mmmm that's some good build copying (Full Version)

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ScarletReaper -> mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 10:57:42)

Sooooo, about a month ago I made a plasma cannon build on my bloodmage, and didn't see a single other one using it. Now today I get on and play and over half the bloodmages I face have a plasma cannon build. LOL I guess that makes me feel good that they thought my build was good enough to copy, but at the same time annoys me that they can't come up with their own build. -_-

goldslayer1 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:00:37)

plasma cannon build is nothing new.
i tried one in delta when PC was new, but it sucked. thats why u didn't see many using it.

and yes copying is a problem.
i bet if all BMs use PC builds, the forum sheep will come and complain about how its OP.
then its nerfed only because it was copied by the masses.

Ranloth -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:01:07)

Or perhaps the fact Plasma Cannon was fixed? It was bugged with these Crits and it was fixed last week thus it got stronger (compared to the bugged version). People using Cannon pre-date you, by far, but there weren't as many due to likelyhood of Cannon not Critting (bug).

There's some variety at least. Build wasn't yours, unless it's 100% copy. Only because they use it now a bit more often doesn't mean your build was copied. <.<

ScarletReaper -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:06:41)

I don't claim to be the first to ever use it seeing as bloodmage has been around for like a year and a half to 2 years now..... just saying I found it funny. Also yea, they pretty much have the exact same stats and skill placement I was using also. ^_^

Mother1 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:13:10)

I remember some time back in delta when I was using an old Merc build with max bunker/surgical strike then eventually I went back to TM. Some time later I seen the masses using the exact same build I had used sometime back as well.

I am guessing people saw how effective it was and decided to bring the build back to life.

ScarletReaper -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:16:32)

Yea^ I was sorely tempted to switch to merc and try that build, but decided to switch to cyber instead since I haven't been one in a while.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:23:19)


Blame the game
We are limited with 12 cores that have been used for a period of time.
We need more skills too make that work + we need more level caps then once a year.
More skills, more of a less copying thing going on.

goldslayer1 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 11:35:20)

12 skills i very limiting atm.
for example BH,
you have
Str BH

thats really about it. any other build wouldn't be so effective (well str BH isn't effective anymore but still just a build example)

so there isn't much "Creativity"
sure you make your own builds, but theres a base in which most builds have.

str bh for example
high-ish strength with decent dex, mid level smoke, mid lvl mass.
this is pretty much the basis of str BH.

adding more skills however would cause more problems.
as in making new classes, etc. and quite frankly, i dont trust them anymore to making new classes.

now if it were something like Custom Skill Trees then adding more skills into the pool would be a more viable option.

Cookielord12 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 12:37:38)

I had PC BM at the start of Omega. Naturally I changed as I get bored of builds after a while. I'm probably going to have a class change soon as I've pretty much explored every build viable to BMs.

King FrostLich -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 17:48:07)

I used max PC build long ago when it was on par with bunker buster at that time. I'm not sure if it will still work the same way it used to.

arthropleura -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 18:07:55)

I dont think its a lack of skills, just most of them are usless .-.

Demon Emperor -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 18:27:09)

I used plasma cannon in Delta. :p

Build copying is going to happen, because some people are too lazy or too frustrated with losing to make their own build. Theres also only so many builds that work per class, so you're going to see the same thing. When half the class is using it is when it gets annoying...

kosmo -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 19:34:21)

Copying builds doesnt really make much difference in facts, what s important, expecially in Omega, it s the playstyle.

goldslayer1 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 20:17:36)


Copying builds doesnt really make much difference in facts, what s important, expecially in Omega, it s the playstyle

it makes a huge difference. once builds are copied by the masses, everyone starts complaining about them. then they get nerfed.

build copying is ruining player's creativity if u think about it.
players cant be creative because w/e they do, if it works, it will be copied. and later probably nerfed if enough people complain about it.

kosmo -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/1/2013 21:59:47)

^Wow that s silly.I really dont think that s Rabble s poilicy when making balance

Mother1 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/2/2013 0:19:20)

@ kosmo

It is true though. Creativity < W/L ratio. People could give a hoot about creativity as long as they get a lot of wins with something copied. People would rather copy build and use a winning build than be creative and get clobbered. So people copy build, and when enough people are using it, those who don't want variety, get tired of losing to everyone with the same build Etc come here and make a ton of topics that call for a builds nerf. Most of said people do this because it is the one build their build can't clobber and it is giving them loses. Then eventually the build is nerfed, people adapt and the same crap happens again.

However this could all be avoided if build weren't visible. If you want the build you would have to ask the person for it instead of just copying it.

Drianx -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/2/2013 2:05:29)

^Totally agreed with Mother1, except for the build hiding.
In my opinion, hiding the build would only delay build copying.
There's a ton of easy ways to get a good build:
- Ask for one in OZ 6 /7/8, whatever it is now
- Ask for one on forums
- Ask for one from your faction leader or someone popular
- Beg for one when you meet someone who is in daily leaderboard with a good ratio

In my opinion, it would only turn into something like (Fame Begging + Faction Invite Begging) x 938475567654.

Plus many would ragequit or simply demand for NPC wins to be added to win count again.

Plus it will be chaos during fights.

white out727 -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/2/2013 10:42:10)

Less build copying? Easy add 2 more skill trees to each class. yes i got that from wow lol... it works thoe because ppl would have three times as many skills therefor making the game more interesting and less likely to have copy builds because ppl will be trying to find that op'd build :p

Kogane No Kishi -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/2/2013 11:28:02)

perhaps an option to hide our build like npc

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/2/2013 12:41:59)

Once I made a low level (20-28) techmage build for fast credit. I had never seen ANYONE with it before. I used it for fast farming to get cyber hunter on my account "Strength Abuse".

I was winning battles in 2-3 turns. About 2 weeks later Almost every techmage had the build.

It was a support and tech based plasma/malf build. (about 40 support and 95 tech)

Dual Thrusters -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/2/2013 20:11:50)


build weren't visible.

- What if you don't know that you are up against a fast kill build? What if its too late before you know what build you're against?

Ex. I fight this merc with insane tech and support. He bunkers me for 30 damage. I would think that he is a tech abuse and malf him: problem solved. The next turn he kills me with artillery strike.

This would be a good idea if we are limited to only using specific builds. Otherwise, you cannot defend yourself.

The wider the build variety, the more this would be a pain in the butt.

midnight santa -> RE: mmmm that's some good build copying (5/3/2013 2:29:41)

Honestly, builds should be hidden. Everyone just copies each other so all the fights are boring and the same.
What would be the use of balance if everyone just uses the same build? LOL

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