain loyal because they simply cannot and never do answer to the following questions:
- what new features will come in the next 6 months?
- how will the gameplay expand in 6 months?
- will balance be better in 6 months from now?

In my opinion, after you have run a game for 3 years and made some money with it you should be able to answer those. But they aren't.
You should be able to know how to keep players excited and waiting in excitement for you to deliver even more excitement.
But sadly there is no long-term strategy to improve the game, or at least I can't feel it.

goldslayer1 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 14:03:00)


Yet no one forces you to do the missions. They are storyline, just like AQW has their quests being repeated over and over but different description. If you don't care about the story, don't do the missions. They aren't a chore but a story + you get reward(s) for completing them. Don't want it? Don't do it. >_>

im saying missions should be more interesting.
doing 300 wins on broken balance is ridiculous for a "mission"


Your faction quit? That's less competition for newer players! \o/ People can catch up at last! \o/ Woo! \o/

the point is, no other faction was willing to go the distance and reach the high all times because it isn't worth it.

u literally get nothing except another number added to ur faction page.

this is why there has only been 2 major risings in daily faction solo all time since gamma pretty much.
if factions were improved, more players would enjoy it, and thus increase competition.
however balance is the 2nd half of this.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 14:05:19)

@ambien well the game has changed a bit but not much, feature wise, there is alot of areas/maps items and other contents, but yeah, there could be more ways to make the game more interesting, the problem is that they have real-life problems to deal with too, they have vacations, family visits and PAX.

most people are still the same though, the whole point of omega is to bring in new players, because they know for a fact that higher leveled players usually quit the game as they get older, so they made every item usable on any level.

you have the right attitude.

@ansh0 there are 2 types of feedbacks, pointless feedbacks and useful feedbacks, most of the feedbacks i see are pointless, they don't point out which area needs improving.
and your comments are getting pointless too, i mean seriously, using such ridiculous examples bores me.

i am getting away from this, i wouldn't want a good discussion topic like this to be ruined/locked.

DunkThatOreo -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 15:13:43)

Epic Duel has not changed but at the same time it has in someway. Whats so fun about it these days? No one is willing to go farther than the bare minimum anymore. The game is at a standstill and it will remain
that way untill the devs actually CHANGE something. These missions are so bland, the battles really want to make me just shut down my computer because of how depressing they are, I say depressing because
its the same thing over and over. There is NO creativity or excitement in battles these days. There's no limits to go beyond anymore. Has epic duel really changed...no and that's the problem. You may say I'm just complaining
and not saying anything constructive but whats the point! I'll just be put down anyway by people like triz. Change is what we need, and the team isn't willing to do that, they're only willing to do the bare minimum now. When was
the last time we had balance changes? Exactly, goodbye.

Mother1 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 15:20:44)

@ dunkthatoreo

Actually the last set of balance changes happened on the 22 of march and to be honest they are doing way more balance changes now they they were doing in delta.

ansh0 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 15:22:04)

^Which was a month ago.

So for 1 month, where the hell has balance been?

jzozezjzozez -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 15:25:15)


goldslayer1 -> RE: has it rly changed (4/19/2013 15:26:01)


There is NO creativity or excitement in battles these days.

^ this

6 classes with with overlapping skills can only take u so far.
theres 6 classes and 43 different skills. (should be 66)

IMO we need to just get rid of classes. and allow players Custom Class/Skilltree

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