Botanical Hazard (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:12:49)

i was facing a friend in a challenge match
and i noticed that he used the Poison Spores effect... 3 times.

i dont mean like 3 turn poisons.
i mean he used the core, i had poison for 4 turns, then he uses core again. another 4 turns of poison. then again and another 4 turns of poison.
he was not able to attempt a 4th time because match didn't last that long.

does anyone else have an issue with it being repeatable? as in the poison effect.

odsey -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:17:08)

Agreed. It is too op. The poison is fine, but maybe make it once per battle?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:18:20)


but all this is doing is promoting 5 focus tanks even more.
(specially that new armor core)

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:21:07)

The effect vades after each heal, easy to negatate.
It should be usable consistently or it would be the most useless core ever.

Mother1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:21:17)

I was wondering why they didn't make the poison one time use when it was used against me. Even with field medic as a counter to poison now it is still OP.

odsey -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:21:28)

@Goldslayer Alright,I don't have any ideas left. Maybe reduce the poison damage?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:23:42)

Field medic shouldn't be a counter to poison.

HP should be turned into a new stat.
which offers Health, Stun resistance, and poison resistance.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:26:00)

Maybe make it so assault bot can counter it?

odsey -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:26:36)

@Golslayer I thought stun resistance is affected by support?

Mother1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:28:39)

@ duel

I highly doubt they will do that with the assault bot. I remember sometime ago they said they didn't want one robot being able to counter another (In the past the Azreal's borg could counter the bio borg's thorns) Making the assault bot be able to counter poison would be doing that once again.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:28:56)


I thought stun resistance is affected by support?

it is atm.

but stuns are static.
you cannot improve with support. you can only decrease them.

so stun resistance should be on HP IMO.

Crits, Blocks, and Deflects are 2 way stats. (increase ur chance, decrease enemy chance)
but stuns is static. it never increases. it can only decrease.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:29:07)

It is not OP in any way.
First off, the hit always deals 3 damage (just tested, even on rage only 3 damage).
Then 8/9 poison each turn, 1 heal at the 2nd dot and it has only dealt 19-21 damage.
Which is way to low in comparison with other effects, like IA, Yeti's and Bunny's

goldslayer1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:30:27)

never said it was OP.
simply asking what people think.

odsey -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:31:19)

@Goldslayer I guess you've got a point. Also,I like your idea about vitality.How would poison and stun resistance works in vitality?

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:36:48)

Gold, who said i accused you fo saying its OP?
It was directed to Odsey and mother who did say it was OP.

odsey -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:38:08)

@Blitzex Yes, Field medic could counter it. But field medic has 4 turn cooldown and the bot special could be used more than once.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:39:25)

well i was thinking there should be a Default stun resistance.
like 10% for example.
for every X amount of HP higher than my enemy. i have higher stun resistance in %s.

as for poisons.
poison damage should be % based.

for example, 15% of total enemy HP into DOT for X amount of turns
however the enemy has X more Vitality, so he has Y% more poison resistance

say for example, enemy has 2% resistance.

if i use max poison at 15%, he resists 2% of the damage. so it would be 13% DoT on the enemy.

poisons resistance IMO should also be able to go negative.

like if have more Vitality than my enemy, my enemy has -2% resistance.
so instead of doing 15% damage for poison, it does 17%

(these are just ideas and example numbers though.)


Gold, who said i accused you fo saying its OP?
It was directed to Odsey and mother who did say it was OP.

u should post a reply (like @mother1 or @odsey, or a quote.) u make it sound like ur directing it towards the OP.

odsey -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:50:21)

@Gold I guess I could agree with that. However I think that should be a cap for those.

Leprechaun -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 2:58:42)

The Spores are useless, the bot is epic :D
Would be cooler without sunglasses thought :P

Mother1 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 3:06:50)

@ goldslayer

My issue with this core even if the effect can be cancelled with heal is that is a free (Energy wise) repeatable toxic grenade. Even regular toxic grenade and venom strike cost you energy to use, and even with reroute with TLM it isn't easy to loop where as this bot's effect it is. Plus it is available every 3 turns where as field medic has a 4 turn cooldown.

Leprechaun -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 3:20:22)

But it is weak. The poison isn't worth using cuz If you are not 5 focus then Its SUPER WEAK and if you are you waste a strong hit for 3dmg+8-9 poison...

ansh0 -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 3:22:32)

Man all the devs have done with Omega is force people into using focus.

Leprechaun -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 3:45:51)

The spores actually need a BUFF! If you don't have focus, you do almost nothing with poison, If you have 5 focus why waste a strong hit for 3dmg+8-9 poison?

theholyfighter -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 4:48:42)

Use Field Medic then? Perfect counter.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Botanical Hazard (4/20/2013 4:58:15)


If you have 5 focus why waste a strong hit for 3dmg+8-9 poison?

1. Overall it deals more dmg then a normal hit.
2. Some players actually heal in 1st turn to negate the effect, so it means they waste their heal.

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