Baron Dante -> RE: =ED= May 3rd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.13 (5/7/2013 2:28:34)
^it's called giving up your social life for awhile Not really. Seeing how the event lasted for about 1 and half weeks. Average drop rates in several different scenarios for those that didn't do this before the drop rate increase: Average drop rate over the entire event: ~10%. Average drop rate after Achievements were announced: ~14%. Average drop rate after the droprate increase: 15% Depending where ever you started at, you needed a different average amount: Entire event: 1000ish wins After Achievements: 119ish wins After increase: 666ish wins Now, we aren't done yet. Average amount of wins per day? Entire event: ~77ish wins After Achievements: ~142ish wins After increase: ~133ish wins Granted, you wouldn't have known at the start or at achievements that an increase would happen, so your pace would've been higher. You also wouldn't have known Spores are needed. Nevertheless, how fast can one go? 20 wins an hour? So even in the worst case scenario, you'd need about 6.5 hours a day. That's not really that bad. .-. Even better as really, everyone should've had about 10 Purified spores before Achievements and the increase anyways. That cuts another half hour off.