Assimilation (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> Assimilation (5/12/2013 9:20:34)

-Add one more Cooldown

-When it gets blocked, its energy amount gets cut in half

-Decrease its energy amount by 5.

One of those or come up with a new idea...

Getting sick of it. No matter how LOW the dex ofa Glass Cannon TM with Azrael's Curse has, the player keeps on taking your energy. Same goes for Casters. Getting a 100% guaranteed energy over and over, again and again.



How about 15% Energy return when blocked (since 85% damage is blocked and 15% gets through)? And 4 turn cooldown. That would really be more than enough. Decreasing the Energy by more than 3 would make it have +1 EP drain & return until Level 4 (unless sufficient Strength).


How about completely undoing the first buff to assimilation? with the fact that the energy drain is now unblockable, having a max drain of 11 energy and the mage getting half of it is more then enough. With the move not improving at all it can't be abused by caster mages (since they will only get 5-6 energy with it maxed out unlike 11-17 which is see caster TM abusing for plasma bolt) and it can still be used as small energy drain that can counter but not completely destroy the other build.


Leave the removal number the same, make the return 65%.


just make it relative to the amount of damage you do!
dont buff this skill, or change it. make it a % of the damage you do (-weapon, just pure damage).

therefore if you have 15 strength damage, you can deal 50-100% of that damage (based on skill level)
and for block, you get 75% return.

Ranloth -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 9:33:21)

How about 15% Energy return when blocked (since 85% damage is blocked and 15% gets through)? And 4 turn cooldown. That would really be more than enough. Decreasing the Energy by more than 3 would make it have +1 EP drain & return until Level 4 (unless sufficient Strength).

Mother1 -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 10:17:14)

How about completely undoing the first buff to assimilation? with the fact that the energy drain is now unblockable, having a max drain of 11 energy and the mage getting half of it is more then enough. With the move not improving at all it can't be abused by caster mages (since they will only get 5-6 energy with it maxed out unlike 11-17 which is see caster TM abusing for plasma bolt) and it can still be used as small energy drain that can counter but not completely destroy the other build.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 10:30:07)


How about completely undoing the first buff to assimilation?

^ This
when ED makes mistakes, they dont wanna un do, they keep making changes which then makes it worse.

i dont think there was ever a scenario where they undid something completely without having any other twists.

an example is plasma armor, but instead of taking plasma armor away, they decided to nerf other parts of CH. such as static charge.

koudou -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 10:34:04)

True they always try to make more changes instead of just undoing it

Tushar -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 10:38:59)

Just make it half amount of return...

kosmo -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 11:12:14)

i dont tink tm is op, it can be countered from all classes (expect from tlm i think)
this class is replacing some discutible passives combinations whit some rlly good actives, as a bh whit 4 focus if u concentrate the majority of ur points on tech u can reach a +50 emp even on lvl 6, still having a good sinergy whit smoke and bot, so i dont see why this move should be nerfed, if compared to other energy drainers its not so stronger (atom smasher should drain more ep when loked)

Xendran -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 14:32:09)

Leave the removal number the same, make the return 65%.

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/12/2013 19:54:03)

just make it relative to the amount of damage you do!
dont buff this skill, or change it. make it a % of the damage you do (-weapon, just pure damage).

therefore if you have 15 strength damage, you can deal 50-100% of that damage (based on skill level)
and for block, you get 75% return.

that would very much take it down, yet keep it fair

kosmo -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 2:27:57)

Leave it the way it is, when blocked it gains only 65% of total energy drain, tm needed a buff but they pushed it a bit too far expecially in juggernaut and 2v2 its the only class able to do high win ratios at lvl 35

NDB -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 2:36:33)

Lol I'm a Caster TM and I never use it more than twice a game because there's no more energy left to steal! And after I Bolt and then attacked, I gain enough reroute that by assimilating, my energy pool goes over-limit. Makes it harder to loop...

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 6:38:10)

i found a great way to counter them with bounty hunter, so this may not be accessible to all of you.

you have a emp for about 40 (mine is 42, costs 14)
they will come to drain yours right away, have a sidearm arm with energy shot. then tag them with frost shard right away. if they use azreael after, they may be a pickle, but if not, have poison ready. poisons first, then heal with a regenerator, so they still lose health and energy while you just gain it. they give you enough breathing space (and one more turn of their cooldown) to strike. usuallythis gives them always one less than they need (if its max level), and your back to half health and they have about 50% as well.
they are gonna heal, so you can attack, use a gun whatever. generally, this leaves me with 6 energy so they can steal too much. if they do, i havent received much damage and heal more when i attack than what i lost. they might rage first, in which case, with my bloodlust i will have 5-10 health left, but then i rage a strike, which they almost never block cause of low dex.

in short^^^ have A LOT of ways you can drain energy (and health too, they do not reroute off heals)

atom smaher/emp
energy shot
frost shards
poison srike/poison grenade
and if i had a botanicalbot i would use poison from that too.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 10:19:43)

assim is fine as it is!

