RE: How do we make battles longer? (Full Version)

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Ranloth -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 15:13:43)

That'd not even fix luck but make First Strike an insta-win and fight would be pretty much decided on the highest damage, not mentioning if someone was a level below you (thus 4 HP difference or +1 damage), you'd be at a lost position. They exist for sake of variety and strategy. One can maximise blocking potential by going for a Dex build and likewise with deflections.

I really can't believe you've asked the question. It'd pretty much get rid of the strategy, completely. Just like people mocked "LuckDuel", it'd be "AbuseDuel" this time, with no other option to counter it but abusing yourself.

Soul of Shadow -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 17:05:47)

@dark they were invented so stat abusers wouldn't get 100% winrates

Mother1 -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 17:35:26)

@ dark

Then abusers would have even more power than they do now. Tank builds would be getting a nerf, and certain builds that factor these factors into their plans would fail.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 19:57:02)


increasing health would do just fine.

I am envisioning OP massacre builds rising up again :P

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 21:44:56)

Just make hp 2 hp per stat again and reduce the rate of field medic. 1 hp per stat makes field medic recover too much health.

Edit : Also Since Super Charge ( tech mage ) Surgical Strike ( Tact Merc ) and Massacre ( Bounty Hunter ) are so easy to abuse how about for Surgical strike lower the rate of rage removal down to 10% or so, give massacre back its % but remove its ability to recover health when used and move Super charge to increase by support?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 21:48:43)


reducing the health you recover back from them to 10% ?

I think it is fine, 10% might betoo much.

And Massacre only gives back health if you have bloodlust.

santonik -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/2/2013 22:07:27)

I changed every buffs and debuffs in this game. Now those is too strong. Some debuffs effect lucky too.(smoke/malf)
There is few raw suggestion Those can be freely edit

I changed rage too. Now rage is basically every 4 attack. i changed rage littlebit slower maybe 5-6 rounds is rage.

1lvl skill or 10 lvl skill

Some skill can be 1lvl very good. Example emp especially 5 focus 1lvl emp doing about 30+ damage to energy and cost 10 energy.
10lvl emp doing about 47 damage (correct me if im wrong) cost 19 energy. This keeping wondering is this 1 lvl skill too strong or 10 lvl is too weak.
This same ratio system is some skills.
My suggestion is drop that 1 lvl skill damage about 5-20 damage. Depends skill. 10 lvl can do that massive damage.

I nerf that too little bit. No anymore focus per 6 damage. Maybe 5 is better. (No my original suggestion)

Hopefully we are some day longer battles.
My english isnt always perfect but i hope you understand what i mean.

ND Mallet -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/3/2013 10:18:15)

I wouldn't really worry too much about health regens since you're not getting as much from health as you do energy. 17 health does not equal 17 energy by a long way. Yes, it will be giving you a lot of health in the long run but I think the main thing we need to do is just get battles longer, and THEN worry about balancing out some of the other aspects of this. We're not going to get it in one go so I don't see why we should invest too much time in it. As long as the time spent is reasonable then it'll have to do.

goldslayer1 -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/3/2013 10:51:47)


@gold I never mentioned health would make battles longer because it would make it more important than defenses(and yes I know you're referring to me, no one else ever mentions the relationship between health and defenses). I said that making health more important than defenses allows players to overlook 2 entire stats and be better off without them. Also, the game is supposed to be set up so defense>offense. Otherwise skills like Defense Matrix, Reflex Boost and all the other defensive skills would be pointless to use. Why use one of those skills if you're only getting back less or as much? Why should I invest in dex and tech if some guy can invest half as much into strength and be equal to me?

Health is what makes the battle longer (why do u think heal loop battles lasted long)
defense should be equal to offense in terms of progression, if not be more.

Health > Defense = offense
Health > Offense > defense

right now its
Defense > Offense > Health

i came up with another concept recently about bumping HP by ALOT
and making offensive stats progress faster than defensive stats.

so the battle is still longer, and offensive stats get on par with defensive stats in terms of progressions.
also would help to get rid of diminishing returns.

health should be more important than defense.

ND Mallet -> RE: How do we make battles longer? (5/3/2013 10:58:52)

@gold Battle length was never a point in my arguments against raising the stat progression. The argument I made was that it made it more useful than dex and tech in terms of defense. Health better than defense? Should I run into a war with no armor because I can take one more bullet than someone else?

Also, with strength I can get both energy and physical attacks. To defend against both of those, I need to invest in both tech and dex. Increasing just strength gives me a stat advantage over someone who invests in tech and dex. They have to spend double what I would spend. Heck, you already get a stat advantage from strength. 4 strength compared to 3 tech and dex.

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