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 10:47:18)

Just decrease the energy gained.

And then make Atom Smasher unblockable

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 16:26:39)

no, when your blocked, your skill is cut by 45%. thats how it works. thats how it has always worked. they need to apply this to assim. there are countless build abusers who get blocked and dont need to care., but they should because THEY GOT BLOCKED.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 16:29:05)

Assimilation is FINE as it is. Besides it improoves with 9 str (A lot) and does 85% damage having the highes CD of all.

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 17:13:23)

no its not fine. its the only strike attack which works 100 % even when blocked.
thats like blocking a stun from merc, but still getting stunned.
or blocking a massacre and yet it having no effect.

no, when a block happens, the skill must be penilalized too..

its not a debuff, its a dont regain 25% of 100% of your potential damage with bloodlust, you regain only what damage you do. cutting it by 45% is what needs to be, to make it in line with every single other skill out there. it doesnt deserve special privilieges..

goldslayer1 -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 17:27:28)


no, when a block happens, the skill must be penilalized too..

its not a debuff, its a DRAIN...

this would include malf, smokescreen and intimidate too?
because u are technically draining their tech/dex/strength even if its just for a short amount of time.

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/15/2013 17:31:09)

there is a big difference between draining and lowering... for one

also, i misphrased that, its not draining, its leeching.

and i i mentioned that those debuff skills are the only ones that dont get changed because its an application move. whereas leeching is not an application, but rather steal, which is more effective than any other strike skill.

thats like if you debuffed 40 dex, you gained 40 dex, or if you lowered 40 tech, you gained 40 tech....
its a different class.

deoxy30 -> RE: Assimilation (5/16/2013 0:43:07)

Actually it isn't op, like when assimilation is blocked, and it does lesser dmg, more energy is swapped against classes with reroute. So it has an advantage all over. But since assimilation does 85% dmg, it is most likely to do 3 dmg against people with 30-36 tech. And it's Strength improvement is very low.


Don't you realise that CH,BH,TLM,Merc have skills that can swap a LOT of energy out of anyone? BM can even defend against SmokeScreen AND gain energy back. I think assimilation is just fine with everything. Plus, only str-sup mages will have 20+ assimilation, and you can easily counter them if you have 30-36 tech, then a good amount of defence and 90+ health.

NDB -> RE: Assimilation (5/16/2013 1:46:37)


atom smaher/emp
energy shot
frost shards
poison srike/poison grenade
and if i had a botanicalbot i would use poison from that too.

You shouldn't have to get every possible energy drain AND poison to be able to defeat a caster mage. I find that when fighting a hunter who uses EMP, I almost always win just because they don't have every single thing you listed.

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/16/2013 8:13:39)


you shouldnt HAVE no, thats right. i dont have the bot, but i still win. so even if you dont have the option for a poison skill, you can buy a bot and make up for it.

gnerally it helps being able ot heal every turn, and still do damage, and waste their energy, without them regenerating.

@ deoxy30

no, merc has no way of exchanging energy. maybe tactical if thats what you were referring to. i really dont care about losing my energy, or the damage they do ( block them around 75% of them time anyways, and they hardly hit more than 3 to begin with). thats not my problem. its the fact of how much they can regain at no risk.

if they aree blocked, they should only regain 50% of what they normally do. Period.
it not about damage.
its not about losing energy.
its about them having an endless source of energy, for a skil that does huge damage at no cost.

Hard boy -> RE: Assimilation (5/16/2013 18:43:10)

if it gets blocked make it drain 100% but no energy retain

DarkDevil -> RE: Assimilation (5/17/2013 3:26:43)

not supported.
the fact that it is nothing compared to other draining skills as emp for me it can drain 35 energy at lvl 3 while assimilation can barely drain 12 energy at lvl 3 but this is not because emp is op as i am tech BH but its rather because assimilation attacks so its not a wasted turn at all where you should count the damage as extra damage to drain as it increases with str so it should mostly benfit str tm althought not many are found.

as it has a high cooldown to not make it very usable so its much like ch energy regen strike except its fused with a drain making it enough as mages doesnt usually have enough stats for str and support and tech and dex and health so its balanced.

Necromantres -> RE: Assimilation (5/17/2013 8:51:20)


nothing compared to other draining skills
and what about atom smasher? energy cost, blockable, no damage, no rage,no energy gain...a mid energy taken...a precentage of damage done but str got nerfed...

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